Looking for personal injury lawsuit in Florida with Bengal Law PLLC

Searching for accident guidance in Florida?? In many car accidents, especially those involving more than two vehicles, it is possible that the accident was caused by the negligence of multiple drivers – or even a pedestrian who darted into traffic, or a bicyclist who veered outside of the dedicated bike lane. In these situations, Florida’s comparative negligence law will apply. Under Florida’s comparative negligence scheme, the jury in a car accident case will assign a percentage of blame to each negligent party. Then, each party will be responsible for the amount of damages proportionate to his or her percentage of blame.

During negotiations, mention any emotional points supporting your claim. If, for example, you have sent the adjuster a particularly strong photo of a smashed car or a severe-looking injury, refer to it. If there was a bottle of beer found in the other party’s car, refer again to the possibility of alcohol use. If similar accidents had occurred in a similar way at that location, remind the adjuster. If your injury interfered with your ability to care for your child, mention that your child suffered as a result. Even though there is no way to put a dollar value on these factors, they can be very powerful in getting an insurance company to settle an accident claim.

Keep your attorney informed of anything that might affect your case. Certainly nothing should be signed without first consulting the attorney. Applications for insurance benefits, reports to the State, any change in doctors, returning to work, any change in treatment, etc., should be reported promptly. Disability or unemployment applications should first be checked by the attorney. Keep your attorney advised of any vacation times when you may not be available. An emergency telephone number and an alternative way of reaching you must be in your attorney’s file at all times.

Don’t be surprised if the insurance company offers you a settlement shortly after your injury accident. Typically, this means they know you have a viable claim. They might offer you a small settlement, hoping you will take a quick payout, even though the value of your claim could be significantly higher. Once you accept that settlement, you will give up your rights to recover any further compensation.

You’ve been hurt in an accident. You’re missing work. You’re in a lot of pain. You’re being harassed by insurance companies. When you are injured by someone’s mistakes, Florida law equips us to help you recover for your pain and suffering, lost wages, medical bills and other expenses from the accident. We know all the tricks that insurance companies play to keep from paying what you are owed. We used to work for them and we were good at it. Here at Bengal Law: Florida Accidents Lawyers & Personal Injury Attorneys, we use all that experience to help you get fair compensation for your suffering. We’re here to help. Read extra info at https://bengallaw.com/.

Most people are familiar with the phrase that states that everything you say can and will be held against you in a court of law. Unfortunately, not all people realize that this phrase also applies to what you say on social media. If you’re claiming devastating injuries, but your Facebook page tells a different story, it can ruin your case. The other side is watching, and your best bet is to keep quiet and let your attorney do the talking. It’s also a good rule of thumb not to talk about any aspect of your injury case with anyone, or anywhere until a settlement is reached.