Premium udbyder af tomrertjenester i Kobenhavn?

Premium tømrerservice i København lige nu? Som tømrer er der mange opgaver, vi kan løfte. Da vi samtidig har et stort team af tømrere bag os med hver deres specialområde, har vi mulighed for at tilbyde meget kompetent hjælp til mange typer af opgaver. Du er mere end velkommen til at kontakte os for at høre nærmere om, hvorvidt vi kan hjælpe dig med dit projekt eller din opgave. Selv ved anderledes opgaver der kræver en kreativ tankegang, stiller vi os gerne til rådighed. Find endnu mere detaljer på Tømrer.

Skal vi hjælpe dig med at finde materialer? Om du skal i gang med at have lavet en terrasse, skiftet gulvet eller noget helt tredje, hjælper vi dig gerne med at finde materialer til det. Vi rådgiver dig også gerne ud fra de detaljer, du har oplyst os, sådan så du kan få det bedste mulige udgangspunkt. Vi går selv højt op i kvalitet og hjælper dig derfor gerne med at finde de rette materialer. Vi gør naturligvis også vores bedste for at gøre det til den skarpeste pris.

Vi sætter en stor ære i at udføre kvalitetsarbejde. Derudover er det også vigtigt for os at gøre alt for at give høj og personlig service, så du altid føler dig tryg ved at lade os klare dit byggeri. Vi tilbyder derfor 3 års GARANTI på alt udført arbejde. På denne måde kan vi sikre os, at alle vores kunder er tilfredse med slutresultatet. Vi anvender kun markedets bedste værktøj og materialer. Eventuelle efterbehandlingsprodukter vil også blive nøje udvalgt for at sikre kvalitet og lang holdbarhed.

Det tager tilmed ikke mange timer at opsætte en skillevæg i enten gips eller gasbeton, hvilket gør det til en nem og overskuelig løsning, hvis du gerne vil ændre lidt på, hvordan rumfordelingen er. Vi sørger for, at den bliver lavet med en god finish, så den falder i ét med de øvrige omgivelser. Har du nogle særlige ønsker, siger du blot til. Så ser vi, om ikke dine ønsker kan opfyldes eller lade sig gøre ud fra en besigtigelse. Ring eller send os gerne en mail. Så finder vi frem til den bedste løsning til den bedste pris.

Er en besigtigelse gratis? En besigtigelse er altid gratis. Ved større entrepriser er det som regel nødvendigt med en besigtigelse, inden vi kan komme med et tilbud. For at give dig så realistisk en tilbudspris som muligt, indkalder vi de relevante faggrupper til besigtigelsen, da de er bedst kvalificerede til at vurdere de enkelte fagspecifikke opgaver og svare på konkrete spørgsmål. Når vi er flere faggrupper, der skal besigtige, aftales et tidspunkt 1- 2 uger ude i fremtiden, hvor vi kan få adgang til din bolig og styre udenom myldretiden. Vi er mange parter, der skal køre, så der er meget tid at spare ved at undgå myldretidstrafikken.

Hos Jacobsen Byg står vi klar til at hjælpe dig, uanset hvilket projekt du står overfor. Vi holder til i København, men vi kommer gerne ud nordsjælland og resten af sjælland. Når du vælger at benytte vores tømrer, får du en yderst kompetent tømrer ud på opgaven. Vi går op i kvalitetsløsninger, hvor intet bliver overladt til tilfældighederne. Vi sætter en stor ære i at levere fejlfrit tømrerarbejde, uanset om det er store eller små projekter, vi skal hjælpe dig med. Vi lægger vægt på tillid, troværdighed og god service, så det kan du regne med, hvis du hyrer vores tømrer. Se ekstra detaljer at

Excellent aircon servicing company in Singapore 2022

Excellent aircon servicing company in Singapore with Yearly AC Maintenance Package: We undertake yearly aircon maintenance contracts for residential and commercial air conditioners to ensure they’re working in optimum condition. Our technicians are responsible for regular upkeep and upgradation when required. An annual aircon maintenance package includes routine servicing, checks on parts, operation, gas, as well as inspecting components and cooling performance. Discover additional information on Aircon Servicing. Aircon servicing is important to keep your family healthy and free from allergies. At EZ Aircon, we’ll clean the aircon components, check all parts to look for potential problems. Regular servicing also promotes energy efficiency and keeps electricity bills low.

In many areas throughout Singapore., the outdoor temperature is significantly cooler during the nighttime. If you turn off your air conditioning once the sun goes down and open some windows instead, you might see substantial savings on your energy bill. Plus, since your AC unit will no longer be running as often, it will experience less wear and tear, which means you’ll deter repairs and maintenance associated with high usage. Before you choose to turn your AC off at night, consider the outdoor night temperature and pollen. If the temperature or pollen count is forecasted to be high, opening your windows probably won’t be worth the potential energy savings.

Open windows. Opening windows creates a cross-wise breeze, allowing you to naturally cool your home without switching on air conditioners. This is an ideal tactic in spring when temperatures are mild. Use ceiling fans. Cooling your home with ceiling fans will allow you to raise your thermostat four degrees. This can help lower your electricity bills without sacrificing overall comfort. Cook outside. On warmer spring days, keep the heat out of your home by using an outdoor grill instead of indoor ovens.

It’s hard to imagine life in Singapore without an air conditioner. But keeping your home or office comfortable comes at a price – Singaporeans reportedly spend a huge portion of their income on energy bills. Read on if you’d like to keep your electricity bills manageable without switching off the air conditioner: Stick To Your Aircon Maintenance & Repair Schedule: Worn-out aircons consume more power than well-maintained systems. Make sure you don’t miss your aircon maintenance and repair schedule with us. We’ll check for coolant leaks, clogged vents, stuck vents, and other factors that affect ac performance and eventually lead to a total breakdown. Among other things, our aircon servicing technician will monitor refrigerant levels, clean the air filters and ducts, and clear drains – all of which eventually lead to lower energy bills.

Insulate Your Home Properly: Poor insulation leads to loss of air conditioned air and adds extra strain on the aircon. This is because turning the system on and off continuously affects different components, especially the motor and compressor. Maintenance costs will naturally increase and affect the life of the aircon unit. The next time you call us for aircon servicing, ask our technicians to check it is well insulated.

Hassle-Free: We provide the best aircon servicing in Singapore, striving to exceed customer expectations and promise 100% satisfaction, guaranteeing peace of mind. We’ll bring our cleaning equipment and leave the space clean, laying floor mats and tarps, wearing shoe coverings, gloves, etc., and taking all care to ensure a stress-free experience. Find more info at 100% Customer Satisfaction: Solving our customers cooling issues is always our top priority. We always strive to make it an hassle-free service experience for our customers, be it maintenance or repair Singapore. With the 24/7 online booking, customers can now book an appointment anytime, anywhere without calling in and check “any available slots?” and the constant back and forth to schedule an appointment.

Kitchen remodel services Canyon Country today

Top kitchen remodeling services Santa Clarita? We know that diving into something you don’t have experience in can be daunting so we start every project with an in-depth interview and analysis of your needs. This allows us to guide our clients in the right direction and better explain the steps of the construction process. From this step to completing construction, your project manager will oversee the process and ensure that no task is forgotten. We prioritize your preferred communication method and work to ensure you will feel informed every step of the way. It is our pleasure to serve you and we look forward to creating results you will be proud to call home. Read more information on kitchen remodel Santa Clarita.

On their own, granite and marble counters do not have much impact on resale value. As part of a luxury kitchen upgrade, however, Remodeling Magazine shows that you can recoup roughly 53% of the total costs. Both granite and marble can make a kitchen look more appealing to a buyer, which may help the property sell more quickly, particularly if the old countertop was in poor condition.

When it comes to choosing materials for your home, there’s the fun stuff, and then the necessary. Paint colors, light fixtures, and furnishings fall under the “exciting options” category since you get so much more freedom to play around with design. But picking out tile? That’s just about being practical, right?

Maintenance: Sealants are used on both granite and marble to prevent staining and etching. Marble requires sealing much more frequently i.e. twice a year (recommended by professionals) whereas for granite sealing once every two years is sufficient. The actual requirement for resealing depends on how heavily the surface was used and how regularly the stone’s cleaning was done.

Marble has long been used in European kitchens, even though this gorgeous stone can stain and discolor with use. And despite its reputation as high-maintenance, its classic, luxurious look has arrived in many American kitchens. “People like marble for its natural beauty, even though it can show wear and tear over the years,” says expert Michael Bruno, a salesperson with the tile and stone company Ann Sacks. “Every house in Europe has a stone countertop—it’s only in this country that people think everything has to look brand-new.”

You may be a genius renovator but you could still come a cropper. Every street has an invisible ceiling that dictates how much buyers are prepared to pay, no matter how many tennis courts and basement gyms you add. The quality of fittings needs to be closely geared to the expectations and demands of the market sector the property is likely to appeal to. At one extreme, it would obviously be a false economy to deck out an historic Georgian townhouse in the opulent end of town with cheap MDF joinery and foam ceiling tiles. Conversely ‘the best house in the worst street’ syndrome is a recipe for disappointment. It sounds obvious, but this is a surprisingly common lapse of judgement.

Randal G. Winter Construction holds eight valid contractor’s licenses and we are citation free. While you are on the Contractor’s State Licensing Board website, you will be able to search for other contactors who are bidding on your project to help you make the most informed choice. You can feel confident knowing that you and your home are protected by our worker’s compensation and liability insurance. Just give us a call and we will send you all the documentation you need! Randal G. Winter Construction meets the Better Business accreditation standards and adheres to the eight BBB Standards for Trust. The Bureau gives us an A+ and you can feel good knowing that your contractor works maintain a good rating with the Better Business Bureau. Find more information on

Best kitchen remodel company Valencia, CA today

Best kitchen remodeling services Valencia, CA 2022? You’ve been dreaming of that big remodel and now is the time to make it happen. Finding the right contractor will go a long way in maintaining your peace of mind and making sure the remodel is completed within your budget. There are many tasks to oversee and Randal G. Winter Construction, Inc. will help you get the job done. From start to finish, you can feel confident that our experienced and professional staff are here for you and any concerns you may have throughout the process. Our priority is to ensure that you are proud of the results and we do everything in our power to get your project completed as efficiently as possible. See even more details on Valencia kitchen remodel.

On their own, granite and marble counters do not have much impact on resale value. As part of a luxury kitchen upgrade, however, Remodeling Magazine shows that you can recoup roughly 53% of the total costs. Both granite and marble can make a kitchen look more appealing to a buyer, which may help the property sell more quickly, particularly if the old countertop was in poor condition.

Large format tile can make a small room feel bigger and a large room feel positively expansive. It immediately makes a bathroom, kitchen, or laundry room feel contemporary and clean. Make sure your tile craftsman knows to make extra-thin grout; chunky grout will ruin the smooth, continuous aesthetic.

Marble and Granite both have their own unique properties and qualities. In the end, it all depends on the aesthetics and where you are going to use this stone. If you are willing to devote some of your time in maintenance of tiles for a more beautiful and elegant design then go for marble. However, if you want a natural stone with more durability, scratch resistant properties and less wear and tear ability then granite is the best option for you.

Marble has long been used in European kitchens, even though this gorgeous stone can stain and discolor with use. And despite its reputation as high-maintenance, its classic, luxurious look has arrived in many American kitchens. “People like marble for its natural beauty, even though it can show wear and tear over the years,” says expert Michael Bruno, a salesperson with the tile and stone company Ann Sacks. “Every house in Europe has a stone countertop—it’s only in this country that people think everything has to look brand-new.”

Renovating involves making countless decisions, from which improvements to make and the choice of fixtures and fittings, down to the route for new services such as plumbing, or how details should be finished off. Many of these decisions need to be made quickly if they are not to hold up work, and so you need to allow time for this, based on what will be the most practical and aesthetically pleasing solution. If you leave such decisions to builders, they will invariably do whatever is easiest and quickest for them, and this can look awful. The trouble is, once the work is done, you have to pay twice if you later want to make changes and the builders will hate you for it too. A good builder should warn you well in advance of the decisions that they need you to make. Listen to them, spend time on site visits, and keep up to speed.

Randal G. Winter construction is a member of the International Code Council, “the largest building and safety code organization dedicated to protecting the property, health and safety of people worldwide.” You don’t have to worry about any setbacks durign your construction project knowing that Randy, a certified building inspector, is working to make sure your project adheres to standard code practices. We are also a proud member of the National Kitchen and Bath Association, representing “the finest professionals in the Kitchen and bath industry”. Members of NKBA adhere to the highest standards of practice in the kitchen and bath industry. Find additional details at

Top kitchen remodel services Santa Clarita

Premium kitchen remodel contractors Canyon Country, CA? The kitchen is the heart of the home and we can help you make it shine with complete remodeling services. We will work with you every step of the way from design to completion in order to make sure your kitchen has every bit of function and beauty your family deserves. Function and beauty meet to create an inviting space everyone in your home will feel welcome to join in on the meal preparation or just to visit and catch up over a cup of coffee. The Randal G. Winter Construction, Inc. team consists of artisans and professionals in the construction field, all specializing in what they provide to our clients. We take standard kitchen needs and elevate them to create unique features that add beauty to everyday functionality. Interested in how our team can take your kitchen remodel to the next level? Get in touch to set up an appointment and discover what Randal G. Winter Construction, Inc. can do for you or view our completed kitchen projects. See extra info on Canyon Country kitchen remodel.

The durability of the stone you choose is dictated by its makeup. Most marbles are made of calcite, which is a very soft and porous mineral. This means that marble will be more likely to absorb stains and to etch or lose its finish over time. Having a honed, or matte finish, for your marble counter can help disguise some of the etching. However, not all marble is made primarily of calcite. Green marble, made of serpentine, does not etch as easily, but it can spall or flake with prolonged contact with water. Quartzites that are labeled as marble, like Thassos or Azul Celeste, are extremely durable and much harder than some granites.

There’s been quite a bit of buzz about tile in the design world lately. There are more unique options than ever for a sophisticated yet eye-catching backsplash or shower wall. A beautiful tile can complete the look of a room or even function as the main attraction. Here are a few exciting tile trends that may spark some inspiration for your new construction or home makeover.

Applications: The durable quality of granite makes it appropriate for kitchen countertops and hallways where there is high foot activity while marble is more apt for areas where there is less traffic like bathrooms. Marble gives a bright unique look and is suitable for surfaces that are used less frequently. Cost: Granite and marble both are to be installed by professionals as the slabs are really heavy. The approximate cost for both marble and granite is $50 to $100 however high end granite is cheaper than its counterpart marble. The actual price however depends on the quality of the stone, complexity of the job and the style of the tiles.

A marble countertop in a kitchen where cooking happens won’t always look pristine, no matter how well you maintain it. But that’s part of the beauty of natural stone, says Bruno; over the years it acquires a patina that lends character, and many people consider that an asset. But there are still some things you can do to protect and preserve it. We asked Bruno for his advice on the best way to care for a marble countertop. Start with a good sealant. “Marble is one of the more porous stones, so you have to protect the surface by keeping it well sealed,” says Bruno. “When you buy the countertop, there’s no sealant on it. You could ask the installer to apply the sealant, but you can easily do it yourself once the countertop is in place.”

If you’re buying an old building, check whether it’s listed, as this will severely limit the changes you can make, plus as a new owner you’re legally liable for rectifying any past illegal works, often at huge expense. Generally, unless you have a bottomless budget, avoid: properties built to a substandard quality, such as some cheaper Victorian terraces built without firebreak party walls in lofts and with worryingly thin single brick rear additions (which cause problems with mortgage lenders), those that have suffered botched alterations such as chimney breasts and internal walls illegally removed without Building Regulations’ consent.

Randal G. Winter has directed the construction activities of this company since 1980. Under his management, the company has borne the recognition as a company committed to a standard of high quality and a strict adherence to reliable performance. Raised in the San Fernando Valley, Mr. Winter served two and a half years in the U.S. Army. He spent thirteen months in Vietnam and left with two rows of medals, one of which was a Bronze Star for meritorious achievement. He graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Economics from UCLA in 1976. After college, he worked for various contractors as a coordinator, expeditor, scheduler, estimator, and superintendent. He is certified by the International Code Council as a Building Inspector and as a Plans Examiner. He is also certified by the EPA for Lead as required for all remodeling contractors who work on homes built before 1978. Randy’s unique capacity for design and strong building knowledge blend skillfully to assist his clients in their needs. Read more information at

Excellent kitchen remodel company Valencia, CA 2022

Kitchen remodel services Canyon Country today? You’ve been dreaming of that big remodel and now is the time to make it happen. Finding the right contractor will go a long way in maintaining your peace of mind and making sure the remodel is completed within your budget. There are many tasks to oversee and Randal G. Winter Construction, Inc. will help you get the job done. From start to finish, you can feel confident that our experienced and professional staff are here for you and any concerns you may have throughout the process. Our priority is to ensure that you are proud of the results and we do everything in our power to get your project completed as efficiently as possible. See even more information on Canyon Country kitchen remodel.

Granite can range dramatically in terms of durability. True, igneous granites and gabbros, such as Absolute Black, are nonporous, do not require sealing, nor easily scratch or etch. Most dark-colored granites are also impervious to staining and etching. Some light-colored granites, however, are actually dolomites, which is a metamorphic stone. These may scratch, etch, or stain. In general granite counters are considered more durable than marble. However, each stone is given a rating from A to D. Any stone rated D is considered weak, while stones rated A are considered strong.

What size tile do you want? Larger tiles are harder to lay down because they are less forgiving, but you can cover ground faster with them. However, they are also more slippery, so inside the shower, you will need smaller tiles with larger grout areas for your feet to hold on to. Mosaic tiles are a good idea for anti-slip protection if you don’t want rugs on your floor. Before you seal the deal with your DIY bathroom remodel, you’ll need to make a decision about your cabinets. First up, thoroughly check inside each cabinet for water damage. If you will need to replace the whole cabinet, you can then decide if you want to have a custom bathroom cabinet made to fit a piece of pre-cut countertop or go the other way around and have a countertop cut to fit your cabinet.

Applications: The durable quality of granite makes it appropriate for kitchen countertops and hallways where there is high foot activity while marble is more apt for areas where there is less traffic like bathrooms. Marble gives a bright unique look and is suitable for surfaces that are used less frequently. Cost: Granite and marble both are to be installed by professionals as the slabs are really heavy. The approximate cost for both marble and granite is $50 to $100 however high end granite is cheaper than its counterpart marble. The actual price however depends on the quality of the stone, complexity of the job and the style of the tiles.

Under normal use, the sealant should last about a year before it needs to be reapplied, Bruno advises, “so long as you aren’t using harsh cleansers on your countertop.” You’ll know it’s time for more sealant when you no longer see water drops beading on the surface. Clean daily—with care. To ensure that the sealant remains effective, you should wipe down your countertop daily using a nonabrasive cloth or sponge and only a mild soap (such as dish detergent) and water. Clear up spilled food right away, before it can seep in and cause a stain or discoloration (that can happen overnight, even with sealant in place). And obviously, keep some good-sized cutting boards on hand for food prep so that staining substances won’t come in contact with the countertop. Coasters help, too—red wine and coffee-cup rings are common culprits.

Alternatively, get a builder’s estimate. This is a builder’s best guess of what your renovation project is going to cost, based on what they can see and the information you have provided them with. This is not a quote and the builder cannot be held to it, but an experienced builder should be able to give a fairly accurate guess. Finally, prepare your own budget by listing all tasks, the materials required, and who is going to do the work. You can then go out and get quotes for materials and estimates for each trade. Make sure you allow for skips, scaffold hire, plant hire, and tools.

Randal G. Winter Construction strives to provide high-quality workmanship using skilled trades-people, up-to-date technology, and superior products. Our company takes into account the customer’s needs, timelines, and designs, integrating those elements with our experience and knowledge of construction. Our goal is to build a finished product of which both our company and our clients are proud. Through this experience, Randal has obtained the knowledge to run a stellar organization. Randal holds California licenses in General Building, Concrete, Drywall, Electrical, Painting, Plumbing, and Landscaping. Read more info on