Stump removal in Colorado Springs

Do you want to keep your trees healthy? First we will suggest some tips on tree care and after that we will introduce Tree Artisans, a tree services company in Colorado Springs.

To direct the growth by slowing the branches you don’t want, or to “dwarf” the development of a tree or branch, pruning should be done soon after seasonal growth is complete. Another reason to prune in the summer is for corrective purposes. Defective limbs can be seen more easily. For trees that bloom in spring, prune when their flowers fade. Trees and shrubs that flower in mid- to late summer should be pruned in winter or early spring. Because decay fungi spread their spores profusely in the fall and wounds seem to heal more slowly on fall on cuts, this is a good time to leave your pruning tools in storage.

While you won’t need to do much to keep your trees healthy, it makes sense to take some simple precautions to ensure they last a lifetime. Surrounding the base of your trees with mulch is a great idea. Mulch will protect the tree from over-watering and over-fertilizing. Layer the mulch 2 to 3 inches thick and keep it away from the bark of the tree. Make sure to remove the older mulch before putting on a new layer. Most trees don’t need much pruning, in fact, pruning can slow the growth because the tree must heal before it continues to grow. Good times to prune a tree are when you see dead limbs or those that have cracked because of strong wind or a rain storm. You should take the time to safely cut these limbs or branches away from the tree to prevent them from falling and possibly damaging your property.

Tree staking is never done with the intention of harming a tree. Staking is usually done with love and with a desire to promote root and trunk growth and protect a young tree from harm. What some tree planters do not understand is, rather than helping a tree develop root and trunk growth, improper tree staking replaces a supportive trunk and root system with an artificial support that causes the tree to put its resources into growing taller but not growing wider.

Promote good health among the mature trees on your property with pruning services performed by Tree Artisans. Call 719-822-6733 for your FREE estimate. Local, family-owned and operated by the father-and-son team of Jack and Clay Webb, Tree Artisans offers reliable, timely tree care. We are members of the International Society of Arboriculture and the Tree Care Industry Association. Licensed and insured to operate in Colorado, we are based in Colorado Springs. Our services extend anywhere along the Front Range, and we can quickly service El Paso, Teller, and Douglas. See extra details at Best Tree Services In Colorado Springs.

Keep your mature trees looking great and in the best of health with regular pruning services performed by Tree Artisans. The removal of dead and dying branches – known as dead wooding or cleaning – is an important safety factor too. Depending on the season, same-day service or walk-in appointments may be available. To learn more or to make an appointment, call 719-822-6733. We also make house calls.

Some common tree pests found in late spring and summer include borers, mites, scales, and beetles. They can cause wilting, canopy thinning, premature leaf drop, and branch dieback. Many of these insects feed on various types of deciduous and evergreen species. Treatments – including the release of beneficial insects – can suppress the impact of damaging pests. Examples of natural predators to these pests include lady beetles, green lacewings, trichogramma wasps, and predaceous mites.

Some guidelines for moving to a new house safely

Often the fridge and freezer are built in now, so this is a tip only for those that you are moving to your new house.

Switch them off the day before your move, defrost and unplug so that they can be moved easily and safely. Put anything you want to take food-wise into cool bags or an ice box for the move itself and always allow the fridge/freezer to stand for a while in its new home before switching it back on.

Remember you are not limited to colors, shapes or themes. But it can be fun to get food stickers for the kitchen, pet stickers for your pets things, flowers or frilly ones for the girls and trucks or sports for the boys. Keep in mind this is supposed to be a fun way to get the kids involved and keep them interested in their move. Have them place the stickers in the same area on each box in a visible area so that when moving day arrives it is easy for the movers to see. You will be amazed at how quickly this will help your move go if all boxes are clearly labeled and ready to go. If you have time you can have them create their labels out of construction or colored paper.

So heres a summary of what are some very useful moving tips (from movers in Calgary) :

Moving house costs.

A lot.

Why would you want to add to this cost by paying to move things you dont use or need?

We all have items in our house that have long been forgotten usually ending up in the garage, loft or shed, but they could be lurking anywhere.

Before you start your packing is the perfect time to go through everything and have a good sort out.

Moving is a fresh start, so the last thing you want to take with you are things that you dont need or use any longer.

Decluttering before you sell means that you only move what you really need and you will not only save money by doing so, but you will also save time in the new house by not having to unpack and deal with all that stuff in the future.

I call that a win-win!

I always suggest going around your home and taking photos of your valuables and breakables before they get packed up.

If for any reason things get broken, damaged or lost during the moving process, at least you have a record of them. (Just quick snaps on the camera on your mobile phone will be good enough).

TIP Its worth doing this anyway for things in your house, as it can help with insurance claims if you get burgled or theres a fire etc. I use the home inventory in my Home File for this.

By now your car will be very full! (valuables, paperwork, essentials box and a box for each child), but theres one thing extra thats worth taking with you and that is bedding.

If you have your bedding ready to go when you get to your home whether you arrive late at night or have more time to unpack, you know that you have something to sleep on and be more comfortable on that first night.

After all things can go slowly on moving day, and you may not get your keys until its really too late to start unpacking so best be prepared!.

pest contorl in Maricopa top advices

Secure and latch all your garbage containers and store them several feet away from your home or business. Make sure that you have your garbage removed from your home and outside containers regularly. Clean any food debris from your food preparation and eating areas as soon as possible. Rinse and clean dishes, pots and pans, etc. daily. Store your food properly in original containers, plastic containers, refrigerator, etc.

pest control companies in Arizona – Pests and rodents aren’t simply a nuisance – they can severely affect your health and the health of your family. This is why bug and insect prevention is critical in protecting homes, businesses, schools and any other place where human beings live, work or play from a pest infestation.

Here are some general tips to prevent household pests and rodents from entering your home:

Seal cracks and holes on the outside of the home including entry points for utilities and pipes.
Keep tree branches and shrubbery well trimmed and away from the house.
Keep basements, attics, and crawl spaces well ventilated and dry.
Store garbage in sealed containers and dispose of it regularly.
Repair fascia and rotted roof shingles; some insects are drawn to deteriorating wood.
Replace weather-stripping and repair loose mortar around basement foundation and windows.
Store fire wood at least 20 feet away from the house and five inches off the ground.
Call a qualified pest professional for additional advice and treatment if necessary.

Install plants and landscaping elements that repel pests and encourage biodiversity. A yard that is dominated by one plant species, such as turf grass, is more susceptible to becoming a haven for a single type of insect. Biodiversity in a yard encourages a healthy, balanced ecosystem and lessens the risk of infestation.

Arizona exterminator – If you have trees, tall grass, or open space in your yard, you could have a bunch of hungry ticks lurking there. They lie in wait for a passing deer, pet, or person. If you have tall grass or weeds, cut them back. Cutting it down takes away one of their favorite hiding places. Put away any food that deer like to eat, and theyll come by less often.

The main source of attraction for flies are smells. The ideal action you can make in removing flies inside your kitchen is definitely to keep them outside altogether. Mend all tears in your window and door screens. At the same time, always make sure there are no breaks in the padding strip around the entry doors. This will also assist in keeping away other creatures and pesky insects just as well. Now that you are aware how you can care for the inside, the time has come to get to the cause of the issue. Ive found that the quickest and most efficient way to do this is to use a fly trap. Theyre really cheap and very efficient.

best way to kill insects in Arizona – Wasps, including, paper wasps, yellow jackets and bald-faced hornets, are beneficial and generally do not sting unless disturbed, threatened, or harmed. To prevent unwanted wasps: remove fallen fruits, spilled food and drinks, soft drink cans, and garbage; avoid scents and brightly colored materials; and keep your house, dumpster, garage, and attic clean. Over-the-counter pesticides labeled for wasp control generally only kill the wasps you actually spray.


Keep ants away from your home with a concoction of borax and sugar. Mix 1 cup sugar and 1 cup borax in a quart jar. Punch holes in the jar’s lid, and sprinkle the mixture outdoors around the foundation of your home and around the baseboards inside your house. The ants are attracted by the sugar and poisoned by the borax.
If you have cockroaches, sprinkle borax powder in the kitchen and bathroom cabinets. Avoid sprinkling where children and pets could be affected.
If there’s a hornet, wasp, bee or other flying insect in your house and you have no insect spray, kill it with hair spray.
If your home becomes infested with fleas, vacuum rugs thoroughly before spraying, and throw the dust bag out at once.
Change the water in a birdbath every 3 days to help reduce the mosquito population.
The presence of carpenter ants indicates another problem. Because they’re fond of damp wood, you should check your pipes, roof and windowsills for water leaks.
Centipedes prey on other bugs, so the presence of centipedes in your house may indicate the presence of other insects as well.
You can distinguish termite damage from other insect damage by examining any holes you find in wood. Termites usually eat only the soft part of wood, leaving the annual rings intact.
If you live in a multiunit building, any pest control measures you take individually will be ineffective in the long run simply because insects can travel form one apartment to another. To eliminate bugs completely, the entire building should be treated at one time.

House Cleaning & Maid Service in MD

Charm Clean offers Move In/Move Out Cleaning: For those who are moving in or out and need to get their place cleaned up. Office cleaning Washington DC : Select your ZIP code, number of bedrooms and bathrooms, date and relax while we take care of your home.. We guarantee there will be no upsells, and what you see is what you get. Flat-rate and up front pricing!

Testimonials : I have used CharmClean twice now, and have been extremely satisfied both times. They are quick, courteous, and efficient. Always on-time and never miss a spot. I am using the monthly plan and am looking forward to my next clean! I used a yelp promotion and combined that with my first clean to get a great deal!

“I was extremely impressed by the professionalism and hard work that was in evidence when CharmClean sent two women to clean my father’s flat. They had their work cut out for them as it was excessively dirty. They worked for several hours and went out of their way to make sure that it sparkled and gleamed by the time they were done. I would definitely recommend them.”

“Great team. They arrived a little early which was appreciated with a team of 3 for our home. Vacuumed, mopped, cleaned the fans, all the bathrooms to my liking. Easy to book online and without needing someone to come out and give a consultation unlike most services. Would use them again and recommend to others.”


– Trained Cleaning Team (2 People, 1 for smaller units)
– All supplies and tools (Vacuums, Mops, etc.)
– Insured service against damages
– Amazing & unlimited customer service through email, phone, or chat.
– 200% Satisfaction Guarantee

Professional House Cleaning Services in DC

– We view each contact with you as an opportunity to make CharmClean a household name
– We think fun and outgoing cleaners are just as important as passing our background checks
– We want to WOW you all the time, every time
– 100% Money Back Guarantee: If youre not happy we come back to make it right
– We communicate honestly and openly. No upsells or hidden pricing

Contact Info:
Charm Clean
Phone : (202) 580-8050
Email :