Who is Nick Ayton and some of his blockchain thought leader achievements

The rise of a high tech influencer : Nick Ayton… An all around the world recognised tech thought leader, Nick works with executives to help them overcome the pervasive nature of new technologies that include Quantum Computing, Artificial Intelligence, QuantumAI, Nano Materials, VR and Blockchain, as opportunities and threats for business operating model improvement, customers and the top line growth.

Nick Ayton on the bitcoin generation: In the sixties, people were tired of the stiff society of their parents who lived through the scarcity of the war years and whose own parents brought them up with draconian Victorian attitudes that forced people to suppress their feelings and encouraged the people to blindly follow the rules without question. This retentive society spawned a new generation who saw the opportunity to make their own way in the world, to break free and not have to follow the rules of the past. Rules decided by the hierarchy of a class system where the ‘establishment’ designed the politics of the time to retain control and limit democracy, just enough to extract more from the people to stockpile wealth.

Nick Ayton has spent more than 40 years in tech fields, trasforming businesses and implementing the latest tech for competitive advantage. He has the knack of making the complex feel familiar and gets to the issue quickly. He gets you thinking and helps you take action, to have the right plans in place for what is to come. His most recent project 21 million , will launch an ICO 12th June 2017. 21 million aims to make a crypto-funded blockchain indy tv series about the Bitcoin Revolution, an asset backed Token and a new Media and Film Production business on Ethereum. He advises a range of clients and sits on advisory boards of several Blockchain start ups supporting the founders.

But a slow visible Kodak-like decline won’t happen this time. Before long one of the thousands of people and organizations working on redefining and reinvent your market will do it, and then it is more likely your entire industry will be washed away, taking you with it… The lack of understanding in the board room can create a falsehood that there is safety in numbers, that scale and market share delivers some form of protection; that IT outsourcing or digital transformation will deliver marginal improvements in performance, simply put is no more than putting lipstick on the pig. These projects deliver lots of activity that can convince management everything is OK, while others are envisioning new ways of delivering 10x the Customer Experience through new value at less than 50% of the cost. A new generation of entrepreneurs is working hard to use Blockchain to destroy your shareholder value, completely. Find more details on Nick Ayton.

“Nick has a way of getting through to audiences by scaring them a little, then making them laugh. A thought leader and futurist I very much enjoy listening to him” We work with Founders and Management Teams to help them prepare for investment discussions. Nick has designed Blockchain Operating Models for Insurance, Asset Management, Capital Markets, Trading and Lectures at a number of International business schools. In 2012 he created the first Fintech Self Service Pension Platform growing at 131% per quarter. Nick is currently advising several Blockchain entrepreneurs supporting a number of Initial Coin Offerings (Crypto-crowdfunding) and is London Correspondent for CoinTelegraph.

NickAyton on crypto app tokes : There are other new App Tokens on their way for climate, for sustainability, for tackling some of the world’s biggest challenges and in a real sense they matter, deliver an impact and it is important we earn them and get behind them. One of the most hotly debated topics around cryptocurrencies is what people can actually purchase with Bitcoin and its altcoin brethren. With Bitcoin’s 10th birthday just around the corner, it’s worth taking a look at some of the most outrageous and expensive things people have been able to purchase with BTC.

Finance tech

Helping CRM usage? Sales managers, do you micro-manage your sales teams from details in the CRM? If salespeople sense that entering all their leads and all the data points they know about every customer and deal in the CRM will bring down waves of criticism and micro-management FAR beyond what they would deal with just tracking their prospects in an old-school manual way (even including getting into trouble for not using the CRM!)… again – they will act in their own best interests. In this case, sadly, that self-interest will be completely opposite company-interest.

Recent incidents should serve as sufficient motivation: Yahoo – 3.5 billion account details were hacked in two different breaches. Every single account on a system serving nearly half of the world’s population in 2013-14 (not fully disclosed until 2017). Sony Motion Pictures – hacked by a group working with North Korea and used sensitive stolen data to force Sony to cancel the release of a movie about Kim Jong Un in 2014. Anthem Health – 80 million customers’ identity and health insurance records were breached in 2015. Equifax – 146 million customers’ detailed credit records and social security numbers were breached in 2017.

The real power comes when you know how a customer will best interact with YOU. Beyond understanding a customer or client generally, the real benefits come to companies who know how customer needs overlap with the company’s offerings, and to companies who can predict the timing of those needs more fully. This can be challenging when you’re not doing business with a customer yet, but to fill this gap myriad data brokers and aggregators offer data which can be harvested and combined for useful insights. One critical prerequisite for combining multiple outside sources (and later integrating internal data) is to identify a unique key for each record, which ideally can be obtained automatically from data generally complete and accurate in each source. Don’t be dissuaded if this step does require working through exceptions using outsource data cleansing services or temp/intern help. If you’re going to leverage multiple sources of data, it’s a critical step to develop and nurture this unique key; many companies who skip this step end up in a nightmare of duplicate records. See more details on CRM insights.

Every business should want to have an IT consultant! One of the greatest concerns when adopting new business technology is data security. IT experts can advise a business on the safest technologies to use. The experts can also help businesses identify loopholes in their current systems that may lead to a security breach. Hiring an IT consultant is the right move whenever a business experiences or suspects a data security breach. Internal IT professionals may be too busy managing daily operations to monitor data operations keenly.

An advice any CEO should know about cybersecurity: Cyber-attacks and security breaches will occur and will negatively impact your business. Today, the average cost of the impact of a cyber breach is $4.9 million. Further, it is incumbent upon CEOs to learn more about cybersecurity to ensure their company is taking appropriate actions to secure their most valuable information assets. This does not mean that every CEO needs to become a Certified Information System Security Professional (CISSP). Rather, CEOs should increase their knowledge of core cybersecurity concepts and leverage their own leadership skills to conceptualize and manage risk in strategic terms, understanding the business impact of risk.

Trust is a universal Human Need Turbo-charger! Although we apply this approach to IT-driven transformation, it is truly in effect in every aspect of our lives. Myriad leadership studies have proven the connection between success/efficiency/effectiveness and trust. And each of us can confirm in our own lives the “difference” between situations where trust was absent vs. present; it is not difficult to recall in which situations we were at our best. As with many things, the impact of trust may be seen more clearly by examining what happens when it’s absent. There is something deep in human nature which causes us to hold back, maybe in subconscious self-preservation, in these situations. Discover extra info at https://innovationvista.com/.

Manufacturing execution system (MES) chain

Blockchain is an open, distributed ledger that can record transactions and in a permanent way. It is based on a series of electronic transaction records as known as “blocks” with linked to cryptography. Each block includes the encryption combination of the previous block, corresponding timestamp and transaction data. When the data is recorded to the block, subsequent blocks do not alter retroactively without the alteration of all subsequent blocks, which requires the consensus of the network majority.

Genesis Crypto Technology is a solution for the manufacturing process via Blockchain.Data security is our top priority and the project will provide manufacturing information with Blockchain technology. The manufacturer will improve product quality by monitoring all variable factors. Managers examine the steps of all staff in improving quality and they will be given the option to select the right person for the right job in the light of this information. The project will use blockchain technology for the main manufacturing stages with information on failures of mechanical parts and working hours. Thus, there will be a repository of various manufacturer details such as stock information with Blockchain technology.

The overall approach is to increase the possibilities for automation. Companies can use this technology to program how to carry out and track specific operations dynamically. It also allows for sales administration duties so that the best prices for each item are automatically calculated based on delivery times to ensure accurate estimates and invoices. This structure gives a business multiple advantages because of the MES algorithm. Companies can create their manufacturing model, track raw materials, and address quality standards in one location. Quality management, data collection, and statistical analysis become centralized to reduce time and labor requirements. It even has the capacity to control internal electronic documents to reduce administrative commitments. Discover extra details on MES Chain on Twitter.

Final Word On Brokers: This isn’t a decision to take lightly. Do the maths, read reviews and trial the exchange and software first. Coinbase is widely regarded as one of the most trusted exchanges, but trading cryptocurrency on Bittrex is also a sensible choice. CEX.IO, Coinmama, Kraken and Bitstamp are other popular options. Cryptocurrency Trading For Beginners : Before you choose a broker and trial different platforms, there are a few straightforward things to get your head around first. Understanding and accepting these three things will give you the best chance of succeeding when you step into the crypto trading arena. Find out what’s growing – Bitcoin, Ethereum and Litecoin top the list for tradability and ease of use. However, there are also Zcash, Das, Ripple, Monero and several more to keep an eye on. Do your homework and find out what’s on the up and focus your attention there.

MesChain (MES) is provided by a Company called Genesis Crypto Technology. We are a tech-advanced company committed to reforming the world with digital currency and technology in general. MESChain would become a world leader in the market by developing a platform in the field of manufacturing execution systems and a solution source based on Blockchain technology preferred by companies in need of technological support. Read additional details at https://blog.meschain.io/.

Arts & designs inspired tech trending products

All products we purchase are heavily influenced by high tech trends. Do you want a product from the wallets section? For sure we can find some products in which high tech application exists. YouTechMe is an online store focused on providing the latest tech applications products in all areas. Let’s see some of these products.

Our forgetfulness costs us thousands of dollars over the course of our lifetimes. Unsurprisingly, one of the most commonly misplaced items is our car keys. Thankfully, the Bluetooth-equipped Tile Mate easily slides onto a keychain, allowing you to track the whereabouts of your keys using an accompanying mobile app — even if they’re locked inside your car. Tile is one of the best Bluetooth trackers on the market, and it’s compatible with several infotainment systems.

Anker is one of the top brands for electronics, and they’ve come to turn your morning rush into a more enjoyable experience. We’ve all been late out the door with a phone battery down to 12%, and scorned ourselves for buying overpriced gas station chargers on the way to work. This makes it far easier and boosts up to 80% of your battery in as little as a half-hour, average thirty-five minutes. No more anxiety over your phone dying suddenly. Anker doesn’t just put the proof in the pudding, they also want you to feel nice and easy with an 18-month warranty. Imagine if all car chargers came with that. They’re so confident you’re going to love it, that they’ve made their Quick Charge 3.0 USB Car Charger compatible with just about every phone on the market for the past five years, both Android and iOS. Rev up the USB 3.0 technology, and get ready to roll with a full battery bar. Be sure to also check out our list of the top portable power banks for more great items like this. Find additional details on Trending Technology Products Online Shopping.

Brewing your own beer can be a messy and inexact process. The PicoBrew looks to make doing so as easy as pressing a button. All that you need to do with this machine is insert packets of hops, yeast and grain, and the machine (mostly) does the rest. A few weeks later, and you’ve got 5 liters of beer. PicoBrew also partnered with more than 50 breweries, so you can replicate that awesome IPA that you can’t find in any store. Plus, a new PicoStill attachment lets you distill spirits, too.

A good pair of earbuds is invaluable if you’re frequently on the move and don’t want to be without your music and other entertainment, and when it comes to in-ear headphones, you can’t beat a classic: The Panasonic ErgoFit earbuds remain one of the best and most popular pairs you can buy, with more than 50,000 YouTech.Me reviews. If you don’t want to dish out the cash for a pair of wireless earphones like the AirPods, these headphone earbuds are available in a variety of colors at around $11 on YouTech.Me (and a just few bucks more for the model with an in-line microphone).

You heard it right! It’s YouTakeMe! I mean, you can TAKE all these innovations or NEWEST TECHNOLOGY products at www.YouTech.me Everything you want is all here at YouTech.Me (or YTM in short). We have the best products for your; Automotive Tools & Accessories, Design & Construction, Electronics & Gadgets, Gift Collections, Fitness & Health, Home & Family, Lifestyle & Fashion, Pets & Garden, Studies & Work, Travel & Recreation and so much more… Source: https://youtech.me/.

P2P network Utopia ready to be launched

Let’s start with the obvious question : what is Utopia P2P network ? Utopia is a decentralized peer-to-peer network, with no central server involved in data transmission or storage. The network is supported by people who use it and deliver high-quality features and perfectly smooth user Interface that offer a lot of value.

Utopia is a breakthrough decentralized P2P ecosystem with no central server involved in data transmission or storage. Utopia allows users to send instant text and voice messages, transfer files, create group chats and channels and make and accept payments denominated in Utopia’s minable crypto currency Crypton. To learn more about Utopia and to sign up for its beta please visit https://beta.u.is/

P2P network Utopia popularity on the rise. Each user manages their own computer. This means that a network manager is not required/Each computer needs it’s own anti virus scanner


The Dashboard is the Home page, designed to provide access to all functions available in Utopia Software.

Features : Chat, uMail, Profiles, Channel, Mining, uWallets, Geotagging and uMaps, Built-in Idyll browser, Utopia Network.

Characteristics of a Peer Network: Peer-to-peer networking is common on small local area networks (LANs), particularly home networks. Both wired and wireless home networks can be configured as peer-to-peer environments.


Utopia Chat send instant text and voice messages to Utopia users.

Features : emoticons, Texts, voice message, stickers, send file, add contact, Notification.

A message can be sent to any user in your contact list.

” Voice Massage” – When you are ready to record a message, click “Start Recording”.
” stickers ” – send the stickers in chat;
“Send File” – allows you to send a file;
“Search” – allows you to search through your communication history;
” emoticons ” – Add emoticons to the chat;

Utopia Chat you can send instant text and voice messages, transfer files, create group chats and channels, news feeds and conduct a private discussion.

P2P network is suggested for connecting a small group of computers that are on the same LAN. One thing to note is that access rights to any computer are determined the computer you want to access. If that computer has allowed file sharing then only you can access its files otherwise not as in this network each computer is independent and can choose not to share file on the network. Let’s see the pros and cons of this type of network.

3. uMail : Utopia Mail

uMail can be sent to Utopia users. you can share Text and file Attachment. you can use this Umail like Email. Its very easy to use for all and also your data privacy more strong’s compare to Other Mail system. In the Umail you can use variety of features like below. No servers are used for mail transmission or storage. uMail account, that is created in a minute, enables unlimited messaging and attachment storage.


this is use for your personal details like First name, Last Name etc.

Your Public key is a unique identifier within Utopia which is assigned to newly registered users. Like this,

Public Keys are used to add users to contact lists, and Your uCode is your encoded Public Key.

5.Channel :

Channel is a tool for broadcasting public messages to large audiences and engaging in group discussions.

6.Crypto Mining :

Crypto is a payment unit of Utopia ecosystem. It is a decentralized crypto currency. Utopia Provides personal Currency in Rewards. Crypto currency mining is a process by which new coins are introduced into the existing circulating supply. Utopia rewards users that support the ecosystem through mining by emission of new Cryptons. When you run Utopia or a mining bot you will receive your share of the collective mining reward. The more time your Utopia client or bots spend online, the more reward you will earn. Utopia is to promote the stability of the ecosystem.

Minimum mining system requirements:

– 64-bit operating system
– At least 1024 MB of free RAM (2048 recommended)
– Internet connection

And also Utopia provides personal Crypto Card to specific Users for Earnings. uWallet is Utopia’s built-in wallet that makes payments in Crypton possible. Crypton is Utopia’s own cryptocurrency.

7. Geotagging and uMaps

GeoTag is an electronic tag that assigns a geographical location to Utopia channel. When you create a channel you have an opportunity to assign a geoTag so that fellow Utopia users can easily find you channel using uMaps.

8.Utopia Network

Utopia is a decentralized peer-to-peer network, with no central server involved in data transmission or storage. The network is supported by people who use it. Utopia Network is based on Peer-to-Peer (P2P) technology. Network settings are available at “Tools” – “Settings” – “Network” tab

9.Built-in Idyll browser

Utopia ecosystem is based on its own peer-to-peer (P2P) network. Among other things, the network enables you to host and transmit to fellow Utopia users any websites or web services. Idyll browser is a built-in browser used to surf web resources within Utopia network. It is based on the latest Tor browser. As the Tor browser is a collection of patches for Firefox, we used some of those patches to create a secure browser for Utopia network.

Enter http://utopia at the address field of your browser

If the http://utopia does not load, please refer to What if I encounter an error?

10.Utopia Multyplayer Games

Chess is a two-player strategy board game played on a Utopia with 64 squares arranged in an 8×8 grid. The game is played by millions of people worldwide. Chess is believed to be derived from the Indian game chaturanga sometime before the 7th century. you can Play chess with multiplayer on Utopia Software.

Play chess online against a computer opponent or a friend. Improve your skills – Play free Chess – Chess game on Utopia Network

11.uNS registered names

uNS is a decentralized equivalent of a classic DNS. DNS is subject to pressure and censorship from less than perfect international laws. Domains can be revoked or suspended due to multiple reasons, such as non-response to whois inquiry or other register policies, non-payment, government actions and so on.

The Domain Name System (DNS) is a pseudo-distributed directory that resolves human-readable hostnames, such as www.domain.com, into machine-readable IP addresses like

A UNS record is a database record used to map a URL to an IP address. UNS records are stored in UNS servers and work to help users connect their websites to the outside world. When the URL is entered and searched in the browser, that URL is forwarded to the UNS servers and then directed to the specific Web server.

uNS name can be also assigned to one of your Channels to make them easier to be found by other people.

12. Umaps

13. Sortcut Keys for Utopia

– Open Settings Window: Ctrl+Shift+S
– Send File in Chat: Ctrl+D
– Add a New Contact: Ctrl+Shift+A
– Search in Chat: Ctrl+F
– Open History Window: Ctrl+Shift+F
– Delete All Chat History: Ctrl+Shift+L
– Wipe Encrypted File Container: Ctrl+Shift+C
– Start a New uMail: Ctrl+N
– Send uMail: Ctrl+S
– Open Network Eye Window: Ctrl+I
– Open Transfer Manager Window: Ctrl+T
– Lock Application: Ctrl+Alt+L

14.Voice Chat in Utopia

Voice chat is telecommunication via voice over IP technologies—especially when those technologies are used among players in multiplayer online games. Players might use either a VoIP engine system that is built into the game, or a separate program in Utopia.

Now in New Updates of Utopia you can start voice chat with Utopia Users.

15.Dark Theme In Utopia

The Utopia developers have created a beautiful theme for lovers of dark colors and for those who work at night, enjoy!

Utopia has been developed by a group of networking technology enthusiasts over the last 5 years. To eliminate any impact on the project, developers of Utopia will forever remain anonymous. We will not be able to alter the algorithms of the ecosystem once it has been launched.

Utopia is an instrument that will return the freedom of expression back into your life. It is time to take privacy of communication into your own hands!

Please Like ,share and comment with your friends.

Also You can download from https://beta.u.is/

Technology news blog

A lot of new gadgets, phones,watches in 2019! What to purchase? Fitbit is one of the biggest names in fitness tracking tech, but until late in 2017 the company hadn’t gone anywhere near smartwatches. The company has now released two smartwatches, and both feature on this list but first we’re starting with our favorite that was announced in March 2018. That favorite from Fitbit is the Versa that is a touch smaller than the other one (that’s the Ionic) but it comes with Fitbit Pay for contactless payments, 2.5GB of storage for music and battery life that’ll last around three days. It doesn’t have GPS for tracking your runs and the design doesn’t feel as premium as some of the other watches on this list, but we really like the Fitbit Versa and it’s one of the more affordable choices on this list.

We really, really like what Huawei has managed to do with the Huawei P30 Pro, and it easily slides into our best Android phones of 2019 list. It makes an appearance at the expense of the P20 Pro, and builds on everything that made that 2018 handset great as well. We’re talking internal components that are enough to give it lightning-fast performance (note the Kirin 980 processor and up to 8GB of RAM), as well as a quad-lens camera capable of performing some really impressive tricks – not least a whopping 5x of optical zoom! This being a Huawei phone, the software experience is a long way from being the best in the business. However, the excellent hardware and build quality means that the P30 Pro ends up a long way in credit when everything is considered.

Samsung is making a big deal about the camera on the S9 range and for good reason, on the back of the S9 Plus are dual 12MP cameras, both with an impressive f/1.5 maximum aperture. At the time of writing the S9 range is the only phone with a camera aperture this wide, making its low-light prowess second-to-none. Add on top of that the ‘infinity’ screen that the Samsung Galaxy range is now famous for, and this big-screened beauty comfortably takes the top spot. We thought the AR Emoji feature was overrated, but if you’re in the market for the best screen and best camera on a phone, this is the handset for you. (If you’re keen to wait for something newer, though, you might want to check out its incoming successor, the Samsung Galaxy S10 .) See extra info at Latest Mobile News.

Prepare for 5G in India ! The Galaxy Fold is a really cutting edge phone from Samsung and it will also have a 5G variant. The phone opens like a book to reveal its bigger, flexible display. The Galaxy Fold is powered by Snapdragon 855 mobile platform and is also the first phone with UFS 3.0 storage (512GB). It combines two batteries for a 4380mAh capacity, has dual front cameras, triple rear cameras, and one cover camera. OnePlus first talked about its 5G phone at 2018 Qualcomm annual Tech Summit. The 5G phone prototype was finally showcased at MWC 2019, but it was kept in a sealed package, but visitors did get a demo of a 5G application, cloud-based gaming. Apart from the 5G support, OnePlus 7 Pro will feature “super smooth” (90Hz) and “super crisp” (2K resolution) screen. It could sport a 48MP+ 8MP 3X telephoto Zoom (F/2.4 aperture)+ 16MP 117-degree Ultra-Wide angle lens (F/2.2 aperture). Under the hood, the phone could carry a 4000mAh battery and SD855 chipset.

Tamilrockers news : Hours after the hottest Shankar- Rajinikanth- Akshay Kumar film 2.0 hit the screens worldwide, the infamous piracy group Tamil Rockers published the film on their site on Thursday. Lyca Productions took to Twitter on Thursday following the movie premiered, requesting people to see the film in a theatre, not succumb to pirated version of the film. “Hardwork of 4 yrs, crores of money, efforts of 1000s of technicians – all to give you a visual spectacle it’s possible to see, love and enjoy in THEATRES! Do not spoil the experience. SAY NO TO PIRACY!

More latest mobile news ? Read more info at https://www.techhunt.co.in/how-to-activate-jio-sim-card-step-by-step-method/.