Guides for product design & development

Looking for Product design tricks ? Very few products offer something that is wholly new and totally revolutionary — whatever their marketing copy might say. The reality is that most new inventions and products are improvements to an already existing method. For anyone to be interested in your product, it has to be innovative, and it has to be innovative in a way that will connect with consumers. You’ve got to have an angle.

Entrepreneur Brian Dean recommends to that product developers apply the skyscraper technique. Dean advises entrepreneurs to evaluate their competitors and identify their best products. Then go back to your product and see how you can make it better than theirs. Does it do something extra? Does it fill more needs than your competitor’s product can? If not, keep working at it. To release a product someone else is already selling and marketing well is a never-ending, uphill battle. You have to improve on that idea and offer consumers not only another option, but a better option. Don’t stick to the status quo. Instead, remember the sky is the limit. See more info at Launching a product.

Making decisions around these concepts will ultimately inform the process of creating each specific brand element such as your logo, website, social media pages, signage and/or packaging. Prioritize brand elements most important to your key customer base. Keep in mind that just because the typical startup template dictates getting a logo, website and business cards first, that may not make sense for every type of business. And because time is literally money when you’re an entrepreneur starting out, you need to focus first and foremost on the touchpoints that have the capacity to drive revenue and sales. While nearly every company needs a basic logo and some sort of web presence, it could be that your Instagram page or even Linkedin profile supercede the need for a full-blown website in the first six months out of the gate if these are where your customers are most likely to find and vet you. Or perhaps business cards are “nice to have,” rather than a “must”, at least at the beginning. Choose and prioritize according to your needs rather than tradition.

Start-Up tip of the day : Learn from criticism: Relentless negativity is of no use to you, but thoughtful criticism can be very valuable. Any opportunity to improve an aspect of your business should be warmly welcomed. Challenge conventional wisdom: Learn to spot when helpful advice is merely a suggestion to conform to the popular paradigm of the times. Source:

Entrepreneur tips from

After decades of leading technical teams at companies like Looker, LiveOps, Netscape and ReadyForce, Lloyd Tabb’s biggest lesson isn’t what you would expect — or want to hear: you’re measuring the wrong metrics. We all are. The numbers that are often elevated within technology companies — from daily active users to revenue growth — effectively compare companies, but don’t necessarily help them run better. He describes these measurements as vanity metrics. Instead, he urges companies to track clarity metrics: operational metrics, such as active engagement minutes that drive growth. To not fall into the vanity metrics trap, Tabb suggests centralizing user activities and milestones into a single event stream. Event streams show a comprehensive view of how people move through your product, enable you to analyze their behavior, and track how your metrics influence each other. Once you create your event stream, he recommends trying a simple exercise: “Count the number of active five-minute blocks your user spent with you in a day and look for clusters of action — and gaps of inaction — in their behavior. It’s a cheap way of understanding what your customers are actually doing. Are they spending a lot of time on a page because they are interested or are they confused? If they are making a purchase, how many pages do they visit before they buy?” asks Tabb. “If you don’t have your data arranged by time in an event stream, you’ll never be able to answer these questions.”

No matter what is the situation, starting with a new plan that completely requires an upfront financial investment and not just your time, drains money. It is very important to understand that you should be financially strong this much in order to pay for necessities like rent, supplies, and inventory (and that doesn’t even include your personal expenses). A high level of practicality is very important for the success. The first thing that budding entrepreneur should keep in mind is that by starting a business of your own, you are allowing yourself to put as many efforts as you can to build your business. This means that you should not waste your time and efforts in any wrong activity and put all your creativity and newness to build your brand further. It will not allow you to watch Game of Thrones, no late night parties, not hanging much with friends for activities. You should be in a code red world where everything works around the growth of your business. It’s a big sacrifice for sure but you have to realize the level related to your commitment. More info can be seen at Entrepreneur resourses.

Given that you cannot live long without money and that your new business will not become profitable from the beginning, it is preferable to start in business while you still have a job and a stable source of income. This will give you a form of comfort and will help you focus on the vital aspects of business development and not just on providing some money for your own survival. Once the business starts to become profitable and you take on more and more time, you can resign. The existence of a support system both during the start-up period and during its development is very important. Try to find support within your family and consult with them when you want to make decisions and need advice. Ideally, you should find a mentor to offer you from his experience. To do this, you could register your business idea in one of the training and consulting programs implemented through European funds such as Entrepreneur 2.0.

This may sound cliché, but my honest advice is to go for it when considering starting a new business venture, despite the fear it may not work out. One needs to adopt the mindset that the whole journey is a big experiment and that “failure” is not an option, because ultimately it is learning and growth that we will get. Focusing on the rewards instead of the fear is the real key to success. – Noor Hibbert, This Is Your Dream LTD Source:

Youtube views tricks

You want to improve your Youtube channel or to increase the views of your videos and you don’t know how? Here are a few methods on how to obtain more Youtube viewers and subscribers.

So, how do you increase your subscriber count? Start by providing value to your viewers. Each video you upload should deliver your best content. If your video fails to deliver value, you will not get repeat views. You should also be consistent. That means posting and updating your content consistently. You can upload a new video each day or once a week. To ensure your videos are the opposite of boring, ensure they are engaging and entertaining. To ask for subscribers, have a compelling call to action. Never assume that your viewers will subscribe automatically. To ensure your viewers click on the “Subscribe” button, take the following steps: Tell your viewers what to do, how to do it, why they should do it. Here is an example: “To learn new baking tricks and recipes, make sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel by clicking on the Subscribe button below this video.”

Create a compelling channel description: This appears on your channel’s About tab, or when users place their mouse over your channel icon on any watch page. You have up to 1,000 characters to create a compelling brand promise for your YouTube channel, letting viewers know why they should care about the videos you’re posting, what you have to offer, and how often they can expect to see new content. Showcase your quality content with a channel trailer: A channel trailer is a short video shown to all new visitors to your channel page. It’s a great way to show what kind of content you create, highlight some of the benefits you provide, and give viewers a chance to subscribe. You can learn all about creating an effective channel trailer in the YouTube Creator Academy. Read extra info on 1000 Free YouTube subscribers.

SEO video optimization using internal optimization techniques: This resembles a similar page optimization of a blog. It is a strategic positioning of the term chosen in certain places. It is natural for the search term to be present in the title. Remember to always insert the keyword chosen in the title. It is enough for your term to be found 2/3 times in the description of the clip. Write a description of maximum 5000 characters in which to add the keyword. YouTube allows you to write a description of up to 5000 characters. This principle applies to every video clip. Here’s how you can get the most out of this description box to get the most out of it: use as much of the 5000 character limit as possible. YouTube cannot listen to your video. He can’t even watch it alone. But YouTube knows the subject of your video because of the description.

Do you need to increase your Youtube channel view count?

Ways to increase your Youtube videos view count, this is a popular issue amongst Youtube content creators. Before you start making a video for YouTube you need to plan what you want to produce. Generate a storyboard outlining each scene or section of the video. Think about the messaging you want to portray to your audience and plan where in the video you will include calls-to-action. This is important as you need people to want to do something after watching the video. Why do playlists work so well? Auto-play. It takes effort to pull your attention away from videos you’re enjoying when they just keep playing. In fact, there’s a cognitive bias at work called ‘loss aversion.’

Pick tags that will be good for SEO. Your constituents are using YouTube as a search engine – so you should be too! Think about what your supporters are searching, and make sure those keywords are included in your video tags. Keep in mind that what people are searching isn’t always an accurate description of the video. However the the fastest procedure is to buy Youtube subscribers from a online marketing company, that can advertise your channel to a larger audience.

Create playlists for your content so viewers can watch it consecutively. After the first video ends, your other videos will automatically play, which will get more views for each played video without them having to navigate off the player. You can embed playlists, post them in your channel, or have users share them to increase the total views for each playlist. Make each one unique and give them flow and relevancy with the order in which they are played. These are great for educational or entertaining content that tells a story or goes in depth into how different components make up a whole.

SEO is not just limited for Google, but you need to do SEO for the video by incorporating keywords in the video title and description. Make sure that they are search engine optimized. If you are creating a video on how to make Italian pasta, then you need to have the keywords that people usually search for this. Keep your description detailed and include the links to your social media accounts. It is important to use a suitable thumbnail instead of using an over the top sensational thumbnail. The thumbnails which are misleading are completely against YouTube’s terms and conditions. The thumbnail is such that it informs people what the video is all about so that they can confidently click on it and watch it. A good and apt thumbnail is important to encourage people to watch the video.

Follow the 1×4 content schedule : I wanted to know how to build a YouTube following from scratch, so I interviewed Graham Cochrane, the founder of the popular YouTube channel “The Recording Revolution.” Cochrane went from unemployed to creating a 7-figure business around audio engineering tips. YouTube has been a key distribution channel for him. Cochrane says publishing frequency is key. “The BEST thing you can do with YouTube (or any content creation for that matter) is to make a lot of content and make it consistently. I’ve made at least one video a week for seven years.” This frequency helps you retain subscribers (another important metric for YouTube) as well as helps you attract new free YouTube subscribers. Source:

Buy an established business

Self business selling and buying? There are a few places where you can sell your business or buy a an established business. Businesses are bought and sold every day, maybe you want to enter a new market or you want to exit a market. Maybe you think your business will develop to a new level with another owner and you reached the ceiling of how high you can develop it. Let’s see some successful business deals and discuss a little about places where you can buy or sell a business.

Any business can be sold! Even websites, that are not really businesses, can be sold for a lot of money. LiveJournal just as the name suggests was a virtual community where users could keep a blog or an online digital diary, through their free open source server technology. They didn’t stop there though, they had the software allowing users to easily create blogs and diaries online they even allowed for calendars, polls, and even have guest writers. The website sold for approximately $ 25 million to Six Apart in 2007. Bankaholic is the creation of founder John Wu who also created CB Land Investments. The website itself was an online banking marketplace which basically provided its customers with credit card offers as well as interest rates and personal financial advice. The website eventually sold for $15 Million to BankRate and now has a hefty team of banking and financial professionals behind it so who knows where it could go? maybe it will be worth double the amount in a year or so.

Tips for buying a business: Waiting too long, or not planning in advance, can cause many business owners to miss their window of opportunity. It takes an average of two to four years to sell a small business. Therefore, long-term planning is key to any successful business sale. By keeping updated records, a detailed business history and sales portfolio on hand at all times, it will make your planning pay off. You just never know when that perfect buyer may walk into your business and make you an offer you just can’t refuse. Succession planning is a major misstep by retailers. Even if you do not have a successor who is a relative, you are still thinking like a succession planner. The person “succeeding” you needs to be set up for success. If they see you have been planning and considering this for quite some time and that it’s not a quick “I’ve had enough” sale, your price will be much higher. Add to that the confidence the buyer will have in a retail store purchase if they see there was a strategy for the sale and that it’s not driven out of desperation. See extra info on Selling a business almost free of charge.

Shopify Exchange is one of the newest marketplaces you can use to buy and sell online businesses, and it’s the only platform that specifically focuses on Shopify businesses. There are advantages and disadvantages to this, but the main advantage is that when you buy an online business for sale on the Shopify Exchange, you know you’re getting a Shopify store. Since Shopify is one of the top and most highly recommended ecommerce platforms in the industry, (we discuss why in our Shopify Review: The Pros & Cons of Selling on Shopify article) this is a good thing! It’s also great because Shopify sellers integrate their stores directly with the Shopify Exchange, so they can’t edit or change any of the data that gets pulled into their store’s sales listing like their traffic and revenue numbers. This means that you’re less likely to have any of that important information withheld from you by the seller.

After listing Flippa (a marketplace where I am most active) and Exchange (newest marketplace) it’s time to start mentioning more serious and reputable marketplaces. In order to list your website on Empire Flippers, the website needs to be making a minimum of $500 per month for 12 straight months. Besides this raised bar, there is a vetting process that a broker from Empire Flippers conducts. You absolutely have to have Google Analytics, and they double check your revenue numbers and proof. One very important thing you need to know as a buyer is that you only get limited info from their website. If you are interested more, you need to make a 5% refundable deposit. For example, if the list price is $26,555 you need to make a refundable deposit of $1,328. Unlike Flippa, you don’t see an exact domain name of the website being sold. You get a general niche and monetization methods.

eBay is one of the most-recognized online marketplaces in the world. Ebay offers a “Quick Start” guide showing merchants how to start selling in 4 easy steps. This marketplace offers sellers to list the first 50 items per month for free. Merchants can create a “My eBay” page from which to answer questions and view sales information Ebay offers information on listing your products with the eBay catalog, the Fashion Categories, and Sports Card Accessories to name a few. Ebay also offers business consultation (for free), a Business Efficiency Guide, and Seller Development Resources, which is a program eBay designed to assist merchants in successfully selling their product.

Want to find a great businesses to buy? Find it on ! BizForSell is number #1 Go to for business sellers, business brokers and buyers. is one of the biggest and most reliable business selling marketplaces in the world. We aim to solve the unique problems business sellers, business brokers and buyers have to face while selling or buying bussiness. We offer very convenient options for sellers, buyers, and brokers of businesses. Business buyers can easily browse businesses locally and find the best possible deal . With a fast-growing audience of sellers, buyers, and brokers, you can be sure of finding something suitable for you on this marketplace if you search! We provide solutions to sellers, buyers and brokers worldwide. Source:

Drop ship on Amazon advices

How to select converting products to dropship on Shopify? Here are a few advices and a recommendation to let a pro to the market research. nother dropshipping tip is to like your competitors on social media. Monitor their websites and social media pages regularly. By liking their page, you’ll start receiving their product and retargeting ads. Which products do they advertise? Does that product get a lot of engagement such as comments or shares? By monitoring and paying attention to your competition, you’ll know which products you should be selling on your store. When you pay attention to the types of posts your competitors add to their social media pages, you’ll know what type of content people within your niche really like — this helps make you a better marketer.

When you’re having these conversations with your suppliers, make sure to ask them for unique product photos. Since you’re drop shipping, you aren’t going to see or touch your products. You’ll probably have the same photos as everyone else because when you apply to be a retailer for a supplier, they will give you the same photos that your competitors get. Everyone puts the same images their website, resulting in every product page looking the same.

The key to successful dropshipping is to develop a brand that is stronger than your product. The mistake that many dropshippers make is to simply list a range of incoherent products across multiple niches. Choose a niche with products that have the same look, feel, and quality. Product descriptions on the store should then mimic the style of big brand competitors. For example, if your selling men’s fashion aimed at the 18-25 year old market, use the same product description style as Hollister. Just look at the construction of the sentences and the adjectives and mimic. Crucially, when using Facebook ads, use carousel-style product and lifestyle images. With a well designed store logo and regular social media postings, you can really create a strong brand feel around dropshipped products.

How to find the best products ? A few words about dropshipping market research. Products which are currently trending are great options for your dropshipping business’ inventory. When you can’t decide what the best dropshipping products are, try to look into which products are trending. If you manage to source trending products for your store before they hit the commercial masses, you’ll be able to take advantage of low marketing fees and establish your brand as a leader in that field. Or you can let an expert to do the product market research for you while you focus on marketing or improving your website. Read more info on Drop ship on Amazon.