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Best virtual CIO services by A key part successful digital transformation is assessing the needs and opportunities of organizations to ensure that the chosen strategy is the optimal path. Executives are justified in concerns about change, but with the pace of innovation being what it is in today’s economy, doing nothing is often actually more risky in many industries. Concerns about information security are legitimate, of course, but those countermeasures are table stakes in their own right, and many approaches to Digitalization do not raise security risks.

Our firm’s unique approach offers small- and mid-size companies the guidance and IT leadership services of expert consultants who have served in a C-level IT role in one or multiple successful tenures, and who have experience in your industry. Our consultants: Possess decades of experience with the strategic decisions needed for success in enterprise technology; Have familiarity with the business model(s) and terminology of your industry; Are armed with our proprietary Innovation framework and toolkits to Stabilize, Optimize, and Monetize your organization’s IT; Provide virtual IT leadership services to clients on a part-time/fractional retainer basis, to make this expertise accessible to any budget. Discover a few more details at parttime CIO.

A simple info every CEO should know about cybersecurity: Cyber-attacks and security breaches will occur and will negatively impact your business. Today, the average cost of the impact of a cyber breach is $4.9 million. Further, it is incumbent upon CEOs to learn more about cybersecurity to ensure their company is taking appropriate actions to secure their most valuable information assets. This does not mean that every CEO needs to become a Certified Information System Security Professional (CISSP). Rather, CEOs should increase their knowledge of core cybersecurity concepts and leverage their own leadership skills to conceptualize and manage risk in strategic terms, understanding the business impact of risk.

Over 90% of companies with dedicated sales teams have licensed a CRM system, and yet far fewer of these companies believe their CRMs are strategic in their impact to the top and bottom lines. Quora got double-digits responses to the question “Why do salespeople hate CRM?” “Why do salespeople love CRM?” had not been posted as a question as of the time of this writing. Why is it so challenging to get sales teams to use CRM systems? Contrary to some other commentators on this topic, I don’t believe the problem of low CRM adoption is due mainly to the systems being overly complex, or salespeople having limited grasp of software generally. Don’t get me wrong; some CRMs are no doubt too complex, designed by techies without sufficient input from real sales teams, etc. There are over 300 different CRM systems in the market today, and no doubt some are poorly designed.

Progress and innovation are seen as some of the top priorities in businesses, always trying to stay ahead of the curve and compete for an “edge” on an ever-shifting scale. Since Covid-19, companies are seeing just how critical staying apace with the changing times is to their survival and success. The uncertainty of the future brought on by a global pandemic has exacerbated the issue surrounding change and created several challenges for businesses as they attempt to plan ahead. We see situations where business are struggling to “keep up” with developing technology and systems, particularly when the changes impact their business models, or when they have to defend against disruptive innovations from their competitors. Discover even more details on tech stabilization.

Innovation Vista is not satisfied with the same IT approach most industries have followed since last century. We Innovate Beyond Efficiency. Our evolutionary approach ensures that prerequisite phase(s) are completed before moving on to the next. As much as business leaders want to jump immediately into “Digital Transformation” (and as much as many consultants are happy to sell services to do so), our experience tells us that companies which aren’t ready with the underlying IT capabilities and stability are simply not ready. As with all worthwhile things, creating revenue or disrupting your industry with technology capabilities require significant effort and preparation. We seek to Build Trust First, and to maintain that trust throughout the journey as your trusted IT strategic advisors.

Sales managers, do you micro-manage your sales teams from details in the CRM? If salespeople sense that entering all their leads and all the data points they know about every customer and deal in the CRM will bring down waves of criticism and micro-management FAR beyond what they would deal with just tracking their prospects in an old-school manual way (even including getting into trouble for not using the CRM!)… again – they will act in their own best interests. In this case, sadly, that self-interest will be completely opposite company-interest.

I find that although everyone is slammed with workload in most companies, given the chance to contribute innovative ideas, they’ll find mental energy to devote to it. Busy-ness is not the same thing as creative exhaustion. As noted above, the best way to kickoff a brainstorm is to gather initial thoughts individually anyway. Give team members time to surface ideas over a few weeks, and their subconscious mind will work on the problem. Prime the pump with some example areas for major savings or new revenue – don’t just ask them to “submit great ideas”. Of the ideas submitted, my suggestion is to identify those which have the potential to be self-funding within a year of launch, i.e. which increase revenue or save costs annually at least as large as the project costs. Most of my clients are surprised to find multiple such options which are worth exploring; technology is maturing fast, and for all its negative aspects the pandemic is also creating opportunities for significant changes in how business is done. I suggest creating cross-functional teams to collaborate on each idea, as noted above. Even if staff bandwidth is limited, each person can hopefully participate on one such project, which might involve a one-hour weekly meeting/conference call, with reasonable expectations for each member’s time investment between calls. I’ve found that even if people are busy with “normal work”, they often have creative energy and are excited to participate in something like this on the side, over lunch, etc. See extra details on monetizing tech.

Cracked screen repair company in Colorado Springs on Skinit Fixit

Extended lifetime for you Huawei or other mobile phone brands? Phones, while pretty smart these days aren’t just miracle devices that look after themselves. You can optimise them and prolong their lifespans if you keep a few simple maintenance habits. Keeping your phone in tip top shape is about more than just wiping off the fingerprints every now and then. Storage, battery and operating speed can all be maximised by being proactive and keeping your phone clean on the inside – don’t crack open the case and start polishing the electronics, we mean inside the phone’s system.

Apple’s Night Mode sets a benchmark for low-light photography within the industry, while the company’s Smart HDR technology utilizes a breakthrough machine learning technique called semantic rendering to selectively over- or underexpose specific areas of the scene differently. And on the video front, all three of the iPhone 11 Pro’s rear cameras can record at 4K resolution and 60 frames-per-second, and even the front-facing shooter captures slow motion clips for dynamic and dramatic “slofies.” Both the regular 5.8-inch model and the 6.5-inch Max variant feature the same cameras, while the cheaper 6.1-inch iPhone 11 ditches the telephoto lens, but can still capture the same quality photos otherwise.

First, assess the damage, and that means getting your phone on a solid surface and in a good light, not just giving it a quick once-over before stuffing it back in your pocket. With a little bit of stress testing and careful prodding you should be able to work out whether the screen is about to fall off or fail completely. In a lot of cases it will stay in place, cracks and all, so you can at least keep tweeting, so long as the screen is still visible and functioning. The gussied-up version of the packing tape solution. This ensures that you’ve got no seams and a clean line around the edges of the screen. Granted, that might not be much of a concern when underneath there’s a spiderweb of cracks.

Cracked screen repair advices and other mobile phones tips and tricks. And, of course, the most obvious option: buying a new phone. Sometimes you just need to pony up the cash to replace your damaged device. Sure, it might be painful to spend that much money. But it might be cheaper than buying a replacement and upgrading a few months later anyway. If you were already thinking about upgrading soon, it might be best to just do it now. If you do decide to buy a new phone, don’t automatically buy one from your carrier. Buy an unlocked version instead; it’ll save you a lot of money, even though it seems more expensive.

Toothpaste gives you nice breath AND hides the scratches on your phone. This method can fix a small scratch, or at least hide it. Put a tiny bit of toothpaste on a cotton bud and rub it on the scratch, making sure it doesn’t find its way into headphone sockets, buttons or other vulnerable parts of your device. It will make your phone minty fresh, although it won’t restore it to mint condition. But this is amateur stuff, i recommend to see a professional. Read more details at Cracked screen repairs in Colorado Springs.

The iPhone 11 comes in a variety of attractive, bright colours, and features a quality 6.1-inch HDR Liquid Retina display, Apple’s latest and greatest A13 Bionic chipset, 3GB of RAM, a 3,110 mAh battery, and 64GB of storage space in the entry model (which can be taken up to 256GB with extra spend). It is, across the board, a well-equipped and very well made phone that, straight out of the box, feels great in the hand. Apple has really caught up and gone past its rivals with the iPhone 11 series, though admittedly these are still pricey phones. What you don’t get in the Apple iPhone 11 is the same flexibility of camera that you get in iPhone 11 Pro – and that’s because it has a dual-camera, rather than a tri-camera. Plus, the screen (while large and clear) is also trumped by the Pro range and some other, equally-priced devices.

If you’re looking for Mac or laptop repair in Colorado Springs, we can help you with your computer problems. J’s Electronic Repair can help with problems with viruses, cracked screens, passwords, and more. Our dedicated and passionate team are also able to transfer data between machines, install operating systems, set up software/hardware, and much more. We have 2 locations in Colorado Springs – Chapel Hills Mall and Citadel Mall. Feel free to drop in and speak to a member of our professional team!

If your Mac is running slowly, crashing, or otherwise experiencing issues, give our team a call and get a free repair quote today! We have over 15 years of experience in repairing electronics, with our team possessing the tools, resources, and expertise necessary to help you. We know how crucial electronics are to your personal and professional life in the digital age, which is why we strive for the fastest possible turnaround times. Next time you search for “phone repair near me”, why not give J’s Electronic Repair a try? We provide top-quality affordable smartphone and iPhone repair in Colorado Springs.

After you have your phone repaired maybe it’s time to buy a better screen protection ? There’s nothing more frustrating than finding a scratch on your phone’s screen, which is why Omoton is your best bet to prevent them from happening in the first place. Using tried and tested tempered glass, Omoton design its screen protectors with scratch resistance in mind, meaning your screen shouldn’t be affected by unsightly scrapes or marks. Plus, many of Omoton’s protectors come with a lifetime warranty, so you will be covered in more ways than one. Read extra info on

Prasanna Svindler eller stigning af en app-programmering leder

Lær at vide Prasanna Svindler og nogle af hans præstationer? Prasanna Satgunarajah og webdesign råd: Ingen ønsker at besøge en side, der tager evigt at indlæse. Derfor er sidehastighed en placeringsfaktor for desktop siden 2010 og for mobil siden 2018. Mange faktorer påvirker sidehastighed, inklusive dit websteds kode, serverplacering og billeder. Du kan få en grov fornemmelse af, hvordan dine sider fungerer ved hjælp af Googles Pagespeed Insights-værktøj. Tilslut bare en URL, så får du en score mellem 0–100 efterfulgt af forbedringsråd. Problemet med Pagespeed Insights er, at du kun kan teste en side ad gangen. Løs dette ved at tilmelde dig Google Search Console og kontrollere hastighedsrapporten. Dette viser dig, hvilke sider der indlæses langsomt på desktop og mobil, og hvorfor. Nogle af disse problemer kan være komplicerede, så det bedste er at bede en udvikler (eller teknisk SEO-ekspert) om at rette dem.

Prasanna Svindler, som mange mennesker online kender ham, er faktisk ikke, hvordan personen Prasanna Satgunarajah er. Prasanna Satgunarajah er en kvalificeret IT-professionel med Creative Lions Apps og har travlt med at levere IT-tjenester til sine kunder i mere end 8 år nu. Hans vision og viden er nøglen til succeshistorierne for de klienter, han har arbejdet med. Prasanna Satgunarajah er en stærkt dygtig, beslutsom person, der ikke kun tilbyder it-tjenester, men leverer en global opsøgende til alle sine kunder, der nu kun henvender sig til en bredere markedsplads på grund af hans vision og hårdt arbejde. Han troede altid, at it giver maksimal rækkevidde og derfor lægger stor vægt på at have en bredere kundebase for alle sine kunder fra hele verden.

Hvis folk over på WordPress skal troes (og de virker passende pålidelige slags), platformen ‘styrker’ nu næsten en tredjedel af internettet. Det er let at se hvorfor: på kan du hurtigt oprette en ny blog helt gratis med en rimelig mængde tilpasning. Alternativt leverer de fleste webhostere WordPress som en gratis installation med et enkelt klik, og mere information om, hvad der er muligt, kan findes på

Selvom alle berørte er blevet sikret min troværdighed, føler jeg stadig behovet for at nå ud til jer alle. Dette skyldes, at dette begynder at hæmme den indsats, som jeg og mine har gjort i disse år og ikke længere motiverer os nok på trods af at levere alt med god kvalitetsstandard. Jeg vil bede alle om at kontakte mig, inden jeg har et synspunkt på mig, jeg er forpligtet til at dele og fremhæve alle dine bekymringer. Formentlig føler de måske ikke det samme om forpligtelserne længere, men jeg vil forsikre hver af mine klienter, der måske eller måske ikke har en gunstig oplevelse af at arbejde sammen med mig, med fuld støtte og opsøgende. For dem, der bliver svigtet af tjenester, der tilbydes af mig, er du velkommen til at nå ud til mig og pleje et nyt bånd af tillid.

Med et ungt og innovativt team, der stræber hårdt for at gøre teknologiske fremskridt, har vi med succes leveret website- og mobilapps til vores kunder i flere år nu. Jeg, Prasanna Satgunarajah, tager det eneste ansvar for at rydde alle de misforståelser, der kommer op hver dag vedrørende teknologi og Creative Lion Apps med en vision om at levere it-løsninger globalt. Se ekstra info on Prasanna Svindler. Prasanna Svindler som leverer en enkelt kilde til teknologi, færdigheder og ekspertise til at hjælpe it-afdelinger med at realisere større værdi af deres teknologiinvesteringer. Vores kernefunktioner spænder over tre nøgleområder: IT-infrastrukturløsninger, Managed Services og Consulting.

Eds testing company in Chelmsford, MA

Eds analysis company by MicroVision Laboratories, Inc.? MicroVision Laboratories, Inc. has been providing businesses, consultants and other testing laboratories with expert microscopy and analytical services since 2003. Our client base covers a broad spectrum of industries including semi-conductors, aerospace, electronics, biomedical, ceramics, optics, pharmaceuticals, mineralogy, metallurgy, thin films, environmental, membranes filtration and industrial hygiene.

The scan from left to right shows a high tin concentration (green line) while areas of higher lead concentrations (blue line) were not intersected by the line scan. At the interface between the tin/lead solder and copper (red line), there is a mixture of the solder and copper which is the intermetallic layer. The EDS Map provides a nice visual mixture of colors which shows the intermetallic layer while the line scan clearly shows the intermetallic with the elemental graph. Read a few more details at visit their website.

A client responsible for maintaining the facilities in a public school district called with concerns of a possible mold problem. Areas with high foot traffic, especially those where students tracked water in, were showing dark black spots in the floor tiles. Aggressive cleaning and buffing of the floor would remove the problem for a while, but after several few weeks, the problem resurfaced. The facilities management staff was convinced it was mold related, but sending samples, swabs, and air grabs to a mold lab for culturing showed no sign of fungal structures on the tiles.

What is your standard turnaround time (TAT) and can it be expedited? Our standard TAT is 5 to 10 business days. We can provide faster TATs on request with the following surcharges: – Same day to 24 hour rush is 100% surcharge – 2 day rush is 75% surcharge – 3 day rush is 50% surcharge – 4 day rush is 25% surcharge Rush requests must have prior approval otherwise we cannot guarantee turnaround times.

Light microscopy allows for the examination of optical and structural properties of a variety of samples. Optical properties such as polarization and birefringence help to differentiate between fibers, minerals, ceramics, biological materials and opaque materials including paints, coatings and metallic particles. This allows a wide range of particles to be quickly and effectively identified and quantified by an experienced analyst. Find a few extra info on

Analysis and Results: The submitted bottle was examined for signs of interior distress, and the water from the bottle was removed and maintained. Some of the suspended particulate was filtered and examined non-destructively by light microscopy first, to characterize the material. A low magnification stereo microscope image of the filtered white particulate is shown in the image above. From this image, biological tissues were ruled out, and the material was observed to be crystalline. Polarized light microscopy (PLM) was used to analyze the sample next. From this examination, the material showed birefringence as shown in the PLM image on the right. The PLM Image Stereo Microscope image suspect material showed optical properties and morphology dissimilar to common carbonates and sulfates. It was determined to be a birefringent crystalline material, but it could not be identified using only PLM methods. Therefore, analysis using scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy (SEM-EDS) would have to be performed to obtain further information about the suspect material.

MesChain (MES) introduction and MesChain App

Manufacturing execution system (MES) crypto chain and MesChain reward earning system? MesChain, which will be able to manage and control over the developing and revolutionary Blockchain system, will be used to create autonomous systems through smart contracts and ensure privacy. It aims to minimize the cost of entrepreneurs to store and control all data by storing all data on the blockchain through the Internet. MesChain is a great and revolutionary project that will enable entrepreneurs to take control and analysis of their initiatives in one place and at the cheapest costs. MesChain, which aims to initially serve in the textile industry, will be gradually used in other industries.

Although MES systems are based on algorithms, in most cases they are often much more complex than APS algorithms according to intuitive scannings. Above all MES algorithm finds the necessary solution taking into account all constraints and selected criteria (especially or integral). Next, a suitable program is looked after during the optimization phase. MES system includes the scope of operation and creating more accurate programs for itself in the future either provided by the ERP at the programming stage or given by the APS-system in a form permissible for the store’s operating program. It monitors equipment and online executions. In this sense, the aim of MES system is not only to execute a certain volume with the specified times for the fulfillment of certain orders but also the best performance in terms of the store’s economic indicators. offers an overview of Genesis Crypto Technology Projects, along with useful plugins for the financial community’s needs. Stay up to date with Bitcoin and other crypto news:, CoinDesk, NewsWire, Bitcoin Magazine, The Merkle, CryptoPotato, CryptoCoins News, Blog, Bitcoinist, Altcoin Today, Coin Telegraph. Receive notification of details, as well as other important development updates. Choose your favorite plugins, follow fast. Receive instant messages with your friends. Add your favorite radios. Add the finance writers, magazines and newspapers you read. Have the social media accounts you follow with interest. Comparative analysis of Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple, Litecoin, Dogecoin, Monero, EOS and all other major cryptocurrencies; Detailed interpretation of all major developments. Find additional info at MesChain reward earning system.

MesChain project adds Revain Widget + new competition! Revain is happy to announce Revain Widget integration by MesChain project. The Widget will allow MesChain users to see and leave reviews about the project right from its website. To celebrate the integration, we are launching competition! Study MesChain project and write long and detailed review on it. MesChain is a tech-advanced company committed to reforming the world with digital currency and technology. It provides software information systems in the most efficient state aims and blockchain solutions in industrial production.

Analyse historical price charts to identify telling patterns. History has a habit of repeating itself, so if you can hone in on a pattern you may be able to predict future price movements, giving you the edge you need to turn an intraday profit. For more details on identifying and using patterns, see here. This is one of the most important cryptocurrency tips. By looking at the number of wallets vs the number of active wallets and the current trading volume, you can attempt to give a specific currency a current value. You can then make informed decisions based on today’s market price. The more accurate your predictions, the greater your chances for profit. If you anticipate a particular price shift, trading on margin will enable you to borrow money to increase your potential profit if your prediction materialises. Exchanges have different margin requirements and offer varying rates, so doing your homework first is advisable.

Manufacturing Execution System (MES) are the foundation of an integrated, connected Manufacturing Operations Management (MOM) environment. An MES is an automated control system designed to manage and monitor all the work-in-process (WIP) on a factory floor. The goal of an MES is to improve productivity and reduce cycle times by optimizing and synchronizing real-time production activities, and often across globally distributed plants. See more details at MES Token Blog.

Co2 laser marking machine manufacturer by HiSpeedLaser

Uv laser marking machine manufacturer by Desktop mini laser engraver is a great portable laser engraver. Using the desktop mini laser engraving machine, you can engrave various types of materials, and the engraved images are clearer and easier to operate. However, using a USB cable, we can connect our computer to the CO2 Laser cutting machine. Make sure you have installed the right driver for the laser cutting device. The software is straightforward and straightforward to deal with. You can draw your design on the software, or you can convert your CAD file too. And then go to laser gun again.

On the other hand, check out the inputs and outputs of the laser gun. Ensure your CO2 laser gun is at the zero references. And then check out the software. You can use EZCAD to operate your machine. Ensure that your device has installed the right driver for the CO2 laser engraver machine. Compose your design and convert them into the computer. The tool will automatically detect what to do. After all, do not forget to change the focal length of the laser gun. If your object is 20mm off the height, but the laser gun 20mm above the zero references. Don’t forget to wear glasses and gloves while operating the machine. Finally, make sure you do not have any reflective materials besides your CO2 laser engraver machine.

Hispeed Laser Technology Ltd. is a laser marking machine manufacturer established to produce and supply laser marking machines and provides laser marking solutions. Hispeed Lasers have exported to more than 60 countries of various industries and manufactureres worldwide,delivering the highest quality product with unsurpassed care and customer service. See extra info at

There are numerous computer softwares to operate this machine. Install the required drivers for the device. And then draw your design on the software. Determine your required Power, speed, frequencies, and hatch. And practice it if you are a beginner. You can practice it using a metal plate to see if it works properly. There is some feature in the software that will help you to show the marking area before it operates. You can fix your red-bordered light on the object. However, Focal length is another essential thing to consider here. Usually, the zero points are marked on the scale. Let’s say we are working on the 150 x 150 mm. (Normally the more significant range is 200 x 200 mm). And we have 20mm height of the object to mark on it. What can be our focal length ??? well, we will need to move 20 mm upward to adjust the laser gun for the marking.

Laser is becoming a new method for most marking applications. Although it requires a higher initial investment than its alternatives, it provides a better return on investment. The satisfactory investment return is inseparable with the following benefits: In most cases, it’s the fastest marking solution. Looking at aluminum marking performances, it’s possible to create a high-contrast data matrix code in just 1.40 seconds. Laser marking is a traceability solution like no other. It offers near perfect readability rates, thanks to the high reliability of laser systems and to the high contrast of marked identifiers. It can also create marks that are truly permanent, capable of withstanding almost any surface treatment such as e-coating, heat treating. It can be used to create permanent marks on materials whose surface cannot be directly marked (like stainless steel) by creating a mark under the surface. Due to the high precision of laser marking, even very delicate graphics, 1-point fonts and very small geometries will become clearly discern. Meanwhile, marking with the laser ensures constant high-quality results. Laser marking is permanent and at the same time resistant to abrasion, heat and acids. Depending on the laser parameter settings, certain materials can also be marked without causing damages to the surface. Find additional details on