How to maintain your car paint

The PDR process is requires patience and a trained eye to see the tiny changes made during each use of a tool. During the repair process it is often required to cycle through each of the previous steps until the dent has been completely removed.

“Should I file an insurance claim on vehicle hail damage?” This is dependent on your deductible. For minor damage, it’s usually best to pay out of pocket for repairs. Major hailstorms, on the other hand…. Review your insurance policy after receiving your hail damage repair quote to see if filing a claim is in your best interest. If possible, ask your chosen auto body shop for assistance with your insurance claim.

Best dent repair kits ? Cheaper than professional repair. Paintless dent repair (PDR) kits can substitute a trip to the repair shop and help keep more money in your wallet. There are kits for tiny, medium-sized, and large dents, and the average price of the kits is generally a fraction of what you’d pay for repairs. Easy and convenient. With the right dent puller, it’s very easy to set up in your driveway or parking lot. The best PDR tools are shipped with detailed, easy-to-follow instructions. You can rest easy knowing they will not damage your car’s paint. Push-from-behind PDR is completed by using specialized tools, including rods, to push the dent from the back of the vehicle’s panel. The deeper and wider the dent, the more time and manual effort it’ll take to fix. The more tools and rods you’ll have at your disposal, the more flexibility you’ll have to fix the particular dent.

Besides the obvious difference in achieved results, the PDR technique offers, in contrast with conventional repairs, a radical reduction in repair time. The arduous conventional process, which involved sanding, applying fillers, painting, drying, and polishing, usually meant at least five days in the repair shop, which could easily become weeks when the damages were significant. By using PDR procedures, a qualified technician can easily reduce the repair time to one fifth of the time needed for a conventional repair, and he can fix 1000 hail dents in less than 24 hours. Read extra info at Automotive hail repair.

Chiropractor clinic in Texas

Several advices to lower neck pain. Quit smoking. It’s well known that smoking raises your risk for heart disease and cancer, including lung and colon cancers, but most people don’t realize that smoking also can be a cause of persistent back pain. Research also shows smoking can make existing back pain worse. It’s not entirely clear how smoking affects back health, but one possibility is that it narrows blood vessels. Narrowed blood vessels result in less oxygen and nutrients reaching the spine and, in turn, it becomes more susceptible to injury and slower to heal.

Sleep with a pillow under your knees: Sleeping on your back puts pressure on your spine. Elevating your legs slightly relieves this pressure on your back as you sleep. You can cut that pressure in half by placing a pillow under your knees. Work your core: The numerous health benefits of exercise are well-known. A regular strength-training routine that focuses on your core muscles can help reduce your risk of back-related injuries, such as strains and muscle spasms. Try incorporating back and abdominal strengthening exercises into your workout at least two times per week to develop a stronger, more flexible back.

At Allen Health Chiropractic, we use decompression therapy as a non-surgical meathod of releiving upper, mid, lower and neck pain. The spine is made up of dozens of bones and cushioned by a discs called intervertebral discs. Over time with use and poor posture the discs will degenerate wich affects the intervertebral discs. Spinal decompression was designed and proven to be an effective way to releive pain in those who suffer from neck and back pain. Decompression treatment takes approximately 30-45 minutes. Exact details are entered in to a computer and the program begins to releive pressure. Spinal decompression mainly releived pressure and pain in the back and neck area. Read more info at Spinal decompression therapy.

Back pain is very common, with around one in three of us getting it every year. It’s usually the lower back that’s affected. Lower back pain doesn’t normally have a serious cause and in most cases the pain will improve within four to six weeks. However, for some back pain can continue for many months or even years. In most cases you can manage lower back yourself by keeping mobile and perhaps taking over-the-counter painkillers. See our self-help section below for more information. Back pain usually gets better on its own, but please see our symptoms section below for advice on when to contact your GP.

The shoulders, elbows, and hands need stretching too! Arm circles loosen up the elbows and shoulders. To do arm circles, stand up tall with feet hip-width apart. Extend the arms out wide, palms facing down. Start making small circles in the air in a clockwise motion for 15 seconds. Then go 15 seconds in the opposite direction. Repeat for 3-5 sets of 30 seconds. The knee to chest stretch opens up the lower back, butt, and knees. Lying on the back with knees bent, bring one knee up towards the torso. Pull the knee closer until there is a pull. The stretch can be done in several ways. For example, extend one leg while bringing the next leg to the chest. Or bring both knees to the chest simultaneously. When stretching with arthritis, take a few minutes to warm up. Take a brisk walk around the room or house. Finally, stretch daily, choosing the time of day with the least arthritic pain and don’t over do it. Everything in moderation. Doctors often recommend stretching and exercise to help patients manage arthritis. Integrate the four techniques into a daily routine. Arthritis patients can also seek help from a physical therapist for a personalized plan. Don’t be afraid to stretch!

In addition to manual treatments, suggesting a course of action which includes exercise, nutritional counselling, preventive injury techniques, ultrasound or laser treatments and rehabilitation is what chiropractors are trained to do. Ailments such as injuries to the tendons, muscles, ligaments or nerves and chronic conditions which may vary from inflammatory arthritis, spinal stenosis as well as osteoarthritis which a chiropractor can help relieve and also restore function in certain areas of the body such as: Head and neck, Shoulders, etc. Source: Chiropractor Allen TX.

What can you see in Europe – Expats guide

Expats tips to choose the best travel places in Europe. As the days get longer, the light and the sun shine, the thirst for escaping from the familiar environment, from the comfortable home that offers safety during the winter. We are in awe of the great and wide world. Suddenly we are ready to ignore obstacles and discomfort. We are even willing to consider dangers. There are big and small trips. Travelers who take us to the end of the world or to our inner forum. They can all become a great adventure. No matter what we choose, the journey will leave traces. It will transform us. It will rejuvenate us. It will beautify our lives. If we allow that. If we come out to meet the world and its people with curiosity.

Stockholm – Vasa Museum: The maritime Vasa Museum in Stockholm, Sweden features the world’s only 17th century ship in complete preservation. To get there you’ll need to travel to the island of Djurgarden. Venice – Rialto Bridge: In Venice, Italy the Rialto Bridge is one of the must visit attractions of the city. It is an architectural icon dating back to the Renaissance period. Vienna – Schonbrunn Palace: The Schonbrunn Palace opened in 1699 as a summer home in Vienna, Austria for Habsburg emperors. Today visitors can tour the 1,441-room Baroque palace, which is designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Palace of Versailles – Versailles, France: This royal chateau is located in Versailles in the Ile-de-France region and the palace is sometimes referred to simply as ‘Versailles’. Versailles was just a small village community when the palace was built in the 11th-century, unlike the thriving, affluent town it has become. From 1682, it was the seat of political power for the Kingdom of France. Louis Le Vaue was the architect responsible for the expansion of the palace from 1661 under the orders of Louis XIV. This building has been part of many significant historical events throughout French history. The palace is now only used as a museum and has become one of the most popular tourist attractions in France.

Expats in Europe trick of the day : Unless it’s Spanish and you took it in college, ’cause then it’ll probably be easy. But if not, make an effort to at least learn the basics immediately; people will be a lot friendlier if you show an interest in their native tongue, and it will help ease everyday interactions. And remember, every country has its own sayings and slang — there’s bound to be some miscommunication, even if you’ve spoken the language for a long time. See extra details at We Be Trippin.

Join the locals. Try to learn as much about the culture as possible. One of the best ways to do this is to go to the events that the locals attend. They will typically be centered around a holiday or celebration and give you great insight into what the tradition is all about. Not only will it be informative, but a great way to meet new people.

Purchase online welding supplies

Here are several tips on MIG welders and how to make the best purchase choices. Flat-Position Welding Increases Welding Speed : It’s common knowledge that welding in a horizontal position will be the easiest and fastest way to weld. A flat position is not as taxing to maintain and the welding puddle will stay in place. Take some time to evaluate each project before beginning in order to make sure the majority of welds can be completed in this position. If a job calls for vertical welding, see this article about vertical welding. Core Wire Feeder Increases TIG Welding Speed: For professional welders hoping to speed up TIG welding, a core wire feeder will add filler metal through an automated process. Watch this video on how it works. This enables welders to work with both hands and to maintain a constant flow of wire into the welding puddle. Ed Craig at the Frabricator writes about the wire feeder process first developed in Europe, saying it is “suitable for all-position welding on materials of any thickness, the process addresses traditional GTAW limitations and can enhance both manual and automated TIG weld quality and productivity.”

ARC Welding : ARC welding is one of the oldest welding processes around. It uses either an AC or DC power supply to create an electric arc between the welding rod and the workpiece metal to melt the metals and join them together. This style of welding is relatively inexpensive and very portable but it does require some practice to get good consistent welds and the welds will probably require some arc weldercleaning up afterwards. ARC welding is less suited to welding thinner materials but there is a large range of specialist electrodes (welding rods) available for ARC welders depending on what materials you are welding. ARC welding is versatile but more suited to heavier applications.

One of the “cardinal sins” that almost every shop commits is over-welding. This means that if the drawing calls for a 1/4″ fillet weld, most shops will put down a 5/16″ weld. The reasons? Either they don’t have a fillet gauge and are not exactly sure of the size of the weld they are producing or they put in some extra to “cover” themselves and make sure there is enough weld metal in place. But, over-welding leads to tremendous consumable waste. Let’s look again at our example. For a 1/4″ fillet weld, the typical operator will use .129 lbs. per foot of weld metal. The 5/16″ weld requires .201 lbs. per foot of weld metal – a 56 percent increase in weld volume compared to what is really needed. Plus, you must take into account the additional labor necessary to put down a larger weld. Not only is the company paying for extra, wasted consumable material, a weld with more weld metal is more likely to have warpage and distortion because of the added heat input. It is recommended that every operator be given a fillet gauge to accurately produce the weld specified – and nothing more. In addition, changes in wire diameter may be used to eliminate over-welding. Searching for the best Welding Supplies? We recommend Welding Supplies Direct & associated company TWS Direct Ltd is an online distributor of a wide variety of welding supplies, welding equipment and welding machine. We supply plasma cutters, MIG, TIG, ARC welding machines and support consumables to the UK, Europe and North America.

Tungsten size should be selected mainly according to amperage AND polarity: Tungsten size should be selected mainly according to amperage AND polarity and not always dependent upon metal thickness. When TIG welding aluminum, If your tungsten begins to ball up and quiver, this means your tungsten is getting near its capacity. This can be minimized by using the A/C balance dial and setting it for more penetration and less cleaning…or if you are using a TIG inverter like a miller dynasty, the a/c balance should probably be set to 65-70% EN. For transformer machines like the syncrowave, The a/c balance set to the cleaning side means more of the dcep side of the a/c wave which means more heat is on the tungsten tip = more wiggling. The more to the penetration side, the more the arc is on the negative side and the Less heat on tungsten tip and less cleaning action but the square wave usually provides enough cleaning anyway even in max penetration mode.

Some welding equipment advices: how to become a more skilled welder and how to pick the top welding equipment. TIG Torch angle should only be around 10 degrees or less: Ideally, torch angle should only be around 10 degrees or less. Too much torch angle will deflect the heat and melt the rod before you ever get it into the puddle. This causes the rod to ball up and blob into the puddle. That’s bad. You don’t want that. You want to slip the filler rod into the puddle so that you can get a consistent bead. There are exceptions to this…like when you are using a lay wire technique and leaning the torch back while you walk the cup. But if you are dipping the rod in the puddle, too much torch angle usually is not a good thing.

Before you get started, conduct online research to see what the best practices are for the specific wire you have or contact a trusted filler metal manufacturer. Doing so not only tells you what the manufacturer’s recommended parameters are for your diameter wire, but also what the proper wire feed speed, amperage and voltage is, along with the most compatible shielding gas. The manufacturer will even tell you what electrode extension or contact-to-work distance (CTWD) is best suited for the particular wire. Keep in mind that if you get too long of a stickout, your weld will be cold, which will drop your amperage and with it the joint penetration. As a general rule of thumb, since less wire stickout typically results in a more stable arc and better low-voltage penetration, the best wire stickout length is generally the shortest one allowable for the application.

The arc is shaped like a cone, with the tip at the electrode and the base on the metal being welded. The closer the electrode is held to the metal, the smaller the base of the cone — but as you pull the electrode farther away, the base (and puddle) gets larger. If the puddle gets too large, gravity will simply pull it away from the base metal, leaving a hole. This is why thin-gauge metals are especially challenging for beginners. Perhaps the most important skill needed for TIG welding is moving the torch in a controlled manner, with steady forward movement, while keeping the gap between the tip of the electrode and the base metal consistently small — usually in the range of 1/8 inch to 3/16 inch. It requires a lot of practice to precisely control the arc length, keeping it as short as you can without allowing the electrode to touch the base metal or filler rod. Source:

5 top destinations you must see and cheap travel

A sumptuous palace that was once the home of France’s Kings, the Louvre is the most important of Paris’ top museums. Visitors enter the museum in the courtyard of the palace at the glass pyramid (designed by Ieoh Ming Pei in 1917). The Louvre Museum possesses more than 30,000 artworks (many considered masterpieces)-from antiquities to European paintings of the 15th to 19th centuries. It is impossible to see it all in one visit, but tourists can focus on a particular gallery, such as classical sculpture, Italian Renaissance art, or 17th-century French paintings, or take a self-guided tour to see the Louvre Museum’s highlights. The most famous piece is the Mona Lisa or La Gioconda (or La Joconde in French) painted by Leonardo da Vinci in 1503-1505. Other exceptional works are the ancient Venus de Milo sculpture, the monumental Victory of Samothrace of the Hellenistic period, the immense Wedding Feast at Cana painting by Veronese (1563), and Botticelli’s frescoes. Also a must-see is Liberty Leading the People (1831) by Eugene Delacroix, depicting the Parisian uprising of July 27th to 29th, 1830 known as “Trois Glorieuses” (“Three Glorious Days”).

Do you need to enjoy the blue sky and the warm sun ? Miami is a perfect destination to relax. What can you see in Miami? Even if you have no interest in the beach, the Art Deco Historic District is worth a trip out to Miami Beach. This architectural style, popular in the 1930s and 40s, dominates the trendy South Beach neighborhood. These uniquely designed buildings, in a range of pastel colors and displaying large neon signs, were built following a devastating hurricane that struck in 1926. Many are hotels and restaurants, most of which have been beautifully restored. Along some of the main streets, awnings on the lower level of these buildings provide shade for outdoor dining areas. Ocean Drive and Collins Avenue are the two main streets through the area. Searching to get your discount flights for your next dream holiday ? We had good experiences with

The San Blas Islands are magical. With their pristine white sands and clear blue seas many people compare them to the Fiji Islands. I’ve met lots of very experienced travellers, who’ve been all around the world, who say that this multi-day adventure is one of their best travelling highlights. With 390 unique Islands you could visit an island each day of the year and you’ll still have some left over! Most of them are so small that you even have trouble finding them on Google Maps. What’s better is that travelling to this unspoiled natural wonder is actually very affordable. In this article I’d like to tell you the most important things you need to know to experience this amazing place as well! The people in your group will make it what it is. That’s a fact that you can’t change.But the chances are that most of the people you will meet on these types of trips are open minded, interesting and willing to get to know you. So don’t worry about that too much and just look forward to meeting them. Below you can see the image of our group – representing 7 nationalities: English, German, Chilean, Dutch, Canadian, French and the US.

Austria attractions! In the heart of the Salzkammergut Mountains is one peak called Schafberg. This mountain is part of the Limestone Alps, and it boasts a truly incredible view overlooking the Wolfgangsee Lake. What makes Schafberg a top destination is that it is easily accessible with a steam railway. Known as the Schafbergbahn, this train chugs from the town of St Wolfgang all the way to the mountain’s summit. Featured in the Sound of Music, the railway is an iconic attraction that shouldn’t be missed.

Switzerland is a dream country but also one of the most expensive. Not having your legal documents in order can cost you a lot here. So we will talk about the amazing locations and also the practical tips regarding insurance and other legal stuff. Lake Geneva, Europe’s largest Alpine lake, straddles the Swiss/French border, and laps at the shores of some of Switzerland’s most popular cities. The city of Geneva (in French Geneve; in German Genf) sits between pretty snow-capped peaks at the point where the Rh?ne spills into Lake Geneva. This French-speaking “capital of peace” is the European seat of the United Nations and exudes a pleasing blend of French joie de vivre and Swiss structure. Promenades, parks, and gardens surround the lake, and the old town is a lovely spot to stroll among the historic buildings. The Jet d’Eau, a fountain in Lake Geneva shooting water 150 meters into the air, is a famous landmark. Cultural attractions include the Opera House and the Grand Theatre, which stages international acts. Also on the lake, about 62 kilometers from Geneva, Lausanne boasts lovely views over the surrounding region and the lake, with the Alps rising in the distance. Take a stroll through the medieval old town with its cute caf?s and boutiques and stunning Gothic cathedral. At the foot of the Alps, on Lake Geneva, Montreux hosts the world-famous Montreux Jazz Festival in June/July. See extra details on

Tree pruning help

Searching for the best options if you want to cut down the tree maintenance costs? Start with picking the right trees for Colorado! Russian Hawthorns are one of the most drought-tolerant trees on our list. Again, establishing these trees with two seasons of normal watering will get their root systems healthy and strong enough to withstand dry conditions. Susan highly recommends Russian Hawthorn. It was the first tree she nominated for our list! Russian Hawthorns mature at 15 to 20 feet tall and wide with an upright oval form and slightly spreading lower branches. These hawthorns have beautiful, finely-cut, dark green leaves, turning yellow in the fall. The white flowers emerge in clusters in late spring. They mature into richly-colored dark red berries late in the season.

Even though leaving your trees alone can be the best way to protect them, it’s also a good idea to observe them regularly so you’ll know when they change. A diseased tree is best diagnosed early. Changes you should monitor range from rapid discoloration to stunted growth. Knowing what your tree looked like when it was healthy can also be helpful when calling an arborist – a specialist in caring for trees, shrubs and other woody plants – to consider solutions. Getting yourself a guide to trees and their diseases will be key in considering a diagnosis for a tree on your property that’s changed noticeably. According to Mark Chisholm, a third-generation, certified arborist in New Jersey, “There are some great online tools that can help you learn how to identify the trees on your property, including the Arbor Day Foundation’s “What Tree Is That?” guide.

Do you want to keep your trees safe? First we will write some advices on tree care and after that we will introduce Tree Artisans, a tree services company in Colorado Springs. If your area constantly deals with drought you will want to consider trees listed as drought-tolerant. Some drought-tolerant species include Arizona Cypress, Japanese Zelkova, White Fir, and Kentucky Coffeetree. On the opposite side of the spectrum if your area deals with a large amount of moisture or wet conditions, here are a few trees that will do better in wet conditions: Baldcypress, Shellbark Hickory, Red Maple, Silver Maple, Paper Birch, River Birch, and Weeping Willow.

Mulching is the most beneficial thing a home owner can do for the health of a young tree. Mulches are materials placed on the soil surface to improve soil structure, oxygen levels, temperature and moisture availability. Properly applied, mulch can give landscapes a handsome, well-groomed appearance. Ideally, growing trees should be fertilized throughout the year. The greatest amounts should be applied during the early spring and summer months. Several light applications a year are preferred as the tree gets older. As such, some of the best trees to plant in Colorado are evergreens. However, the larger ones, such as blue spruce and the various pine and fir types are not suitable to be used as street trees; on the other hand, smaller evergreens like Piñon (Pinus edulis), Hawthorn species (Crataegus spp.) or Bristlecone pine (Pinus aristata) are. Small ornamental trees are also successfully used for landscaping. Canada red cherry and Mayday tree with their white flowers, Canyon maple (which is a Rocky Mountain native), Ginkgo biloba, American linden and Sycamore trees are only a few examples. Read extra details at Best Tree Services In Colorado Springs.