Top pets care tricks

VIP cats products with care guides by These are difficult times but being there for your pets will help to make the transition smoother for everyone. But it is also important to be flexible – the change to life in lockdown is tough for both pets and pet-parents. So if your dog or cat regresses in their training, or displays new undesirable behaviours, be patient and prepared to make adjustments. Seek guidance from a reputable trainer or counsellor if you feel that you need more help. But, above all else, enjoy this time. While the world feels so unfamiliar, our pets are a great source of joy; so it’s essential they feel safe too.

Tips on puppy care, of course, include providing a healthy diet for your dog with premium dry dog food mixed with broth, water, or canned wet food. You may also add fruits, vegetables, or eggs to his meals from time to time but only in small amounts. Observe a regular puppy feeding schedule. Make fresh water available at all times. How much should you feed your puppy? Young pups need to be fed more frequently after they have been weaned. Adult dogs can be fed one large meal or two small meals daily. Is it okay to feed your dog “people” food? Your dog can get all the vitamins and nutrients he needs from premium quality dog food. Feeding canines food from your own table can cause supplemental deficiencies, picky eating, and even obesity, so it’s best to limit how of your own food to give him.

You have a wide range of variety lying ahead of you to choose from. You get to choose from so many shapes, sizes, color, and most importantly the style that suits your cat friend the most. There are a few of the factors you would want to consider so as to choose which bed suits your feline friend the best. It is all amusing and fun becoming a cat owner. But it surely has struggle parts of its own that come along with it. They have to choose a variety of things that would make their pet cat live a happy and comfortable life. And most of the times the cat bed is the most neglected or forgotten part. It is important that you make comfortable arrangements for your feline friends as they spend most of their time sleeping. Thanks to all of the animal experts out there who have done lots of research in this field and as a result this market have shown tremendous growth in the last few years. See additional details at VIP Pet Care.

For a basic cat bed that won’t break the bank, the Aspen Pet Self-Warming Cat Bed is an affordable choice that offers great comfort for your creature. The round bed is generously-sized for most kitties, with a diameter of 19 inches. The outside material is a plush-looking corduroy with a faux-wool lining inside the bed that is soft and inviting. The sides are soft enough to bend and accommodate larger cats or multiple cats squeezing into the bed, but firm enough to hold its shape. The bottom inner part of the bed is lined with a heat-reflecting material that is common in many survival blankets. This means that as your kitty lays in this bed, the bed will become warmer without needing to plug it in. The Aspen Pet Self-Warming Cat Bed is a great bed to have in your home for cat naps and lounging time.

A dog bed is also a great option for outdoor relaxation. This can keep your dog cleaner also because a lot of dogs love to lie down in dirt or grass. Instead, they can sit in their bed whenever they want, and usually, the beds are more comfortable as well. A dog bed should have a few important features. Here’s what to consider when selecting a dog bed: Durability. Finding a dog bed that can withstand the daily use of your dog’s excitement is a huge factor for most dog parents. The last thing you want to do is buy a bed and then have to buy a new one in a few weeks. Nylon or canvas are two materials that can handle digging and jumping more than materials such as cotton.

As governments slowly loosen novel coronavirus-related lockdown procedures, many pet owners are preparing to work outside the home again. To that end, the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) is encouraging veterinarians to share key tips with clients to ensure the transition is as stress-free as possible for their pets. “Dogs and cats are creatures of routine, and they’ve probably gotten very accustomed to having us around the house all day during the pandemic. For pets adopted over the past couple of months, this may be the only routine they’ve ever known,” says the association’s president, John Howe, DVM. “So as more of us transition back to work and regular schedules we need to prepare our pets for this new routine.” See even more info at

Top full automatic pet food dispensers

Full automatic pet feeders online store: Once you put the food in the container you don’t have to worry if it will go stale because it has a locking lid on the top. That lid has a small magnet on the lock so pets won’t be able to break in and steal the food. The entire automatic cat feeder for multiple cats consists of a container and a removable bowl you can put it in the dishwasher to keep it clean. You can simply set the time of the feeding schedule up to 4 meals per day using the small LCD screen and buttons on each side of the screen on top of the feeder. Besides that, you can record a 10 second voice message to let your cat know that it is feeding time. The only problem with this auto cat food dispenser is that it is made for dry food only.

The WESTLINK Automatic Pet Feeder Food Dispenser has all the bells and whistles you could want for your kitty cat. In fact, you can even record your voice to call your cat when it’s supper time. So even if she missed the sound of her food hitting the bowl on its timer (you can program up to 4 meals daily), your voice will let her know it’s chow time. This large, automatic cat feeder would keep even Garfield happy, thanks to large portions (from 10 grams up to 400+ grams) and up to 4 meals a day. Programming is simple and easy – just press two keys at the same time – and yet pet-proof, so even the smartest kitty can’t feed herself more than you’ve designated. A built-in infrared sensor prevents food blocking and also prevents dispensing when the bowl is already full.

Portion control settings. Depending on your feline’s needs, you might need to get really specific about how much food you want dispensed and when. If your pet is on a weight loss diet, then accuracy will be important here. Kibble size options. Not all kibble is the same size, and cats sometimes like to switch up their food. Ensuring an automatic cat feeder will work with both small and large kibble sizes means you’ll get more use out of it over the long haul. Some models feature mechanisms that can handle small- and large-sized kibble, or come with a different-sized feeding attachment. Pet-proof. It’s important to consider how pet-proof an automatic cat feeder is when making your purchasing decision. You don’t want Fluffy breaking into the feeder and devouring a week’s worth of food at once, and you don’t want them knocking it over and making a mess you have to clean up. See even more info at Latest Automatic Pet Feeder.

Why program your automatic cat feeder when you can use an app? PetSafe’s Smart Feeder allows you to control your cat’s food intake via your smartphone. Ideal for frequent travelers, the Smart Feeder has both iPhone and Android apps to customize and control your pet feeding schedule. With the app you can set feeding times, adjust portion size, and receive updates about your cat’s eating habits. Although this device is “smart,” it will continue to feed your cat even if WiFi connection is lost.

Your cat will get all of her meals with the right portions right on time. You won’t need to leave out a big bowl of food and worry about coming home to an empty bowl and a chubbier pet. This automatic pet feeder is with infrared sensor. When the bowl fills a certain amount, the machine automatically stops, preventing food from overflowing. When feeding time is up, voice recording will call your pets to have meals on time. And the food dispenser will play your voice for 12 seconds when it is dispensing. Find even more details on this website.

Hundekrone Dummytraining

Nylonleinen von Hundekrone: Manchmal hat man das Gefühl, man kann es als Hundehalter eigentlich nur falsch machen. Kennt Ihr das? So haben wir uns auch gefühlt, als wir Anke Jobi’s Beitrag über den richtigen Napf zum ersten Mal gelesen habe.Da macht man sich viele Gedanken, recherchiert und tauscht sich über den Inhalt des Hundenapfes aus, aber über den Napf selbst macht sich kaum jemand Gedanken. Dieser wird meist nach Praktikabilitäts- und Designkriterien gewählt, sehr selten nach dem Material.

Auf öffentlichen Wegen, Plätzen, Straßen und auch in Naturschutzgebieten ist das Anleinen Pflicht. Die Hundeleine darf somit in keinem Hundehaushalt fehlen. Es ist sogar ratsam, gleich mehrere Leinen anzuschaffen, um für jede Situation die richtige Leine zur Hand zu haben. Auch dann, wenn einmal eine Leine kaputt oder verlorengehen sollte, ist in diesem Fall schnell für Ersatz gesorgt. Des Weiteren kann die Hundeleine dazu genutzt werden, dem Hund wichtige Kommandos beizubringen, beispielsweise „Fuß“, „Komm“ oder „Bleib“. Bei der Erziehung ist die Leine somit ebenso wichtig und nützlich wie beim Spazierengehen, da der Hund sich dem Einfluss seines Halters nicht einfach entziehen kann.

Der Hundepool von Trixie lässt alle Besitzer- und Hundeherzen höherschlagen. Er kann zum einen in drei unterschiedlichen Grössen gekauft werden. Somit ist für jeden Hund eine passende Grösse zu finden. Ausserdem ist das Material extrem kratz- und reissfest, sodass es jeglicher Belastung standhält. Kunden sind von der Leichtigkeit und Einfachheit des Aufblasens, Wasser Einfüllens, Wasserablassen durch das Ventil, sowie des Zusammenlegens begeistert. Sie würden diesen Pool wärmstens weiterempfehlen. Hundekrone® Online Hundeshop für kleine & große Hunde: Vom Chihuahua bis zur Dogge. Hundebetten, Hundesofa, Lederhalsband. Hundekrone ist ein Online-Shop für Hundeprodukte: Hundefutter, Hundekleidung, Hundepools und viele andere hochwertige Produkte für Hunde. Sehen zusatzinformation auf dieser Website Hundekrone

Haben Sie einen weniger aktiven Hunde als Wegbegleiter, bietet sich vielleicht das JosiDog Solido von Josera an. Dieses können Sie als Alleinfuttermittel geben, denn es ist dem Hersteller zufolge leicht und ausgewogen und unterstützt demnach den Lebensstil sowie die Gesundheit weniger aktiver und erwachsener Hunde. Aufgrund der energiereduzierten Rezeptur eignet es sich laut Hersteller auch für übergewichtige und ältere Vierbeiner. Möchten Sie sich einen Vorrat anlegen oder leben in Ihrem Haushalten mehrere Hunde, erhalten Sie einen 18-Kilogramm-Sack. Alternativ entscheiden Sie sich für Gebinde in der Ausführung 0,9 oder 5 mal 0,9 Kilogramm.

Reiki for dogs anxiety Colorado

Searching for Dog nutritionist Denver? Meet Gillian, a certified Canine Therapeutic Massage Therapist (CTMT) Advanced Canine Massage Therapist (ACMT) and a member of International Association of Animal Massage & Body Works (IAAMB). In addition, Gillian continues to keep up with the latest research, learning as much as she can to bring a holistic cooperative approach to animal well-care, sharing tips with animal owners to help care for their animal companions

Stimulating the muscles and tissues of the body increases circulation and this improved blood flow brings healing. Increased circulation allows more oxygen to reach the tissues and if there are any wounds, inside or outside of the body, this oxygen will promote faster, more comfortable healing. Massage has also been shown to improve range of motion and lower the heart rate. This also relieves muscle spasms and reduces toxic compounds like lactic acid, which cause pain and discomfort.

A Colorado-based animal communicator and dog psychic, Karuna and Reiki Master and certified canine therapeutic and sport massage therapist, Gillian Edwards provides in-person and remote holistic healing solutions for animals and their human companions. Working locally in the Denver, Colorado area, nationally and internationally, Gillian takes a cooperative approach to animal well-care, with a deep understanding of how holistic therapies can enhance and complement traditional and alternative veterinary therapies. See extra info on Pet psychic Colorado.

Dog Reiki hand positions aren’t extremely different from human hand configurations, simply modified. At a basic level, you want to match hand positions on both sides of the dog, starting at the shoulders and working your way down their body at energy points (chakras). For an injury or ailment, you can also put your hands together, thumbs touching, and focus on the particular area or organ affected.

Reiki energy can be given to your dog in regularly scheduled intervals or as needed. Because it is a gentle and non-invasive energy modality, it can be used safely with any animal no matter the age, size or breed. Recently I provided Reiki for my client’s dog that was suffering from a chronic ear infection. The veterinarian prescribed some ear ointment that needed to be placed in both ears of their dog twice a day for two weeks. This can be a real challenge when a dog is not feeling well and doesn’t want you to touch it, let alone place a greasy ointment in its ears. I provided Reiki for their dog each day in order to support the dog’s physical healing as well as to provide a calming energy for their dog. This allowed their dog to stay calm during each of the twice-daily ointment treatments and their dog accepted them doing the treatments by lying still during these times.

Reiki Energy Healing Helps Bring Peace to Percy and his Family. When 2-year old Percy wasn’t acting like his usual self, his owner wasn’t sure what was going on. After finding out from the vet that he had health issues, she wanted to check in with her dog to help him relax and heal. “Gillian Edwards is an amazing animal healer and communicator! I asked for her help with my 2-year old dog Percy and I was astounded with her ability to articulate his personality and help our family understand him on a deeper level. He is my brave little knight in white armor! Gillian also conducted a healing session for Percy and I could see the relief and calm she brought to him. Thank you Gillian, for helping Percy and our family heal together!” Source:

Bengal cat breeders for sale in Ontario

Bengal cats are awesome. If you are searching for a cat we believe that bengal kittens are an excellent selection. The first Bengals were created by breeding Asian leopard cats with domestic cats. While documentation of the hybrid reaches back as early as the 1800s, the breed was perfected in the 1980s by Jean Sugden Mill. Over time, breeders like Mill developed a cat that combined the beauty and grace of a wild, forest-dwelling cat with the temperament of a domestic cat.

Bengal cats did not evolve on their own. They are the result of cross breeding domestic cats with members of the Asian leopard family. They have a tendency to revert back to wild behaviors so if you are looking for a sedentary breed, this may not be the best choice for you. At the same time time it’s pretty amazing to watch these animals as their instincts tend to be better than the majority of domesticated cats. If you enjoy a “zoo” like atmosphere you’ll get entertainment on a daily basis. Bengals are very athletic cats and they have an amazing ability to climb into difficult to reach places. They are also great jumpers. Their behaviors are much like that of their ancestors. These behaviors are believed to be instinctual from the leopard genes that they carry. As such you might want to consider having things around the house they can climb on or taking them outside once in a while so they can partake in this activity.

Are you looking forward to welcome a new companion to your home? Then you must think about welcoming a Bengal cat. Plenty of reasons are available for you to think about making this decision, instead of going for another cat breed or even a dog. Here are some of the best reasons available out of them. Bengal cats are pretty much similar to babies. They are noisy, but you will not be able to figure out the exact reason on why they are noisy. Bengal cats make noises when they are bored, curious and hungry. In some of the instances, they even make noises while begging for attention. It is true that cats prefer to remain high up. This is applicable for Bengal cats as well. You will be able to get into an enjoyable conversation along with your Bengal cat and you will fall in love with it. Read more details on Bengal kittens for sale.

The Bengal’s pelt-like coat is also quite different to the touch because it feels more silk-like and plush. It also has quite a sheen to it which is magnificently captured when these sleek cats lie or walk in sunlight. It’s when their coats really glisten and when their markings are the most striking. The beauty of their pelt-like coat is that is requires very little to no brushing because Bengals take care of themselves by licking their fur in shorter and less frequent self-grooming sessions. Because there is less dried saliva left on their coasts, there tends to be far less dander floating around in the air which makes life a lot easier for anyone who has an allergy to cats.

Animal communicator specialist in Colorado

Searching for Pet Reiki specialist? Meet Gillian, a certified Canine Therapeutic Massage Therapist (CTMT) Advanced Canine Massage Therapist (ACMT) and a member of International Association of Animal Massage & Body Works (IAAMB). She also serves as a dog care and enrichment volunteer for Freedom Service Dogs, helping ease kennel stress by providing energy healing and massage, along with play time, puzzles and grooming.

Yes, it’s true. Giving your dog a massage is also good for you. Science has shown that petting animals actually improves the health of humans. It reduces stress, lowers blood pressure and elevates our moods. This is why so many pet owners tend to be happier people! This is also why therapy animals are so important – science has shown that petting animals greatly improves the mental and physical health of people, regardless of whether or not they want to admit it.

With the belief that holistic animal therapy is centered on love, empathy and respect, Gillian uses her knowledge and skills to help improve an animal’s health and happiness, which can strengthen and deepen their connections to their human companions. Using a combination of animal communication, canine massage and remote or in-person energy healing work, Gillian helps animals activate their natural ability to balance and heal their physical, emotional and mental well-being. Read more info at Animal communicator Colorado.

The practitioner is not contributing or generating any energy on her own. She merely acts as a vessel through which Reiki can flow freely to its designated target. Anyone can become a practitioner by undergoing what is known as Reiki attunement. Here a Reiki Master channels special energies into the student, opening the way for the student to channel Reiki energy herself.

Reiki (pronounced ray-key) energy healing is a gentle, painless, yet powerful modality that works on animals and humans alike. I use Reiki on many of my canine clients and have always seen wonderful results. Reiki can be used in conjunction with all other holistic medical or therapeutic techniques as well as with traditional medical treatments to relieve side effects and promote recovery. It is a common misconception that Reiki energy is just for sick or injured animals. While Reiki energy can be used on a sick or injured dog, it can also be used as a preventative to any potential illness or ailment or to maintain the general well-being of a dog. Reiki sessions can also be done at any time of day or night.

Massage Works Wonders for Wilma: Former street dog Wilma had trouble calming down and relaxing when meeting new people, greeting guests and when experiencing new situations. “In January, 2017 Wilma was found with her two surviving puppies, living on the streets in Amarillo, Texas. All were brought to CO, and I adopted her in early February. We’ve been working on building confidence in new situations and building social skills with new people. While Wilma is benefiting from canine massage in that she’s learning to relax and be calm, Gillian’s work helped in other ways as well. Wilma has become much more confident, able to spend time with Gillian alone, without me and the other dogs present. Regular sessions have also helped Wilma be more confident in other situations where people are present in my home. On Thanksgiving, she actually jumped into someone’s lap. And she is engaged and excited to see new people, no treats necessary! Dog massage therapy has been a fabulous experience for me and Wilma.” Source: