Best rated Among Us tips and tricks

Best rated Among Us tips? These hints are often very subtle, and require playing several matches in order to start picking up on them. Nevertheless, if you see someone suspiciously following people around, there’s a decent chance that they could be the Impostor. In this case, you might want to trigger an Emergency Meeting just to be safe and discuss it with the other players. Stay Close to People Who Have Proven Their Innocence: However, once you have verified that someone is truly innocent, you need to stay with them at all costs so that the Impostor can’t pick you off separately. Discover additional information on

Sabotage during the kill cooldown time if it is long: After a kill, if you have 20 or more seconds before you can kill again, use that time to sabotage (after escaping to a safe location, of course). That way, you distract every crew member into fixing the damage. What benefits does it have? After a sabotage, most crew members (and the smart impostors too) try to rush to the location and as an impostor, you can find another victim after the cooldown.

Playing an Impostor in Among Us can be a fun and daunting challenge, as it can be difficult to lie to friends and avoid doing something suspicious in view of another player. Impostors have access to a variety of special mechanics in the game. They can kill Crewmates, commit acts of sabotage in Among Us to make it harder for Crewmates to survive and complete tasks, and get a larger radius of vision around the map. They can also use the Vent system to quickly transport away from the scene of a crime or hide, making it easier to successfully fool Crewmates and win the game.

Imposters are typically the ones to report a kill before others. They are also interested in reporting others as imposters and always decide to vote out others as imposters. Imposters are typically loud and make a lot of noise or they are absolutely silent. Watch out for both kinds of extreme behaviours. It is better not to vote unless there is solid proof against the player you want out, to avoid any kind of suspicion. If you vote for other crewmates it will serve as the easiest way to raise eyebrows. Thus, you must always vote in the group.

If you aim to win the game, you just cannot blindly trust your crewmates if you see them completing their tasks. If they are actually doing a task, the taskbar will fill up. These tasks require time to be completed. They just cannot complete a task in a second. For instance, if you see someone start the reactor within a second, wake up! It’s an imposter. You should be well aware of the fact that the imposters can use the vents if you aim to win the game. The vents are connected. If you just pass someone and after that, you find a dead body in an upright position. Do not blindly trust your crewmates. During the voting process, they will need a good excuse to prove themselves innocent.