Silver mineral water online shop with

Silver mineral water online shop with Our “Atomic Particle Extraction Process” uniquely bonds silver atoms to water molecules, resulting in a high PPM (parts per million) solution of consistently sized atomic crystal-like trace minerals. This monumental breakthrough technique transforms colloidal silver into a powerful tool for your health and wellness journey. Join us in embracing this historic achievement, which hasn’t been seen since the 1800s when colloidal silver was first introduced. GoldenGevity opens the door to a new era of wellness, offering exciting possibilities for a healthier future. Experience the difference with our pure, atomic particle colloidal silver today! Read extra information on buy gold mineral water. Improved Effectiveness: Our atomic colloidal silver is more potent and efficient, delivering optimal results for your well-being.

Alchemist from the middle ages spent years if not a lifetime in discovering the secrets to a long life as well as immortality. They worked with many elements in an attempt to discover their antioxidant properties, as well as find solutions to many health problems in their time. They found that noble metals such as gold and other elements to help in slowing down the aging process. Consequently, our modern Pharmaceutical Industry has been created, on their ‘borrowed” information and or processes. Could noble metals be the key to immortality and even a longer life span?

Colloidal gold is a suspension of gold particles that have been nanosized so that it stays dispersed evenly in a solution or fluid (usually water) and covers a large surface area of the skin. It is also often added to skincare products due to its barrier-protecting powers. Colloidal gold acts as a shield against free radicals (which have been known to trigger skin conditions such as acne and eczema), strengthens the skin’s defense against pollution and helps calm skin inflammation. It also helps enhance the penetration of other antioxidants and anti-inflammatory ingredients such as retinol and vitamin C into the layers of the skin.

For many, bottled water seems to be the easy solution to this problem- but we know that is far from the truth. Not only is bottled water expensive, but there are also many documented health risks now associated with bottled water. Many plastic water bottles contain sizable amounts of Bisphenol A (BPA), which has been linked to issues such as diabetes, cancer, and high blood pressure. Environmental harms aside, plastic water bottles are on a practical level quite harmful to our health and therefore should be avoided at all costs. This leaves us with only one option. To purify our tap water sources. And the good news is, thanks to the amazing purifying power of silver and the portability of the TrueColloidal, it’s never been easier.

Reduce the effects of addiction – Some preliminary studies indicate that a dose of 1 to 3 teaspoons of colloidal gold several times a day could have a positive impact on lessening the symptoms of addiction. So, individuals with a caffeine, alcohol, nicotine or drug addiction may benefit from adding it to their diet. Mental health – Concentrated colloidal gold supplements may provide a sense of general well-being and calm. That’s why it’s been used in spiritual practices for so long. These effects, combined with the element’s potential impact on electrical signals to the brain, could also help those suffering from anxiety or depression.

We conducted some more quality control tests. In one test, we found it to be quite challenging to convert monatomic gold back into its original state of metallic gold. Special circumstances were required for the transformation to occur. We put our Monatomic Colloidal Gold with an 18000 PPM concentration into a container and exposed it to extremely high voltages. Simultaneously, a magnetic stirrer was spinning continuously in the container, the results proved that our monatomic trace mineral colloidal gold attracted to a magnetic stirrir pill, and solidified back to gold, gold does not react to magnetisim, but in this case it defied the standard science. Discover additional information at

Colloidal gold particles have been used extensively for biological labeling and electron microscopy with both SEM and TEM (Roth, 1996). It would seem that colloidal gold particles might be useful for correlative fluorescence and electron microscopy if a fluorophore was added to the colloidal gold. However, this approach has not been widely used since colloidal gold tends to quench fluorescence (De Brabander, Geuens, Nuydens, Moeremans, & De May, 1985; Goodman, Park, & Albrecht, 1991). Dulkeith et al. (2005) report that gold nanoparticles quench fluorescence by phase-induced radiative rate suppression.