Time do vereador Marcello Siciliano acompanha as obras de reforma na passarela do Alfa Barra

O Time Siciliano acompanha equipe da Cedae na obra de implantação da rede de água potável e esgoto em Vargem Grande? Além de apoiar vários projetos importantes, como a aprovação na câmara do Escola em Tempo Integral. Toda a atuação do Vereador Marcello Siciliano pode ser conferida no menu ATUAÇÃO PARLAMENTAR ou pelo site da Câmara Municipal do Rio de Janeiro, através do link https://bit.ly/2SyTLW9. Este forte engajamento no exercício do mandato, sempre ao lado do cidadão carioca, ouvindo propostas e reivindicações, credenciou-o como um dos vereadores mais atuantes da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro.

Marcello Sciliano nasceu em 1972 no Rio de Janeiro. Antes de ingressar na vida pública, exerceu função como vendedor no comércio e empreendedor no setor da construção civil. Mas foi com sua incansável atuação nas questões sociais, desempenhando desde 1998 diversos trabalhos em projetos sociais de sucesso, que recebeu a honrosa indicação ao Prêmio Nobel da Paz, no ano de 2010, como reconhecimento por sua responsabilidade solidária.

O Time do vereador Marcello Siciliano acompanhou hoje as obras do Campo da Gardênia Azul ao lado dos nossos colaboradores da região. Uma solicitação antiga dos moradores da região, que queriam um lugar com condições necessárias para recreação e prática de esportes. Através de ofício protocolado pelo gabinete do vereador Marcello Siciliano, o campo hoje já está em fase de finalização e está ficando maravilhoso! Teve o alambrado e a iluminação totalmente reparados, e agora estão na fase de colocação de grama sintética de primeira qualidade. Em breve as crianças vão ter um espaço ótimo para recreação e os moradores mais antigos que nunca tiveram a oportunidade de ter um campo tão bom para jogar.

A Secretaria de Obras, Infraestrutura e Habitação estará nos próximos dias analisando as demandas e começando o plano estratégico para levar mais dignidade e infraestrutura para as comunidades do Rio. “Não estou medindo esforços para ajudar a cidade do Rio, que tanto depende de serviços da Prefeitura para proporcionar melhor qualidade de vida aos cariocas. Contem comigo sempre, estamos juntos!” diz o vereador Marcello Siciliano

Além da reforma e revitalização do edifício, através de mais um ofício do vereador, aconteceu a instalação de um sinal em frente ao Centro Municipal de Saúde. Assim, os pedestres, que muitas vezes são idosos e deficientes, podem atravessar aquela movimentada rua com tranquilidade e segurança. “Agradeço à Prefeitura do Rio por atender meu ofício e realizar a reforma geral do local, restabelecendo as condições adequadas para um estabelecimento de saúde. Fico muito feliz em poder trazer mais saúde e dignidade para os moradores da Cidade de Deus” comenta Marcelo Sciliano.

O vereador Marcello Siciliano se reúne com moradores da comunidade Santa Luzia em Vargem Pequena para falarem sobre a notificação de desapropriação que receberam da Rio Águas. Moradores da região, que estão a mais de 50 anos no local, receberam uma ordem do Ministério Público de desapropriação das moradias. Durante a semana, o vereador Marcello Siciliano e uma comissão de moradores se reuniram com o Presidente da Rio Águas, Cláudio Dutra, logo em seguida conseguiram também uma conversa com o Secretário de Obras, Infraestrutura e Habitação, Sebastião Bruno, e com o Prefeito, Marcelo Crivella, afim de buscarem uma solução para esta situação preocupante.

Financial headlines from worldbusinessbee.com

Small business latest information? In the digital age and era of instant-everything, the case for developing an app for your business is strong, but knowing that it will help you increase sales makes it even more appealing. Developing a well-designed and user-friendly mobile app allows businesses to digitize their services and make them readily available on any mobile device. If you own a brick-and-mortar or e-commerce store, for instance; it is a no-brainer to build a mobile store app. The app will provide you with yet another direct marketing channel. It would allows allow you to run geo-location based campaigns. Check out Sephora for example. They’ve built a companion app which users can take advantage off while inside the store. The app shows them past purchase history, provides product recommendations, limited offers only available on the mobile app and a lot more.

You want to improve your Youtube channel or to increase the views of your videos and you don’t know how? Here are some advices about how to get more Youtube viewers and subscribers. Respond to Comments Regularly: By responding to every user comment, you will be able to create a bond with your followers. This way, they will start thinking of you as their friend, not just another stranger who’s posing videos on YouTube. As a result, they will be glad to check out each new video your post! Another good thing about having conversations with the viewers is that it’ll give a signal to YouTube that your video actually holds a value. When it comes to YouTube’s algorithms, one of the key factors they pay attention to is the engagement of a video. Takeaway: The more comments a video has, the better it will rank on YouTube’s search results page, as well as earning respect and being active in your community.

Cryptocurrency world news: Cryptocurrency wallets are software programs that store your public and private keys and interface with various blockchains so users can monitor their balance, send money and conduct other operations. When a person sends you bitcoins or any other type of digital currency, they are essentially signing off ownership of the coins to your wallet’s address. To be able to spend those coins and unlock the funds, the private key stored in your wallet must match the public address the currency is assigned to. If the public and private keys match, the balance in your digital wallet will increase, and the senders will decrease accordingly. There is no actual exchange of real coins. The transaction is signified merely by a transaction record on the blockchain and a change in balance in your cryptocurrency wallet.

The profitability of forex arbitrage directly depends on the speed of connection with the supplier of quotations and the broker’s trading terminal. The smaller the ping, the better all the performance indicators of the adviser. As a result of long testing of all suppliers of quotations, we identified the optimal ratio of the speed of the supplier of quotes, the VPS server where the arbitration system is installed and the broker server locations. Suppliers of quotations number one for trading on brokers whose servers are located in America include RITHMIC, CQG, CTS T4, Interactive Brokers. These providers receive data directly from the exchanges, providing instant data retrieval speed. Suppliers of quotations number one for trading on brokers whose servers are located in Europe include LMAX, Gain Futures OEC, Saxo Bank, IQ Feed. These providers receive aggregated quotes from global banks and brokers, providing instant data acquisition speed. Find additional info at Latest finance news.

We talked to UC San Francisco epidemiologist George Rutherford, MD, and infectious disease specialist Peter Chin-Hong, MD, about the CDC’s reversal on mask-wearing, the current science on how masks work, and what to consider when choosing a mask. Why did the CDC change its guidance on wearing masks? The original CDC guidance partly was based on what was thought to be low disease prevalence earlier in the pandemic, said Chin-Hong. “So, of course, you’re preaching that the juice isn’t really worth the squeeze to have the whole population wear masks in the beginning – but that was really a reflection of not having enough testing, anyway,” he said. “We were getting a false sense of security.”

House & Construction advices : Slower percolation rates due to poorly draining soil with clay, bedrock, high ground water, proximity to a creek, or other complications require larger leach fields. There are two methods of calculating the minimum absorption area for a leach field. Traditionally, you dig an eight foot deep test inspection hole in the area of the intended leach field to allow building inspector, or your local engineer, to physically examine the soil and determine its Long Term Acceptance Rate. Or you can have a local soil testing firm perform a percolation test to clock the speed of your soil’s capacity to absorb liquids.

Real estate business developments: Why Choose a Virtual Tour? Eager to find out more? Let’s see the key benefits of a virtual house tour. When you’re listing a new property for sale, you might end up receiving hundreds of phone calls from potential clients. Meeting each of them can be time-consuming. On top of that, some are just curious and have no intention to buy. With a virtual tour, customers can see the property on their laptops or smartphones. Those who are really interested will call and ask for more information. This will free up your time, so you’ll be able to focus on other aspects of your business. Discover extra information on http://worldbusinessbee.com/.

Adrian Goh Guan Kiong tips for volunteering work for the poor

Adrian Goh Guan Kiong tips about volunteering work for charity raising funds? Blessings in a Bag is a volunteer-powered community that strives to provide every child and their family – in emergency or challenging situations – with the essentials they need to thrive and to feel safe, valued and joy. They partner with social-service organisations and help communities receive items they need at no cost or through incentivised programs that enable them to take ownership of their situations. How You Can Help: In order to provide a safe, meaningful and fun experience for everyone, Blessings in a Bag is holding online ‘volunteer information and orientation’ sessions to share about specific volunteer roles and responsibilities. Interested volunteers will be equipped with teaching techniques and have any questions answered about the programme. This session will give you a good idea about what you will encounter and experience through participating in the programme. In the meantime, you can support them via their online jumble sale where proceeds will go towards facility maintenance and operation costs. Their physical store has recently reopened and you can visit by appointment only.

It can be difficult in finding the right volunteering opportunity to meet your needs, Here Adrian Goh Guan Kiong, who is the best volunteer, gives you some tips that can help both students and professionals make the most of their skills and talents while helping others. It is also important to be selective when choosing your volunteering work. You should get clear on what is most important to you, and realize that your time is valuable and limited. If you want to get more tips and want to know about volunteers, contact Adrian Goh Guan Kiong who will help you with everything you need.

Adrian Goh Guan Kiong found Christianity and does a lot volunteering work ( for the elderly, the poor, homeless, raising funds) in Myanmar, Indonesia, also in other countries over the past years.

While creating healthy competition can be an effective means of increasing participation, employees should not fear the flip side of “losing”. Incentivize good performance but do not make any mention of those who aren’t performing as well as they could feel humiliated and be discouraged from further involvement. A good way to differentiate scores yet not put anyone down is to use values other than numerical ones. If your social efforts seem to be lacking true altruism, your brand image could suffer. Use gamification to encourage staff but also raise awareness about the cause and its importance to increase their interest organically.

Ideally we all give to charities throughout the year, but with busy schedules and family life there’s always a reason to forget. Now that we’re spending more time at home and learning to be grateful for the simple yet essential things in life, seize that good intention now! We would love our kids to grow up being kind and grateful, and the best way of teaching that is modelling it. Here are some ways you and your family can volunteer in Singapore and help the less privileged! Food from the Heart is an independent non-profit Singapore Food Charity that was established in 2003 to alleviate hunger through the efficient distribution of food. Today over 1,700 volunteers help reach 40,300 beneficiaries – including low-income families and individuals – across Singapore. How You Can Help: Food from the Heart offers a wide variety of volunteer opportunities. Team Sassy Mama recently spent a morning at the state-of-the-art warehouse, sorting food donations and putting together food packs for distribution. Discover more information on Adrian Goh Guan Kiong.

Marcello Siciliano se reúne com líderes de diversas comunidades do Rio e o Secretário Sebastião Bruno

A ascensão de um vereador : Marcelo Sciliano? Além de apoiar vários projetos importantes, como a aprovação na câmara do Escola em Tempo Integral. Toda a atuação do Vereador Marcello Siciliano pode ser conferida no menu ATUAÇÃO PARLAMENTAR ou pelo site da Câmara Municipal do Rio de Janeiro, através do link https://bit.ly/2SyTLW9. Este forte engajamento no exercício do mandato, sempre ao lado do cidadão carioca, ouvindo propostas e reivindicações, credenciou-o como um dos vereadores mais atuantes da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro.

Marcelo Sciliano nasceu em 1972 no Rio de Janeiro. Antes de ingressar na vida pública, exerceu função como vendedor no comércio e empreendedor no setor da construção civil. Mas foi com sua incansável atuação nas questões sociais, desempenhando desde 1998 diversos trabalhos em projetos sociais de sucesso, que recebeu a honrosa indicação ao Prêmio Nobel da Paz, no ano de 2010, como reconhecimento por sua responsabilidade solidária.

O Time do Vereador Marcello Siciliano acompanhou hoje, 15/07, a Rio Luz na realização de alguns serviços de manutenção na iluminação pública na Av. Isabel Domingues, Vila Tião, Rua Guaxe e toda extensão da Av. Canal do Anil, na Gardênia Azul, uma solicitação recorrente dos moradores da região. O objetivo é deixar o bairro bem iluminada no período noturno, e ao mesmo tempo levar segurança e qualidade de vida à população.

O vereador Marcello Siciliano se reuniu com líderes de diversas comunidades do Rio e o Secretário de Obras, Infraestrutura e Habitação, Sebastião Bruno, na Prefeitura do Rio.

Esta é mais uma ação voltada aos moradores da Cidade de Deus, que recentemente ganharam um novo e moderno tomógrafo, de alta resolução, fundamental no diagnóstico e no tratamento da covid-19, que funciona na UPA do bairro. “Agradeço à Prefeitura do Rio por atender meu ofício e realizar a reforma geral do local, restabelecendo as condições adequadas para um estabelecimento de saúde. Fico muito feliz em poder trazer mais saúde e dignidade para os moradores da Cidade de Deus” comenta Marcello Sciliano.

O vereador Marcello Siciliano se reúne com moradores da comunidade Santa Luzia em Vargem Pequena para falarem sobre a notificação de desapropriação que receberam da Rio Águas. Moradores da região, que estão a mais de 50 anos no local, receberam uma ordem do Ministério Público de desapropriação das moradias. Durante a semana, o vereador Marcello Siciliano e uma comissão de moradores se reuniram com o Presidente da Rio Águas, Cláudio Dutra, logo em seguida conseguiram também uma conversa com o Secretário de Obras, Infraestrutura e Habitação, Sebastião Bruno, e com o Prefeito, Marcelo Crivella, afim de buscarem uma solução para esta situação preocupante.

Daughter of Michael Jackson podcast: get to know Mocienne Petit Jackson

Mocienne Petit Jackson talks her new book on being the daughter of Michael Jackson? Mocienne Petit Jackson’s (Michael Jackson’s daughter) books are now out in Portuguese! Part two of the three-part autobiography of Mocienne Petit Jackson starts with an extended description of the kidnapping of Mocienne and her life in The Netherlands. Subsequently we read how her life turned out with her adoptive family – where she and her cousin Délivrance stayed.Gradually she discovers that her real father is Michael Jackson.At the age of 15 she left her adoptive family, lived at a boarding school for 4 years and then got a place of her own. We follow her throughout the time when she passed through her teenage years and entered maturity – which was not always easy.Mocienne meets a man who she has a child with. However, this commitment was not to be.We learn about the problems she encounters with the Child Protection Services, followed by many court cases. At first, the court cases related to her own situation, later on they turned into a battle for her son. The one unacceptable situation followed yet another unacceptable situation.We also learn about the many traumatic events of the main character, her depressions and countless struggles to process the misery linked to her life and her strife to let it go. The writer clearly explains these struggles through vivid flashbacks.

Mocienne Petit Jackson’s Thriller autobiographies were published in 2015 and were made available on Amazon in 2018. They are also currently available for purchase through Kobo. The books are available in English, Dutch, and Chinese. Future versions of the books will be made available in French (2020), Portuguese (2019), Japanese (2020), German (2020), and in Spanish (2020). Legal circumstances aside, Ms Jackson also expresses a strong personal sentiment toward Michael Jackson. She claims that, although the relationship she had had with her father did not manage to fully develop, he had indeed loved her and he was glad to have her as his child.

Ms Jackson believes that such misinformation has poorly informed the public both about her relationship to Michael Jackson, and about her motives for having taken the matter to court. Her autobiographical series, Thriller, documents her life and gives her assessment on the state of affairs. Additionally, due to the fact that her aunt Diana Ross has declined to provide the press with comment regarding Michael Jackson since his death, Ms Jackson believes that crucial insights about the story are being concealed from the public. As a result of this, Ms Jackson was prompted to write the second instalment of her three-part autobiographical series, Thriller: The Dark side of the Netherlands, which focuses on her life in the Netherlands as well as the context surrounding the court case.

Bad (1987): And now, we get to the heavy hitters. Bad is one of the defining albums of my childhood – one of my earliest memories is “proving” to my parents that I knew every word of the title track by singing it at the dinner table. Equal parts rock, pop and soul, Bad may have suffered from the Thriller curse in the 80s – pundits recognized it was good, but not AS GOOD as one of the best albums ever made, always an unfair criticism – but the album’s cavalcade of hits, and its influence on pop and R&B at the time, cannot be denied. Bad may not have aged as well as some of MJ’s other top-shelf releases but that doesn’t make it any less groundbreaking. Forgotten Favorites: “Speed Demon,” “Just Good Friends,” “Another Part of Me”.

In this, the first of a three-part autobiography by Mocienne Petit Jackson, we meet the main character Mocienne. We read about her wonderful adventures from the age of six until the age of nine.She lived with her father – Michael Jackson! – in California. As he was not at home very often she was always in the company of a nanny. However, one nanny was continuously being replaced by the next. Mocienne was also often sick.Her father made an important decision and moved her to Haiti to go and live with an aunt -he wanted her to be part of a family. In time, she realised that her father was not like other fathers and that he was not who he claimed to be: a policeman. He would often visit her on Haiti when he was not busy with a performance.Her life on Haiti was not what she expected – a normal family life. She came into contact with some very kind people but also with others who were not so kind. She experienced many things which were not meant for a child of that age. We relive those experiences with her as she describes them through the eyes of a young and vulnerable little girl.After moving to Port-au-Prince, her life changes dramatically. Not long after that it became a complete nightmare. At present, Ms Jackson is seeking to make a name for herself as her own individual. Thriller, for example, offers unique insights on her life by including stories concerning unusual and difficult situations that she experienced while living in the Netherlands. She argues extensively, for instance, that the harshness of the Dutch political system has had a significant impact on her character, and that by writing about it she can express a sense of frankness. Discover more info on Michael Jackson Daughter Interview.

She asserts that the stories which had been published in late-2010 in light of the case have had a damaging effect on her reputation and on her business operations, and she expresses her belief that some measure of responsibility ought to be taken for the detrimental effects that being in the media spotlight can have on one’s repute. Ms Jackson also points out that the role of social media runs in a similar vein—alleging that it was used as a means to verbally harass her in relation to the court case, as well as to spread misinformation more generally. You maybe heard about the case of Mocienne Petit Jackson, called by the press the Michael Jackson’s secret daughter. What you most likely didn’t know is the fact that Mocienne Petit Jackson is a prolific writer, with plenty of book available on Amazon and most of the other major book retailers. Contrary to the conclusion that has been suggested by members of the international press, the L.A. County Superior Court did not throwout the case of Mocienne Petit Jackson in 2010 on the basis of the case’s validity. Instead, the request to validate Ms Jackson’s claim using DNA evidence from the deceased Michael Jackson was not granted due to the fact that the State of California does not possess the jurisdiction to conduct DNA tests on the deceased. As a result, the case has remained open indefinitely.

But if you recall the release of his landmark records, you’ll remember his promotional magic. Everything from the time the first single hit radio stations to when the big video premiered, it was all something out of this world. Technically, that was always the most exciting aspect of a Jackson release. We loved the music, but we loved seeing what he’d do with it – namely his videos, which are arguably just as important as the music itself. (Hey, even Invincible had that delectable “You Rock My World” video.) They’ve tried to recreate that idea – what with the world premieres of tracks here and there – but it will never be the same. So, that leaves us with just the music.

Dangerous: In the third section, boy becomes man: Jackson struts through a wall of flames, Henley shirt open, screaming at his enemies like a mad king. It gives way to Culkin rapping in shades and oversized gold chains, which is just as well considering that this is the man who actually spit the bars. Jackson’s embrace of hip-hop not only aligned him with the popular sound of black (and white) youth culture, it adds an aggressive masculinity unseen in his catalogue, and ultimately paved the way for the late period Biggie therapy session. Of course, in the final section, Jackson turns into a black panther. You understand that meaning. So did millions of parents in Tipper Gore America, who flooded Fox and its local affiliates with phone calls, forcing Jackson’s team to re-cut and sanitize the video. Discover extra information at Daughter of Michael Jackson Interview.

Shayna Davidov Hanson or the climb of a real estate & sustainability expert

The growth of a real estate & wellness expert : Shayna Davidov Hanson? Shayna Davidov Hanson is an experienced, multi-lingual, Real Estate professional who speaks Spanish, Portuguese, Italian and has a working knowledge of French. She has over 14 years experience in Miami Beach Luxury Real Estate, Miami Estates, Resort properties, Canyon Ranch, Penthouses, Surfside, Bal Harbour, Bay Harbour Islands, Indian Creek Island, Sunny Isles, Golden Beach, Willliams Island, Luxury Condominiums, Downtown Miami, Brickell, Brickell Key, Biscayne Corridor, Coral Gables, Pinecrest, Cocoplum, Coconut Grove, Grove Isle, Key Biscayne, Fisher Island, Waterfront homes, Miami Shores, Morningside, Keystone Point, Keystone Island, Design District, Midtown, Edgewater, Paramount Bay, Belle Meade, Belle Meade Island, Biscayne Point, North Bay Island, La Gorce Island and Country Club, Poinciana Island, Waterfront Condos, Home with docks, Venetian Islands, Star Island, Sunset Islands I, II &III, North Bay Road and Millionaire’s Row, Commercial Real Estate, hotels, Multi-families, luxury condominiums, luxury rentals, private communities, islands, REO’s, short sales and single family homes and estates, Mid Beach homes, The Venetian Islands, Hibiscus, Palm Island and South of Fifth.

Shayna Davidov Hanson about herself: Dedicated to customer service, long-term client relationships, investment and lifestyle coaching, wealth-building and the overall success of my clients! Seeing your triumphs and happiness gives me the most immense satisfaction.

Shayna Davidov Hanson about find & register your building’s carbon footprint and plan safe “Re-entry” for inhabitants & workers- with Arc : A number of indicators are analyzed from air quality, energy usage, waste management, human experience, transportation services and are “scored” within the Arc system. Additionally, Arc can be utilized to provide date for the purpose of LEED performance reporting and a also can help estimate the Carbon Footprint ranking for existing structures. In Covid and Post-Covid times, Arc Software, in addition to the resources LEED provides in regards to Covid-19; provide a quantifiable way to indicate whether your existing dwelling “measures up” to a high level of environmental health standards and can ALSO create a snapshot to provide consumers and stakeholders an indication of how clean and sustainable your project is.

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Shayna Davidov Hanson on WELL : WELL was developed by integrating scientific and medical research and literature on environmental health, behavioral factors, health outcomes and demographic risk factors that affect human health with leading practices in design, operations and management. WELL also references existing standards and best practice guidelines set by governmental and professional organizations. Human health is inextricable from planetary health. WELL is designed to work harmoniously with leading green building Standards. Projects are encouraged and incentivized to pursue dual certifications under WELL and green building Standards.