Income tax top firms in Houston, Texas
Tax preparation providers in Houston, Texas? Bunch Your Charitable Contributions: In 2019, married couples filing jointly have a standard deduction of $24,400. For single taxpayers, the standard deduction is $12,200. The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017, which nearly doubled the standard deduction, also eliminated miscellaneous deductions, capped state and local tax deductions at $10,000 and limited mortgage interest deductions to loans of up to $750,000. These changes can make it difficult to itemize deductions unless someone has significant charitable donations. Powell suggests people bunch two years of contributions into a single year, which would allow them to claim an itemized deduction every other year. For those with the financial means, setting up a donor-advised fund may be ideal. “You get the deduction in the year you move the money (into the fund),” Powell says. However, charitable gifts from the fund can be spread out over time.
This is a popular topic in 2020. Money are a big issue, as everyone knows. We will talk about some tax preparation recommendations finishing with the presentation of a high professional firm in US. Clearly, statistics says it right. A study released by the General Account Office of the United States, says most taxpayers benefited from hiring tax experts. To conclude, polls show people don’t want to do it on their own since they could make a mistake. Every mistake could become a penalty later. Moreover, our team annually participates in several education classes to broaden their knowledge. As a result, we are well aware of the tax law changes, because of, changes made by congress. besides, we use the best tax software to ensure you get the best tax experience.
Under CCPA provisions, an employer cannot discipline or terminate an employee whose wages are being garnished for a solitary debt. However, federal laws and CCPA provisions do not extend protection for employees with multiple wage garnishments. Some states may provide greater protection for employees by increasing the number of garnishments that can serve as the basis for termination or by prohibiting all terminations because of garnishments, so it is important to understand any applicable state regulations that may affect your business.
Our first clients have been average earners in Houston. Slowly we have grown into serving clients with higher incomes such as six-digit earners. Admittedly, for us doesn’t matter your amount of income. We help every taxpayer who is using our tax services in Houston with the same respect as the one before him/her. Due to our more than 5 years of experience in bookkeeping and tax preparation field unquestionably we have seen every type of tax issue there is to review. Additionally, more than 90 percent of our clients come back every year and express our services to friends and family. Find additional details on tax services in Houston.
Whether you file your own taxes or use a professional preparer, the key to a satisfactory, tension-free result is organization. Trying to make sense of a rat’s nest of paper receipts, canceled checks, brokerage statements, and other miscellaneous bits of information is frustrating and time-consuming. The confusion adds time for you and unnecessary expense if you’re using a professional tax preparer. It also increases the probability of incorrectly calculating your tax liability. If you pay too little, you may be subject to a tax audit and additional penalties. If you pay too much, you’re effectively giving the government a donation. Avoid such troubles by following these tips.
Familiarize yourself with new tax rules: The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act that took effect in December 2017 made big changes to the U.S. tax code. The tax reform means two things for you. Some of the tax breaks you might have taken advantage of in the past are gone. There may be some new tax breaks you can use when preparing your taxes. Check out our tax reform review to see the biggest changes and start thinking about things you can do to take advantage of them.
Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC): Millions of lower-income people take this credit every year. However, 25% of taxpayers who are eligible for the Earned Income Tax Credit fail to claim it, according to the IRS. Some people miss out on the credit because the rules can be complicated. Others simply aren’t aware that they qualify. The EITC is a refundable tax credit-not a deduction-ranging from $529 to $6,557 for 2019. The credit is designed to supplement wages for low-to-moderate income workers. But the credit doesn’t just apply to lower income people. Tens of millions of individuals and families previously classified as “middle class”-including many white-collar workers-are now considered “low income” because they: lost a job, took a pay cut, or worked fewer hours during the year. The exact refund you receive depends on your income, marital status and family size. To get a refund from the EITC you must file a tax return, even if you don’t owe any taxes. Moreover, if you were eligible to claim the credit in the past but didn’t, you can file any time during the year to claim an EITC refund for up to three previous tax years. Read extra information on this website.