Best rated laser hair removal specialists in Hong Kong 2022

Best permanent hair removal services in Hong Kong right now? Hair removal is time consuming and in many cases frustrating. Traditional methods of hair removal like waxing, shaving and tweezing are effective for removing hair, but only temporarily. Laser hair removal is effective, efficient and provides a long-term solution for getting rid of unwanted hair. Laser hair removal can be performed on any part of the body that has unwanted hair. While this method does not completely rid of hair, it does provide 50-95 percent reduction of new hair and the new hair that grows will be finer and easier to maintain. Here are five benefits of laser hair removal. For the day or two after the treatment, your skin will look and feel sunburned. Moisturizers and cool compresses can help. Over the next month, the treated hair will fall out. Make sure to wear sunscreen for the following month to prevent temporary color changes in the skin. See extra information on

At minimum, you will see a permanent reduction in hair growth that becomes easier to maintain over time. Because it’s a long-term solution, it’s also cost effective. Over the course of your lifetime, you can save hundreds or even thousands of dollars, as there won’t be a need for monthly waxes or razor blade refills. Keep in mind that while laser hair removal works on all different skin tones, it is most effective on people with light skin and dark hair. People with darker skin tones may experience temporary hyperpigmentation of the skin in the treated area.

None Of The Discomfort Or Pain Linked With Threading Or Waxing: The laser that passes over your skin feels like a quick and hot snap before the laser moves onto a new area. This type of treatment is definitely far less painful when compared to having the hairs yanked out by their roots which is what happens when waxing particularly sensitive areas like your bikini line. Just About Pain-Free: Lasers over the years have advanced leaps and bounds, and the technology continues to improve. For example, the 3D Trilogy Ice laser which I used in our beauty salon features its own unique cooling system, this provides the ultimate comfort over the course of the treatment. In fact, with the latest lasers, you won’t experience any lingering pain or discomfort at the end of the treatment, which means you can leave pain-free and feeling satisfied.

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没有与穿线或打蜡相关的不适或疼痛:在激光移动到新区域之前,穿过皮肤的激光感觉就像是快速而热的快照。与将头发从根部拉出相比,这种类型的治疗绝对不会那么痛苦,这是在给比基尼线等特别敏感的区域打蜡时会发生的情况。几乎无痛:多年来,激光技术取得了长足的进步,技术也在不断改进。例如,我在美容院使用的 808nm 激光​​具有自己独特的冷却系统,这在治疗过程中提供了极致的舒适感。事实上,使用最新的激光,您在治疗结束时不会感到任何挥之不去的疼痛或不适,这意味着您可以无痛离开并感到满意。

脱毛非常耗时,而且在许多情况下令人沮丧。传统的脱毛方法,如打蜡、剃须和镊子,对脱毛很有效,但只是暂时的。激光脱毛是有效的,高效的,并为摆脱多余的毛发提供了一个长期的解决方案。激光脱毛可以在身体任何有多余毛发的部位进行。虽然这种方法并不能完全去除头发,但它确实可以减少 50-95% 的新头发,并且长出的新头发会更细,更容易维护。以下是激光脱毛的五个好处。在治疗后的一两天内,您的皮肤会看起来和感觉被晒伤。保湿霜和冷敷可以提供帮助。在接下来的一个月里,处理过的头发会脱落。确保在下个月涂抹防晒霜,以防止皮肤暂时变色。

脫毛後會影響排汗嗎?毛囊和汗腺是分別獨立的兩個器官,毛髮是從毛囊長出,而汗腺則在毛囊的旁邊,在脫毛過程中,剃毛或脫毛只會針對於毛囊中的毛髮,並不會破壞隔壁的汗腺,是以,進行脫毛是不會對排汗有任何影響。如何預防脫毛之後出現毛髮倒生?任何的脫毛方法,或多或少都有機會造成毛髮倒插,普遍是因為拔毛時毛髮斷裂或逆向剃毛,導致毛髮重新生長的時候,有機會埋沒於毛孔內,造成毛髮倒生、不定時的發炎反應及產生色素疤痕等問題!要解決毛髮倒生的問題,需要使用微細的手術刀,把埋沒於毛孔內的毛髮挑出來。是以,預防勝於治療,在脫毛前選擇正確的脫毛方法,脫毛後塗上具消炎及防敏功效的護膚產品,並在脫毛部位定期按摩及進行去角質,都能避免毛髮倒生。 在此网站上查看 更多信息 激光脫毛.

脫面毛療程非常受女生歡迎,尤其是某些有較長或較多的面毛及唇毛的女生,唇毛濃密的女生會被稱為「美人生鬚」,除了有礙觀瞻、大大影響顏值之外,也可能揭示了某些身體不調的問題。完成激光脫面毛療程的女生,不但臉部能夠變得更加白滑細緻,而且還可以改善因面毛、唇毛所導致的毛孔堵塞、暗瘡、粉刺等問題,顯著提升臉部皮膚質素。激光脫毛是利用不同波長的激光技術,定位照射脫毛位置,穿透肌底並直達毛囊層及 / 或淺真皮層,利用黑色素吸光後硬化及萎縮的原理,以光熱效應破壞毛囊,以達致面部永久脫毛的效果,可謂一勞永逸。

腋下部位絕對是女生首選的脫毛部位,因此腋下脫毛療程非常受女生歡迎。腋毛外露的情況會令女生造成尷尬,所以很多女生都會選擇進行永久腋下脫毛療程,避免因為腋毛外露所引致的尷尬問題,並且解決毛髮倒生的困擾,同時做到腋下美白的效果。腋下脫毛其中一個最大的好處是達到腋下美白的功效,很多女生因為各種原因令到腋下出現黑色素沉澱問題,變得黑黑沉沉,例如使用剃刀刮掉腋毛、不正確脫腋毛或使用脫毛膏等;腋下脫毛能夠幫助消除腋下的黑色素,回復腋下亮白細緻。激光腋下脫毛療程脫毛部位 腋下脫毛

InventHelp patent help

InventHelp patent attorney services? InventHelp offers patent referral services to its clients. These referrals have resulted in more than 10,000 patents for InventHelp inventors. We can refer you to an independent patent attorney who will advise you on the necessary steps to take toward potentially patenting your idea. Discover additional details on How do you patent an idea with InventHelp. We give you our track record right up front.We only make a product claim if they are true. We make no promises and do not imply a likelihood of success.

Interpretations of the statute by the courts have defined the limits of the field of subject matter that can be patented, thus it has been held that the laws of nature, physical phenomena, and abstract ideas are not patentable subject matter. A patent cannot be obtained upon a mere idea or suggestion. The patent is granted upon the new machine, manufacture, etc., as has been said, and not upon the idea or suggestion of the new machine. A complete description of the actual machine or other subject matter for which a patent is sought is required.

We believe in providing invention services for everyday inventors to help them prepare to submit their ideas to companies. With our prototype modeling services, invention websites, patent referral services, and more, it has never been easier to submit your idea to companies. Of course, we do not promise you will obtain profits from our efforts. Although there is no guarantee for success with your idea, our goal is to give inventors the tools and opportunities to do something with their idea. Discover extra information at how to patent an idea with InventHelp.

Why should I consider getting a patent? According to patent attorney Sean Kaufhold, a patent may be advisable in the following situations: The product is clearly a combination or modification of something already found in the marketplace or something that already has a patent.The inventor has determined the invention can be marketed or produced in such a way that it can be profitable and the costs of obtaining a patent do not outweigh the potential profit. The details of the invention have been worked out and it does not require much more time and experimentation. The invention is better suited for patent protection rather than trade secret protection.

Although there are no legal obligations for patent agents, state courts have also imposed confidentiality obligations for patent attorneys. However, the duty of confidentiality for patent agents is not as strong as that imposed on attorneys, and the state bar’s rules don’t directly govern the conduct of patent agents. Regardless, patent agents are obligated by law to maintain the confidentiality of their clients. So, it is advisable to protect your business’s information by not disclosing it to your patent attorney. When writing a patent application, it’s imperative to use non-gendered pronouns, such as “she” instead of “she”. The use of these words can result in confusion and ambiguity. Instead, state clearly who performs an action. Minor mistakes can have major implications. Always seek professional proofreading to avoid any mistakes. Likewise, avoid using personal pronouns when hiring a patent attorney. See more details on how do you patent an idea with InventHelp.

Before hiring a patent attorney, get an accurate estimate of the fees you’ll incur. You should also ask for references and testimonials from other clients, and be wary of any firm that is reluctant to disclose its clientele. This can tell you a lot about their working style and personality. You should work with an honest patent attorney who will be upfront about the costs associated with a project. The costs involved in patenting can easily be over $30k, but you can’t be certain until you know exactly what you’ll be spending.

In August of 2011, the InventHelp DataBank® submitted a brochure of Barbara’s Perfect Pan to New York-based Chef’s Planet, a company that designs, manufactures, and markets a broad range of kitchen housewares products around the world. Founded in 2002, Chef’s Planet products are available for purchase at retailers such as William’s-Sonoma, Bed Bath & Beyond, Sur La Table, and hundreds of independent kitchenware stores. After receiving the brochure, the National Sales Manager from Chef’s Planet, John Cooper, contacted Intromark Incorporated, InventHelp’s sister licensing company, for more information about the invention. After a few conversations with Chef’s Planet, Intromark Licensing Executive Justine Mayowski, and the inventor, negotiations began to establish a license agreement for the Perfect Pan. After two months, Intromark negotiated a royalty and advance for Barbara. See more info at InventHelp.

The climb of a day trading strategist : Candace Pendleton

The ascent of a trading futures specialist : Candace Pendleton? I’m not your typical day-trader. I’m a mother who struggled for years to provide for my family. Twenty years ago I was married to a wonderful man (Bill) with the perfect family. We had two babies under the age of three and life was perfect… until Bill was diagnosed with terminal cancer at the age of 47. He died 62 days later. The shock was nothing less than crippling. With very little money and no skills, the only thing I had left was the determination to never give up. A tiny ray of light appeared when I discovered day trading futures. And just like every newbie, I took trading courses and begin trading.

Candace Pendleton is a prolific trader and mentor with over two decades of experience day trading the futures market. Using her system and coaching, thousands of people trade profitably and achieve financial freedom. She founded 123EasyTrade in 2010 and Commodities University in 2015. Good Morning Candace! I have to share my tradings with you, I started trading to day at 7:15 a.m. and stop by 9:00 a.m. I made $3,260.00. Hooray!! I use all my entries very wisely. Thank you sooo much! Have a great day!!! Marta. Dear Candace, Traded for 1 hour on Crude with 2 contracts made around $350 live money. rode some pretty good trends. Was up $550 then quit for the day. Your system is perfecto! Tomas R.

These traders are typically looking for easy profits from arbitrage opportunities and news events. Their resources allow them to capitalize on these less risky day trades before individual traders can react. Individual traders often manage other people’s money or simply trade with their own. Few have access to a trading desk, but they often have strong ties to a brokerage due to the large amounts they spend on commissions and access to other resources. However, the limited scope of these resources prevents them from competing directly with institutional day traders. Instead, they are forced to take more risks. Individual traders typically day trade using technical analysis and swing trades—combined with some leverage—to generate adequate profits on small price movements in highly liquid stocks.

Keep in mind that there’s plenty more to learn once you have successfully completed our trading education course. You can easily register as a member of our trading education website. Here you will receive access to numerous free trading education materials, such as quizzes, articles and insights and become part of a vast network of like-minded individuals who can also help you on your quest to learn how to effectively trade. Last but not least, our 1-2-1 trading education is now offered not just face-to-face but also online via webinars, allowing you to take part from wherever you are. All of the trading course materials will be recorded for your future convenience, allowing you to re-visit and refresh your knowledge later on.

Hi Candace, I made my first live trade on March 31st. I was getting tired of seeing the inactivity fee coming out of my account every month, so I determined to take a trade in a slow market that I could pop in and out of without a lot of risk. I found this Roberto and though it was close to support, I thought it might also hit support before bouncing back so I pulled the trigger…live!!!! It worked in just a few seconds and I trapped it as soon as I had some green. It was one contract and I made 9 ticks. It was very empowering to realize that I had just made some real money! I had been so hesitant to get in live because my account is so small…and getting smaller with the inactivity fees…but I was getting between the rock and hard place. I had to do something while I still had margin to work with.

Wise day traders use only risk capital that they can afford to lose. This protects them from financial ruin and helps eliminate emotion from their trading decisions. A large amount of capital is often necessary to capitalize effectively on intraday price movements, which can be in pennies or fractions of a cent. Adequate cash is required for day traders who intend to use leverage in margin accounts. Volatile market swings can trigger big margin calls on short notice. Day Trading Strategies: A trader needs to have an edge over the rest of the market. Day traders use any of a number of strategies, including swing trading, arbitrage, and trading news. They refine these strategies until they produce consistent profits and limit their losses.

Trading practice shows that in any market and assets (currency pairs, stocks, futures) up to 80% of transactions open on the trend end in profit. And for binary options signals with a predetermined expiration time, the presence of an explicit price direction is mandatory. Let’s start by defining what a trend is: Uptrend or «bullish». Each next price maximum (top) and minimum (trough) is higher than the previous one. Downtrend or «bearish». Each next max/min is lower than the previous one. To simplify the analysis, trend lines are plotted on the chart after at least three max/min. Training courses binary options for newbies recommend opening trades only in the direction of the main trend.

Who is Candace Pendleton and some of her commodity trading expert achievements: Day traders are attuned to events that cause short-term market moves. Trading based on the news is one popular technique. Scheduled announcements such as the release of economic statistics, corporate earnings, or interest rate announcements are subject to market expectations and market psychology. That is, markets react when those expectations are not met or are exceeded—usually with sudden, significant moves which can greatly benefit day traders.

Patek Philippe geneve price

Patek Philippe Dubai? While a Rolex caliber is a very high-quality piece of mechanical machinery, it’s missing that extra detail, that superb finishing that you will find in an AP watch such as the motifs, the engraving which you will rarely if ever find in a Rolex. In fact, most Rolexes have solid case backs that won’t even let you even see the movement or its action. However, where Rolex stands out in terms of cratsmanship is that they produce highly durable watches. Their Rolex Explorer collection, for example, is a watch that was taken to some of the harshest conditions known to man to see if it will withstand the extreme conditions. It’s said that in the extreme conditions in which Rolex watches are tested, no human can survive. It’s the type of watch you can certainly wear every day and not have to worry about. See more details on Patek Philippe ladies diamond watch.

Patek Philippe has mastered every aspect of fine watchmaking – from the hand-winding two-hand watch and “standard” complications with functions like an annual calendar or second time zone, to sophisticated masterpieces with minute repeaters, tourbillons, and split-seconds chronographs. Masterful artisan craftsmanship goes hand-in-hand with the use of modern, high-tech machinery. This level of expertise cannot be achieved overnight. Patek Philippe has been in existence for 177 years and has produced watches continuously during this time, resulting in an immense amount of experience that is passed on from one generation of watchmaker to the next.

When Swatch launched the Sistem51 — an autonomously assembled automatic movement boasting a 90-hour power reserve — it was a revelation, but its plastic case limited its appeal. Now you can get the same movement cased up in stainless steel, making it a more versatile option for everyday wear. No list of dirt-cheap watches is complete without the Seiko 5. Originally launched in 1963, the 5 has cultivated a feverish following amongst watch fans for its utilitarian mechanical movement and the value it provides. The Seiko 5 comes in many iterations, and the “Sea Urchin” dive watch is one of our favorites. In addition to using Seiko’s workhorse 7S36 automatic movement, it comes adorned with a unidirectional countdown bezel and steel bracelet.

TAG Heuer, founded in 1860 by Edouard Heuer in St-Imier, Switzerland, and long a favorite of motorsports enthusiasts, is a name that commands instant respect in every watch-loving quarter. Only occasionally are any of their pieces attainable under the £1K mark — and when they are, you should definitely drop the coin. With a rubber strap and stainless steel case, this watch is ideal for rugged adventures. While it is not suited for scuba diving, it is capable of withstanding up to 660 ft of water. In addition, the iconic Formula 1 model has the distinction of having been worn by actual Formula 1 drivers. An updated pilot watch is a sharp style that adds something interesting to any watch collection, thanks to its intricate looking chronographs and large numbers you can read at the quickest of glances. Alpina is known for its pilot watches and movements, so if you are looking for one under £1,000, this is the brand to beat. This clean timepiece on a stainless steel bracelet also looks great with a T-shirt and jeans since it has been designed with the modern man’s movements in mind.

The next factor in our wooden watch guide that you need to pay attention to when purchasing a new wood watch is movement. The movement ought to be of high quality. Movement is the mechanism that helps to move a watches’ hands. There are two major movements which are mechanical and quartz. The latter is the most common as it is cheaper, if we compare it to the former. It is also extremely reliable and efficient. A mechanical watch usually has a smooth, weeping motion while a quartz watch has a “tick-tick” movement of the second hand. Some common quartz movements are: Swiss Quartz and Japanese Miyota Quartz movements. Although both are accurate, the Swiss movement is usually more accurate. You will certainly know whether a watch uses Swiss Movement as all of them have “Swiss Movement” engraved somewhere on the watch. Due to its reliability a watch that uses Swiss movement will normally have an extra cost.

Prospex LX SNR031, 44.8mm black super-hard coated titanium case, black silicone strap. Japan’s foremost watchmaker started as a jewellery shop in 19th-century Ginza, specialising in clocks. Now it’s famous for making outstanding watches at every price point, using entirely in-house processes, right down to concocting lubricating oils. Its new Prospex LX line is a three-part sports watch range encompassing land, air and sea, nodding to its Professional Diver’s watch from 1968; a fan favourite. Combining heritage looks with modern build methods, the Prospex LX SNR031 dive watch is a collaboration with the industrial supercar designer Ken Okuyama, noted for his work with Ferrari. Technical notes include a substantial 44.8mm case, a 5R spring drive movement, a 72-hour power reserve, water resistance to 300m and a titanium case that’s been “Zaratsu” (blade) polished, achieving that mirrored finish — just look at the light dance off it. See even more details on

Top rated crypto fraud recovery tips with Chargeback Pros in 2022

Top rated money recovery trends with Chargeback Pros? Losing track of vital information about the cryptocurrency scam can significantly affect your ability to recover your money from the scammer. Because of this, it’s crucial to document the situation accurately and properly. Whether it’s text messages, emails, or other correspondence, make sure to keep track of these sources of information for fund recovery purposes. Moreover, you should also secure access to the accounts where the funds originate. This is especially true when the investigators will require you to prove the ownership of the crypto account to expedite the investigation. Find extra info at recover lost nft services.

Subscribing to a cloud service lets you hand over data-security duties to a company that specializes in handling these things. It’s also an easy way for employees to retrieve data remotely, although you should definitely control and limit access to the cloud account. Cloud services can monitor employee Internet use. But also be aware that you can’t just sit back and relax when you have a cloud service — they won’t make you invincible. You have to cede a lot of control to a third party and trust them to be reliable, which can be an uneasy proposition. Most experts recommend backing up your data to both a hard drive and the cloud. You can decrease your vulnerability to cybercrime — or at least minimize the damage of an attack — with a few pretty low-tech precautions. They require some time and effort, but you should be able to do it without outside help. First, you need to be aware of all the information that your business contains, from the minor stuff to the valuable records whose loss would be devastating. Record where it’s stored, exactly who has access to it, if it’s connected to the Internet (which makes it more vulnerable) and what its value is to you.

A terrible scam-azon (Yes, that deal really is too good to be true): How it works: You’re doing some online shopping, as one does. You see what looks like a great deal on Amazon, a site you totally trust, and place an order. What’s really going on: The seller’s a scammer; they’re going to send you a counterfeit product, or nothing at all, and they’ll still get your money. The big picture: These scammers take advantage of Amazon’s policies to profit. They post delivery dates that are three or four weeks from the date of purchase. Since Amazon pays its sellers every two weeks, the scammers will receive payment long before you discover that it was a scam. This scam technique hurts not just buyers, but other sellers as well. Rob Ridgeway, who sells board games through Amazon, complains that fake sellers are stealing his business. He’s reported many of the scammers to Amazon, but more just keep coming. “I continue to play ‘whack-a-mole,’ trying to remove fake sellers,” Ridgeway told BuzzFeed News. Avoidance maneuver: Watch out for new sellers (also known as “just launched” sellers), and take a careful look at the seller’s reviews before you buy from him or her. If you do fall victim to a scam, contact Amazon; their A-to-Z guarantee says that they have to refund you if you received a fake product (or none at all).

Did you receive an unexpected check in the mail and think, “Great! Free money?” Not so fast. Cashing that unexpected “windfall” may result in losses, reveal your personal financial information to scammers, or both. If you receive a check from FINRA, do not cash it—unless you have a current business relationship with FINRA. Call (301) 590-6500 to speak with a FINRA staff member. According to the latest data from the Federal Trade Commission, complaints about fake check scams remain in the “Top 10 Fraud Categories” and were on the rise during the first quarter of 2021. Whether the check appears to be from FINRA, your broker-dealer or other legitimate business, think twice before attempting cash it. These checks may arrive by special delivery and require a recipient’s signature, but don’t be fooled. That’s all part of the ploy to make the check seem legitimate.

Some examples of recent attacks include a $650,000 phishing scam of a MetaMask wallet user targeted by a hacker posing as an Apple employee. MetaMask’s response, which was criticized at the time by community members, was to issue a warning to users whose data were susceptible to hackers because their iCloud backups include their password-encrypted MetaMask vault. Earlier this week, a Moonbirds NFT holder lost 29 of his Ethereum-based Moonbirds, worth around $1.5 million at the time, after signing a bad transaction on a fake trading site he reached by clicking a malicious link shared by a scammer. The victim was a member of the Proof Collective, a private group of 1,000 dedicated NFT (non-fungible token) collectors and artists. Although the scammer was identified, only an FBI report was filed.

Top rated TV shows in 2022

Most watched hot movies right now? If you’re wondering why this family-friendly movie is on this list, it’s because Spy Kids has received a lot of praise for its clever narrative. Also, despite being a kid’s movie, it’s a riveting watch for adults. Gregorio and Ingrid, two agents from different spy agencies who fall in love and start a family, are brought to life by the movie’s must-see sets and visual tricks. Years later, the former spies are added to the MIA list after a string of disappearances. Carmen, 12 years old, and Juni, 9, work together to safeguard them from oncoming danger. Read additional details on 99reel.

With echoes of 2001, director Sebastian Cordero’s innovatively structured thriller enthralls with not only its apparent scientific accuracy, but the passion it portrays among a class of people historically characterized by pocket protectors, taped eyewear and social awkwardness. Aboard the Europa One (Kubrick’s vessel was called the Discovery One), the six scientists bound for Europa, one of Jupiter’s moons (HAL and his crew were headed for the gas giant itself), are living, breathing human beings, with families and fears, ambition and emotions. They’re also just smarter than most of us and on a mission more significant than any of us will experience ever in our lives. The stakes are high in this mock doc/faux found-footage mystery, in which the privately funded space exploration company Europa Ventures issues a documentary on the fate of its first manned mission to investigate the possibility of alien life within our solar system. The sacrifices may be steep, but Europa Report is convinced—and wants to convince you—that a certain amount of horror is likely what it will take to explore such frontiers.

Several words about streaming services : The Morgan Freeman-narrated March of the Penguins is just one of the family-friendly titles on Hulu. You can also find curiosities such as Three Identical Strangers, a film about brothers separated at birth and raised under very different circumstances, and Fyre Fraud, which details the story behind the failed Fyre Festival in 2017. Our roundup of documentary streaming services should appeal to any fans of the genre. Hulu has hundreds of anime titles, such as My Hero Academia, Himouto! Umaru-chan, and One-Punch Man. Older classics, such as Cowboy Bebop, FLCL, Ghost in the Shell, Naruto Shippuden, Ranma 1/2, Rurouni Kenshin, Slayers, and Trigun are also present. Hulu only falls short of Crunchyroll in this category, with the latter hosting a much larger library of content. Crunchyroll, and by extension VRV, also has the upper hand on Hulu and Netflix in terms of simulcast shows.

Bio-terror comes in corrupting forms in The Beach House, whose contagion-based scares speak, subtly if severely, to our present moment. On a Cape Cod getaway, aspiring astrobiologist Emily (liana Liberato) and her going-nowhere boyfriend Randall (Noah Le Gros) wind up sharing accommodations with fiftysomething couple Jane (Maryann Nagel) and Mitch (Jake Weber), friends of Randall’s dad. Drinks and hallucinogenic edibles help alleviate the initial awkwardness of this get-together, but the good times are fleeting, thanks to a strange mist emanating from the dark, furious depths of the ocean, which contaminates the area with glowing Lovecraftian foliage and giant, slimy organisms. The normal order is quickly turned on its axis—quite literally, in one unforgettable shot—as alien forces infest, infect and annihilate. Aided by Liberato’s accomplished performance, first-time writer/director Jeffrey A. Brown stages his mayhem with assured efficiency, creating an air of impenetrable mystery through uneasy silence, compositions that devolve into cascading bubbles and a squishy foot-surgery sequence that would make body-horror maestro David Cronenberg proud.

Director Kitty Green’s scripted debut depicts a long day in the life of a low-level drone at an unnamed New York film studio not unlike the Weinstein Company. Jane (Julia Garner) takes calls and makes copy and scrubs the bodily fluids off the couch in her boss’ office, all with the same look of grim understanding that this is what she has to endure to get ahead in her dream industry. Spare and devastating, The Assistant serves up a portrait of an abusive workplace in which the behavior of the unseen man at its head trickles down to inform the power dynamics and behavior of the rest of the company. That includes HR, to which Jane pays a visit in a brutal centerpiece scene that emphasizes what it’s like when the only choices open seem to be to become complicit or to give up.