Adventure travel in Mexico, day trips and offers for 2021

San Blas day tours and 2021 deals! The San Blas Islands are magical. With their pristine white sands and clear blue seas many people compare them to the Fiji Islands. I’ve met lots of very experienced travellers, who’ve been all around the world, who say that this multi-day adventure is one of their best travelling highlights. With 390 unique Islands you could visit an island each day of the year and you’ll still have some left over! Most of them are so small that you even have trouble finding them on Google Maps. What’s better is that travelling to this unspoiled natural wonder is actually very affordable. In this article I’d like to tell you the most important things you need to know to experience this amazing place as well!

At Tao Travel 365 we believe in eco-friendly travel preserving the beauties of nature and forming meaningful human relationships with the locals, while adhering to our Tao philosophies that focus on being in balance with yourself and with nature. Every adventure we offer to our customers has been handpicked and personally experienced by Michael and Paola, who value high quality experiences, great prices and excellent customer service. We believe travel opens up horizons, broadens perspectives and affords us an unforgettably enjoyable experience. Receiving this precious gift of life mostly stems from a beautiful interaction with the local culture and thus we aim to maintain this treasure by sharing our love, energy and profits. See additional info on Darien Jungle Expedition.

If you truly want to get off the beaten track and have a taste of adventure, a trip to the San Blas Islands might be just what you’re looking for. Postcard perfect islands with palm trees and crystal-clear water gently lapping the white-sand beaches is what this area is all about. However, you need to be prepared to bring out your inner Robinson Crusoe, as the accommodations are generally on the rustic side. The only way to visit these idyllic islands is to book a package with the local indigenous Guna people, which includes transport to, from, and around the islands, accommodation, and three basic meals a day. This is a totally off-the-grid type of trip, so prepare accordingly.

Few attractions include The Amador Causeway connects the three islands by the entrance to the Panama Canal to the mainland. From the causeway, there is a terrific view of Panama City, and the Bridge of the Americas. Many Panamanians like to spend their weekends jogging, riding a bicycle or rollerblading down the causeway, or having a meal or drinks in one of the many restaurants and bars on the islands.

As you may have guessed, the San Blas Islands do not offer wifi. If you purchase a chip in Panama, then you’ll be connected, but to enjoy the islands to their fullest, turn off your phone and tune into nature. This is a perfect destination for the ultimate technology detox, as days are spent resting on the beach and drinking out of coconuts. You can still take a lifetime’s worth of beautiful beach pictures, perfect to share on social media once you return to the mainland.

There’s not a great deal to do on the San Blas islands – in a way, that’s the point. Much of the time you’ll be swimming, snorkelling or reading on the beach. Normally there will be day-trip or two, to a nearby island that offers something different; that could be a shipwreck to explore, or an area full of starfish. Meals will usually be rice and fish. Once the generator cuts out in the evenings, it’s time to bed down. As the better tour operators will tell you, when you visit the San Blas islands you are doing so as a guest of the Kuna – and they are an indigenous group, not a tourist operation. So the jeep that picks you up from Panama City might be late, or might make unscheduled stops. The water taxi at the port might take a while to turn up. The toilets will be very basic. And so on. It’s certainly worth reading this list of what to expect before you go.

San Blas adventure travel tours are a fabulous thing to do right now. Can you take your luggage to San Blas? Nope! You need to leave your luggage behind in Panama City an pack a day-bag for San Blas. If you are in these small planes, you cannot take a big bag, you can’t fit it into these packed tourist Jeeps, and you can’t take it on the small boats out to the islands. Both our original “hotel” (really just a bed over the sand) and our sailing company told us no luggage. You could get by with a backpack 48L or less I suppose. Definitely no rolling luggage! We left ours at our hotel in Panama City when we checked out. They are used to this. Read extra info on

Greg Walker Philadelphia or the upsurge of a travel attractions expert

The ascent of a tourism destinations expert : Gregory Walker Philadelphia? Beyond the obvious natural scenery, Greece has an incredible history and culture. A sailing holiday here could involve visits to ancient ruins and world-famous landmarks. The country is also known for its delicious food and excellent produce – something that makes docking at a port a whole lot more enjoyable. Greece covers a massive 6000 islands! For anyone planning an extensive sailing holiday – this offers an enormous number of places to visit and cruise between. Whatever kind of destination you may be after, there should be an island in Greece that will suit you. As Greece covers a fairly extensive area to cruise, here are two top parts of the country for a yacht holiday.

Beyond the obvious natural scenery, Greece has an incredible history and culture. A sailing holiday here could involve visits to ancient ruins and world-famous landmarks. The country is also known for its delicious food and excellent produce – something that makes docking at a port a whole lot more enjoyable. Greece covers a massive 6000 islands! For anyone planning an extensive sailing holiday – this offers an enormous number of places to visit and cruise between. Whatever kind of destination you may be after, there should be an island in Greece that will suit you. As Greece covers a fairly extensive area to cruise, here are two top parts of the country for a yacht holiday.

Greg Walker Philadelphia‘s tips on picking the top place for your holiday: Sailing tip of the day: One of the ancient arts of the sailor is setting up a “stopper” to relieve a loaded rope without letting anything go. The classic use for a stopper is to take the weight off the genoa sheet when Cousin Doofus has carelessly locked up the whole shooting match with an override. My crew recently used the stopper shown below. It took the load at the turning block while we sorted out the mess. Then we wound the sheet in a few inches to relieve the force on the stopper, removed it and sailed on. To create a stopper that works, clap on a half-hitch before the rolling hitch as shown. You can see it doing the work, and it guarantees success. If you can’t tie a rolling hitch, go on the internet and learn how. You may need it sooner than you think!

Greg Walker Philadelphia and Kenya: How to pay: In principle, tourist services such as access to national parks and accommodation in luxury hotels are paid in international circulation currencies: dollars (Kenya and Tanzania) and euros (Madagascar and Cape Verde). Apart from the touristic structures, it is preferable to use the national currency, except for Cape Verde, where, if you have the euro, you will do without problems. You can find ATMs in all major cities. You won’t be able to use the card in many places. Communications / Internet access: the most cost-effective way to communicate with your home, but also to share with your friends on Facebook your experience is to purchase a local SIM.

Africa is a awesome place if you are searching for raw wildlife exploration says Gregory Walker Philadelphia. Tanzania and Zanzibar, It’s hard to believe that one country can offer such spectacular bush and beach. This is one of our firm favourite shorter itineraries, with the last part spent relaxing on the beach. Fly into Arusha before heading to stay overnight at Lake Manyara, where your introduction to Africa will hopefully include tree-climbing lions, elephant, giraffe, and a plethora of birdlife. Then it’s off to the world-renowned Serengeti, with its vast, game-rich plains. The Ngorongoro Crater, an ancient volcano, that is basically a natural ‘bowl’ filled with wildlife, has to be seen to be believed. After getting our fill of the incredible bush and fantastic animals, it’s back to Arusha, and a quick flight to the island of Zanzibar.

UK attractions by Greg Walker Philadelphia: The legendary home of one of Britain’s favourite folklore heroes, Robin Hood, this ancient royal hunting ground is one of the UK’s best-known woodlands. It’s smaller than it once was, but with more than 1,000 ancient oak trees, it’s still a magnificent spot in Nottinghamshire. Probably the most famous resident of the enchanting forest is Major Oak – an enormous age-old tree that’s said to be where the famous outlaw and his merry men hid out. Originally a collection within the British Museum in Bloomsbury, it was only in the 1850s that the natural history department’s superintendent Richard Owen pushed for a bespoke space of its own. The result was this grand Romanesque building in South Kensington that took nearly eight years to build and opened in 1881 to great fanfare. Particularly admired is its stunning Hintze Hall, which housed the skeleton of a Diplodocus nicknamed “Dippy” from the 1970s until 2016, when it was replaced with that of a blue whale.

Wereldreisbestemmingen en vakantie gratis reisgidsen door

Wereldreisattracties en vakantie gratis reisgidsen met De London Eye biedt een ongeëvenaard uitzicht op de wereldberoemde bezienswaardigheden van het centrum van Londen vanaf de toplocatie aan de waterkant van de Theems, tegenover de Big Ben en de Houses of Parliament. Het gigantische, 443 meter hoge reuzenrad werd gebouwd om het millennium in 2000 te markeren en werd al snel een van de meest populaire betaalde attracties in het Verenigd Koninkrijk. Van middeleeuwse martelingen tot grimmige executies en beruchte koninklijke gevangenen, de Tower of London bevindt zich al lang in het centrum van de duistere geschiedenis van de stad. Gebouwd door Willem de Veroveraar in 1066, heeft het historische kasteel in de loop van zijn bestaan dienst gedaan als een koninklijke menagerie, de gevangenis van Hare Majesteit, een executieplaats, een koninklijk observatorium, een koninklijke munt en een militair pakhuis.

Turkije is een charterlid van de VN , een vroeg lid van de NAVO , het IMF en de Wereldbank , en een van de oprichters van de OESO , OVSE , BSEC , OIC en G20 . Nadat Turkije in 1949 een van de eerste leden van de Raad van Europa was geworden , werd het in 1963 geassocieerd lid van de EEG , trad het in 1995 toe tot de EU-douane-unie en begon het in 2005 toetredingsonderhandelingen met de Europese Unie . stemming op 13 maart 2019, deHet Europees Parlement heeft de EU-regeringen opgeroepen de toetredingsonderhandelingen met Turkije op te schorten; die ondanks stagnatie sinds 2018 nog steeds actief zijn vanaf 2020. De economie en de diplomatieke initiatieven van Turkije hebben geleid tot de erkenning als regionale macht , terwijl de ligging het door de geschiedenis heen een geopolitiek en strategisch belang heeft gegeven. Turkije is een seculiere , unitaire , voorheen parlementaire republiek die in 2017 een presidentieel systeem met een referendum heeft aangenomen ; het nieuwe systeem is in werking getreden met de presidentsverkiezingen in 2018. De huidige Turkse regering, onder leiding van president Recep Tayyip Erdoğan van de AKP , heeft maatregelen genomen om de invloed van de islam te vergroten en het Kemalistische beleid en de persvrijheid te ondermijnen.

Vanwege de centrale geografische ligging in Zuid-Europa en de Middellandse Zee , is Italië van oudsher de thuisbasis van talloze volkeren en culturen. Naast de verschillende oude volkeren verspreid over wat nu het hedendaagse Italië is, met als meest overheersende de Indo-Europese Italische volkerendie het schiereiland zijn naam gaven, vanaf het klassieke tijdperk, stichtten Feniciërs en Carthagers kolonies, meestal in het insulaire Italië , Griekenvestigden nederzettingen in de zogenaamde Magna Graecia van Zuid-Italië , terwijlEtrusken en Kelten woonden respectievelijk in Midden- en Noord-Italië. Een Italische stam die bekend staat als de Latijnen vormde het Romeinse koninkrijk in de 8e eeuw voor Christus, dat uiteindelijk een republiek werdmet een regering van de Senaat en het Volk . De Romeinse Republiek veroverde en assimileerde aanvankelijk haar buren op het Italiaanse schiereiland, en breidde uiteindelijk delen van Europa , Noord-Afrika en Azië uit . Tegen de eerste eeuw voor Christus, het Romeinse rijkontstond als de dominante macht in het Middellandse Zeegebied en werd een toonaangevend cultureel, politiek en religieus centrum , dat de Pax Romana opende , een periode van meer dan 200 jaar waarin de Italiaanse wet , technologie , economie , kunst en literatuur zich ontwikkelden. Italië bleef het thuisland van de Romeinen en de metropool van het rijk, wiens erfenis ook te zien is in de wereldwijde verspreiding van cultuur, regeringen, het christendom en het Latijnse schrift. Zien meer info aan Vakantie gratis reisgidsen.

Beste attractieparken ter wereld: Gardaland ItaliëIn Italië vind je ook één van de toppers volgens de bezoekers van TripAdvisor. Attractiepark Gardaland Resort werd in 1975 geopend en kan sindsdien rekenen op ca. 2,5 miljoen bezoekers per jaar. Je vindt er meer dan 50 attracties, waarvan de Blue Tornado (een omgekeerde achtbaan), Oblivion The Black (een stalen duikachtbaan) en Magic House (vergelijkbaar met Villa Volta in de Efteling) enkele van de populairste zijn. Misschien too much voor kleine kinderen, maar daarvoor is er een apart kinderthemaland, Fantasy Kingdom. In dit deel van het park huppelt de mascotte van Gardaland Resort, Prezzemolo, rond. Je herkent dit draakje aan rood haar en een blauwe strik. Welk van deze attractieparken zou jij graag eens willen bezoeken?

De stad Lille wordt ook wel het Parijs van het Noorden genoemd. Deze stad ligt vlak bij de grens met België en heeft ook heel wat bezienswaardigheden die grotendeels in het gezellige historische centrum zijn gelegen. Een wandeltocht is ideaal om de stad te verkennen, boek hier je begeleide stadswandeling vanaf €11! Zo kan je er rondwandelen tussen de historische gebouwen en een bezoek brengen aan de Notre Dame de la Treille kathedraal, het Hospice Comtesse en het Hôtel de Ville met het Belfort. Lille staat ook bekend om het heerlijke lokale gebakje ‘merveillieux’, dat moet je zeker eens proeven! De Elzas streek is de meest noordoostelijke streek van het land en ligt tegen zowel de grens met Duitsland als de grens met Zwitserland aan. De hoofdstad van deze streek is het prachtige Strasbourg, waar de Franse architectuur samenkomt met de Duitse architectuur. De geplaveide straatjes worden omringd door oude vakwerkhuizen en andere historische gebouwen, zoals de gotische Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Strasbourg. Die kathedraal heeft 1 van de grootste astronomische klokken ter wereld. In Strasbourg vindt jaarlijks ook 1 van de bekendste en oudste kerstmarkten van Europa plaats, een bezoekje rond Kerst is dus ook zeker een aanrader!

De Engelenburcht (Castel Sant’Angelo) is een oud Romeins fort vlakbij Vaticaanstad. De burcht werd al in de tweede eeuw na Christus gebouwd, maar kreeg de naam Engelenburcht pas in 590. Op de plek van de burcht zou de aartsengel Michael toen tot de toenmalige Paus gekomen zijn om een einde te brengen aan de pest. Later werd de burcht een verdedigingsburcht voor Vaticaanstad en er werd zelfs een tunnel gemaakt tussen het pauselijk paleis en het Castel Sant’Angelo. Vergeet ook zeker niet naar het dakterras van de burcht te klimmen, want vanaf daar heb je een prachtig uitzicht over Rome. Lezen extra info aan

The ascent of a travel attractions expert : Gjok Paloka

Recommended tourism destinations advices with Gjok Paloka? Croatia is a firm favourite European destination for anyone looking for a sailing holiday. This country consists of many picture-perfect islands, historic towns, and wonderful local culture. Croatia is full of natural beauty and is an easily accessible country for sailing around. Some of the top cruising destinations for a holiday in Croatia include Dubrovnik, Split, Kornati, Zadar, and Hvar. There are also smaller islands, like Vis and Korcula that offer incredible experiences.

Gjok Paloka and Kenya: Security level: In general, all 4 destinations can be considered safe, but you have to consider some tips: be careful about valuable objects, do not leave with a lot of cash from the hotel, do not venture into less touristy places. If you are opting for a holiday in a resort, you should not worry too much, but cities need to pay more attention to st. In recent times, more problems have been reported in Nairobi. security, so it would be good to pay more attention if you decide to visit the state capital of Kenya.

Gjok Paloka‘s tips on picking the top place for your holiday: Sailing tip of the day: One of the ancient arts of the sailor is setting up a “stopper” to relieve a loaded rope without letting anything go. The classic use for a stopper is to take the weight off the genoa sheet when Cousin Doofus has carelessly locked up the whole shooting match with an override. My crew recently used the stopper shown below. It took the load at the turning block while we sorted out the mess. Then we wound the sheet in a few inches to relieve the force on the stopper, removed it and sailed on. To create a stopper that works, clap on a half-hitch before the rolling hitch as shown. You can see it doing the work, and it guarantees success. If you can’t tie a rolling hitch, go on the internet and learn how. You may need it sooner than you think!

Africa is a fascinating place if you are searching for raw nature exploration says Gjok Paloka. Some lodges don’t allow children under six on game drives, others have a “no children under 12” policy. But there are plenty of family-friendly safari operators, many lodges have swimming pools and babysitting services, and going on safari as a family is one of the most rewarding experiences for children and their parents, an educational adventure that can instil in travellers of all ages a deeper respect for the natural world and our place in it. There’s a reason it’s called “wildlife”. The animals you’ll see on safari, even in reserves and national parks, are wild and many of them are dangerous predators. That said, safari operators take every precaution to keep you safe by giving you a few rules for game drives (such as: don’t stand up in the vehicle) and providing guards who patrol camps and lodges and can even escort you back to your room after dark in case of an unexpected close encounter with a leopard or baboon. Self-drive safaris occasionally make the news, but are safe if you obey a few simple but essential guidelines such as: keep the windows up and the doors locked, never leave your vehicle and don’t harass the animals.

UK attractions with Gjok Paloka: Stretching across the Avon Gorge and the River Avon in Bristol, this masterpiece of Victorian engineering was designed by Isambard Kingdom Brunel when he was just 24 years-old. Construction began in 1831 and after several setbacks, the bridge finally opened in 1864. Despite being designed for horse and carts, it’s still in use, with thousands of vehicles typically crossing the bridge every day. The London Eye was a controversial addition to the English capital’s skyline when it first opened on the South Bank in 1999, but today the city is unimaginable without this giant Ferris wheel twirling above the Thames. It has 32 capsules representing the city’s boroughs that can each hold up to 25 people as it loops around, offering up incredible 360° views of London’s sprawl. The structure is now world-famous as the backdrop for the capital’s spectacular New Year’s Eve fireworks display.

Reading to Heathrow taxi best provider and Scotland travel destinations

United Kingdom travel attractions with quality Gatwick taxi from airport services? Matlock is worth half a day of anyone’s time en route through the Peak District towards York. The Lake District is magnificent — and busy. The alternative route north tracks the northeast coast: visit Scarborough, part-Victoriana, part surfers’ town; Robin Hood’s Bay and Whitby, which are knotted above harbours; then the Northumberland Coast Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty for vast beaches, hulking Bamburgh Castle and proud towns such as Alnwick. A tip in Scotland: the North Coast 500 route is bumper-to-bumper, but few visitors tour the Argyll Coastal Route. See it as a two-day alternative route to Fort William; 130 miles of big, bold Highlands scenery travelling from Loch Lomond via Oban. I’d be tempted to skip touristy Skye and sail from Oban to Barra, the most accessible Hebridean island. Or for a change of pace before Skye, island-hop through the Small Isles from Mallaig: the hiking island Rum, community-spirited Eigg and birders’ island Canna. Leave the car — all of the islands are tiny.

The three distinct chalk stacks that rise out of the sea at the furthest western point of the Isle of Wight are the Solent isle’s most famous landmark. Surrounded by gorgeous coastal habitat and within a designated Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, the rock formation overlooks a picturesque beach bordered by the grass-topped sand cliffs of Alum Bay. Its famous red and white-striped lighthouse sits at the end of the furthest stack. The fairy-tale turrets on this bridge, that stretches from the Tower of London to Shad Thames on the South Bank have made it one of London’s most recognisable structures. Built in the late 1800s, it’s open to both cars and pedestrians. Within the Victorian engine rooms, there’s a museum exploring the history of the bridge and the glass floor of the high-level walkway at the top offers a spine-tingling bird’s-eye view of the city below.

If you’re stopping over in Heathrow overnight in between your connecting flight, you’re probably going to want to get some shut-eye. You’ll find you’re in good company if you want to take a nap in the seating areas. However, if you’re after greater comfort check out the YOTELAIR hotel (terminal 4). There are pod-like cabins with comfortable memory foam mattresses with private bathroom facilities to enjoy. If you only want a few hours of sleep, this is a great option to freshen up after a nap. Heathrow is much more than an airport. You can shop until you drop. You’ll find all the big brands at part of the shopping experience. But, don’t concentrate on shopping while you’re there, and forget you’ve got a flight to catch.

A riverside icon on London’s South Bank dedicated to modern and contemporary art. It’s the younger, hipper sibling to Pimlico’s Tate Britain. To be inspired and challenged – even by the architecture. Tate Modern is based in what was Bankside Power Station. Its 2016 Switch House extension added gallery space and incredible 360-degree views of the London skyline. Step inside to discover works by the likes of Warhol, Matisse and Bourgeois, all part of the free permanent collection. The Tate Boat (decorated with Damien Hirst dots) runs up and down the Thames between Tate Modern and Tate Britain every 30 minutes during gallery opening hours. Just tap in and out with an Oyster or contactless card as you would on the tube or bus.

The Cotswolds cover some 787 square miles and encompass parts of some of England’s prettiest counties: Gloucestershire, Oxfordshire, Wiltshire, Somerset, Worcestershire, and Warwickshire. And all of it begs to be explored. Designated an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty due to its rare limestone grassland habitats and old-growth beech woodlands, the beauty of the Cotswolds has much to do with its quaint villages and towns, such as Castle Combe, Chipping Norton, and Tetbury. Like so much of England, the Cotswolds is perfect to discover on foot. One of the best routes is along the Cotswold Way, a 102-mile footpath with spectacular views of the Severn Valley and the Vale of Evesham. This route runs the length of the Cotswolds, and can be picked up pretty much anywhere you visit. Discover extra info on Airport Taxi Heathrow.

Hyde Park is also home to major events at various stages throughout the year. In summer you’ll find the British Summer Time live concert series, featuring performances by some of the world’s biggest music artists such as Stevie Wonder and Phil Collins. Then there’s Speakers’ Corner, billed as “the most famous location in the world for free speech” where the likes of George Orwell, Karl Marx and Winston Churchill have spoken. Come Christmas there’s Winter Wonderland — the U.K.’s version of a classic European Christmas market. This one certainly doesn’t have the same magic of a quaint little town in rural Germany, as tens of thousands of visitors pour into the site every day of the festive season. If you do want a real Christmas market, this may be many more people and a lot less authentic than you’re expecting.

Listed here are only a few things which may make your life less complicated. “Cannot you squeeze them in?” Shuttle drivers hear this periodically. It’s more commonly arises when they’ve been asked to furnish transport for say 5 persons, only to realize that a sixth has abruptly arrived as part of the staff. As part of your booking, they’re going to ask you to tell them how many passengers are in your party and whether or not you require a desired or pacific car. If this changes, they have got to be instructed so that they may be able to continuously make certain that the vehicle they furnish has enough space and seats available. So there is a quantity of methods you could go via to appear for a individual taxi driver. That you can perpetually contact an offerings agency that has chauffeurs on hand and you could rent or hire one in all them. You might moreover make an advertisement within the local newspaper or online in any number of areas. Instead of this, you should additionally consult your loved one’s members and neighbors, they are also capable of advising you to detailed man or woman or enterprise to be competent to offer you the excellent services on offer. You must look for and carry out as much information and research as you can so that the company you hire can get the great and best driver for you.

It is not that public transport services are the cheapest mode but in fact it is more expensive than the London airport transfers Train services may be cheaper than Gatwick Airport Transfers services. But the time taken by this is much more than other transportation methods; Airport Transfers Surrey– Our services at surrey airport is always available irrespective of time and weather. The airport transfers London services are much cheaper than many other transportation services available at surrey. We even provide you discounts when you purchase it online.

It’s a long wait so why not watch a movie. You will need your laptop and a USB flash drive. At the touchscreen kiosks, you can download your favorite film on the drive and load it on to your laptop. These are not available at all airports in the US yet. Digiboo and iTunes are the most popular ones at the moment. Take advantage of samples of lotions and hand creams to hydrate your skin. You are going to need it if you have arrived from a long flight. Zero cost and gives you a chance to explore the whole shopping scene. See additional details at this website.

Gatwick airport is often overlooked when it comes to the array of airports available in London. However, I absolutely love Gatwick for so many different reasons, not just because Ryanair flies there from Dublin (£30 return, living the dream). Here’s my guide to Gatwick Airport and all my best tips and tricks for hassle-free transit/trip. Getting from Gatwick to the city centre and vice versa is no trouble at all with the train station attached to the South Terminal. You can walk straight from arrivals in the South Terminal to the train station in about 3 minutes.

Top African safaris with Cheetah Revolution Safaris

Kenya cheetah safaris tricks right now? Samburu National Reserve is known as the best destination to spot the special five wildlife species. They include the Gerenuk, Grevy Zebra, Beisa Oryx, Somali Ostrich, Reticulated giraffe. As a rustic destination, the reserve provides you exclusive wildlife sightings to big cats like leopards, lions, and cheetahs. Elephants of Samburu are huge and amazing to spot around your camps and lodges where you will spending at. If you have been in search of one of the best destinations to enjoy wilderness experiences in Kenya, Samburu National Reserve and its environs, ensure you get exactly the same dreams you were looking for. The Samburu People are one unique culture, and you will get a chance to spend and interact with them. While on a walk in the evening, you can visit spectacular Samburu communities around.

Regardless of what you would like your Botswana safari package to entail, here at Cheetah Revolution Safaris we are ensured to have the perfect Botswana tour for you. We have both short and long haul Botswana safari adventures available, that cover all of Botswana’s major national parks and game reserves. Furthermore you are able to select an accommodation option that suits your needs, and upgrade your package with extras if you wish. By choosing Cheetah Revolution Safaris, you will be guaranteed the ultimate Botswana safari experience. Read extra details at

Africa is a awesome place if you are searching for raw wildlife exploration. If desert – and its accompanying gobsmacking scenery – is your thing, a trip through Namibia and Botswana is perfect. Enjoy the incredible vastness of Namibia, the dunes of Sossusvlei, wild coast of Swakopmund, the incredible, game-rich Etosha and a visit to a local bushman community. From there, you head into the lush Caprivi Strip, going on a game drive through the parks between Botswana and Angola that form an important part of the migratory corridor for elephants and other wildlife. Then it’s off to the breath-taking Okavango Delta, followed by the barren beauty of Makgadikgadi. Spend two days exploring Chobe, which boasts one of the largest elephant populations in Africa, followed by two days in Hwange (Zim). You’ll see elephant and more magnificent elephant! And that’s beside all the other African wildlife favourites who call these parks ‘home’.

Kenya safari tip : Where to stay in Kenya: As with Tanzania, if you go strictly on safari, you will find “all-inclusive” options – with entrance to the park, accommodation, food three times a day, transport, guide. On the Indian Ocean coast you will find a greater variety of accommodation units, from cozy hostels to imposing 5-star hotels. Kenya Visa: It’s easy to get – at the border, in exchange for $ 51. National Parks – Lei hunting, giraffes eating baobabi, zebras passing the famous Masai Mara river? There are only a few episodes you will see in Kenya’s national parks. There are dozens, so you have to choose, however, the most important is Masai Mara, the place where many films or documentaries were filmed.

There are many things to see and do in Kenya! From the dream beaches on the coast of the Indian Ocean, unique flora and fauna, savannahs, the transhumant sea, the islands of the Kenyan archipelago – Lamu Island with its forts built by Arabs, then Pate Island, further away, where the basic task is lobster fishing – continuing with the thrilling “safari” (by the way, the word comes from the Swahili language and means “travel”) in national parks and nature reserves such as Tsavo East and West, Masai Mara, Amboseli, Lake Turkana – the largest desert lake and also alkaline of on the globe, with a unique color from which it is also called the “Sea-of-Jad”, lake at the foot of Mount Kulal on the Kenyan side of the Great African Rift Valley – continuing with the natural complex Samburu, Buffalo Springs and Shaba, then Lake Nakuru and not least with the impressive Mount Kenya (5199 m).

One of our most sought-after locations is Kenya, a hot spot for safari wildlife game and an excellent place for those with their sights set on an unrivalled safari experience. Not only will you be able to encounter the action-packed National Parks and Game Reserves, but Kenya also offers the perfect place to relax amongst white sand beaches. Although Kenya may seem like the place to be, you can’t underestimate a Tanzanian journey. The Serengeti and Ngorongoro Crater have some of the best, classic safari experiences in Kenya, with endless wildlife as well as wonders of the world. Spot Mount Kilimanjaro or even embark on a once-in-a-lifetime climb up the famous mountain. If you’re adventure driven, Tanzania is the place to be. Read many more information at