Top IT support and computer repair tips by Colby Anderson

Top IT support tips with Colby Anderson Brockton : Avoid downloading any programs that claim to speed up your computer. These are nearly all scams or vehicles for adware. You can boost your computer’s speed on your own without the help of these programs. Close any programs that you aren’t using. The more programs you have running on your computer at once, the slower it will run. Your operating system will often load several programs in the background when it starts as well. In Windows, a lot of the programs running in the background will have icons in your System Tray. Right-click on these icons to close the programs. Find even more details on Colby Anderson Brockton.

WSL 2 still runs from the Windows Terminal (with a new version due from the Windows Store in May), with the new kernel making it more compatible with Linux binaries. It boots fast, and shares memory and CPU without affecting Windows operations. The only real issue is a change in how it uses shared networking, which makes it harder to run Linux graphical applications. However it should be possible to add a startup script that exports the right value every time you launch a WSL 2 instance.

Though the situation is improving, unnecessary preinstalled software installed by PC makers continues to be an issue with some new computers. A couple of years ago, a Lenovo PC we tested had nearly 20 so-called helper programs installed, and these would occasionally and unwantedly pop up and interrupt what we were doing on the computer. More recently, the count of preinstalled, unnecessary software has dropped. A new HP laptop included just nine of these apps, while a recent Asus model only had five. Even Microsoft is not blameless in this game, though, including a couple of games from King and perhaps some mixed reality software you may not be interested in. Discover even more

Backing up your data regularly is an overlooked step in personal online security. The top IT and security managers follow a simple rule called the 3-2-1 backup rule. Essentially, you will keep three copies of your data on two different types of media (local and external hard drive) and one copy in an off-site location (cloud storage). If you become a victim of ransomware or malware, the only way to restore your data is to erase your systems and restore with a recently performed backup. Don’t use a public Wi-Fi without using a Virtual Private Network (VPN). By using a VPN, the traffic between your device and the VPN server is encrypted. This means it’s much more difficult for a cybercriminal to obtain access to your data on your device. Use your cell network if you don’t have a VPN when security is important.

Colby Anderson SEO advices: According to Content Marketing Institute, more than half the engineers and technical professionals surveyed for a 2020 report indicated that they spend at least one hour per week watching videos for work. Videos are a great marketing tool to engage buyers on your website, but depending on what you’re using to embed videos and how many other elements there are on your page, they may affect page loading speed. If a user comes across your website and a page takes too long to display all of its content, they’ll likely click away and move to a competitor’s site. Pages with long load times and high bounce rates may negatively impact your SEO and your conversion rate for quality leads.

Modern web design features many tricks and tools for helping customers contact you. But that doesn’t mean you should ignore some of the tried and true older methods. Specifically, you need to make sure your contact details are highly visible. This is especially important for local customers who may prefer to call you rather than browse the site. Your website is an extension of your brand. At the same time, it provides new opportunities to extend your brand. Make sure the site prominently features a high-quality logo to represent your business. And take the time to make sure all of the colors and fonts on the site match your existing branding decisions. Ultimately, this kind of branding is just as important as focusing on your SEO.

Many companies utilize blockchain technology for their digital transactions in order to avoid fraud and make it highly secure. Blockchain is a must-need solution to improve the quality of web applications because no web technology can be assured to stay completely invulnerable. New threats may pop up every single day that require at least some change or improvement in implementing countermeasures and general web-focused security.

Colby Anderson Brockton web design tips: If you want your business to reach out to the teen market, it is essential to incorporate social networks. Teens usually prefer using social networking channels like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter to comment and interact with people. Also, when you are including sharing options into the website, include a link to copy the web address so that they can share it directly with their friends. All these functionalities will ease out the way they browse.

Colby Anderson Brockton|Colby Anderson Brockton and the rise of a IT support, web design and SEO professional|Meet Colby Anderson Brockton and some of his IT support and computer repair achievements? The most important elements of search engine optimization are keyword optimized content and backlinks. No matter how much you optimized elements of your site for SEO, you won’t be able to rank in Google without content. Then if you do have content, you won’t be able to rank (as easily) without backlinks. A backlink is when Blog A links out to Blog B. Blog B got that backlink from Blog A. This is viewed as a “vote of confidence” by Google. It basically says, “I trust Blog B’s blog post enough to link out to it and provide it as a resource for my readers.” Once you get enough high-quality backlinks, your domain authority, a measurement of how well your blog will do in search engine result pages (SERPs), will increase allowing your content to rank higher in SERPs.